
作者&投稿:五夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

嘿!问几号的话得用”what’s the date today?”
what day is it today问的可是“今天是星期几?”。

今天几号的英文是what's the date today。date是日期的意思,今天几号的英语提问是What's the date today或what's today's date,回答是Today is。而What day is it today则是问今天是星期几。英文日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。

What's the date today?

what day is it today
what's the date today

what's the date today?
what day is it today?

what date is it today?
what's date today?

嘿!问几号的话得用”what’s the date today?”
what day is it today问的可是“今天是星期几?”。

what‘s the date day?

前天,the day before yesterday;昨天,yesterday;今天,today;明天,tomorrow;后天,the day after tomorrow;大后天,in 3 days;大大后天,in 4 days免费试听课领取:【点击领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包】试听完之后,还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告,以及公开课免费看。很多学员表...

英语一般有两种问日期的方式:1.What day is(it)today?2.What’s the date today?例句:-What day is(it) today? -It’s Wednesday. \/Today is Wednesday.-What’s the date today? -It’s March 20th.

1日: first (1st)2日: second (2nd)3日: third (3rd)4日: fourth (4th)5日: fifth (5th)6日: sixth (6th)7日: seventh (7th)8日: eighth (8th)9日: ninth (9th)10日: tenth (10th)11日: eleventh (11th)12日: twelfth (12th)13日: thirteenth (1...

What's the date today?今天几号。Today is April the second.(读音)(写法)April 2nd.

有的,几号是 what is the date today 哪天是 what day is today 主要提问星期几

1后加st 2后加nd 3后加rd,大于三的都加th



what is it toda?

What day is it today和What day is today是什么关系?二者相同吗?_百度...
如果要问今天是几月几号,用 what's the date today?没有错,在"What day is it today?"中"today" 是作副词,表示时间状语,即在今天,这个说法和"What time is it, now?"的说法一样.当然"today"也可以作名词,所以"What day is tody?"的说法也可以.以后最好去英语的地方问,这里英语文盲太多...

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几月几日.英语的2种说法 -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] 应该是: what is the date today? what date is it today? what's the day today? 的意思是今天星期几?

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几号怎样用英语回答 -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] 问:What is the date today?今天是几号 答:Today is February 4th.今天是2月4号.

正宁县19544841460: 英语中,问日期有那几种问法,各自又该怎么回答? -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] 日常生活中怎样用英语询问日期和时间 ●询问时间 今天几号? What's today's date? Fill out the form.(请填这张表.) What's today's date?(今天几号?) It's the tenth.(今天10号.) What date is it today? What's the date? What's the date today? 8月...

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几号 英语 -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] What's the date today What's the A few of today What's the Today is the date

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几号用英语有几种说法 -
斗顺牛黄: What's the date today?

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几号用英语怎么说 -
斗顺牛黄: What is the date today?

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几号,今天星期几各用英语怎么说? -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] What's the date today?这句话既问几号,也问星期几 What day is it today?只问星期

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几月几日.英语的2种说法 -
斗顺牛黄: 应该是:what is the date today?what date is it today?what's the day today? 的意思是今天星期几?

正宁县19544841460: 今天是几号,今天星期几,分别用英文怎样说. -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] 今天几号 what is today's day 今天星期几 what is the day this week

正宁县19544841460: 几月几日用英语怎么说?是May First还是May One?还有“今天几号?”和“今天星期几?”怎么说? -
斗顺牛黄:[答案] 几月几日用英语怎么说?是May the First “今天几号?”What's the date today? “今天星期几?”what day is it today

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