
作者&投稿:廉农 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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Love - indeed beautiful, attracted many students actually bow! However, in the end the students should not fall in love? That many students have such doubts and confusion. Consider these two points clear whether the fall in love. For love, I have some own views, would also like to share with you about.
I do not think college students should not fall in love, so not only affects learning and wasted time, and who if they were insincere, would only have added their own troubles, such as the future capital of their own time and go on, like more secure, leaving his heart to operate.
My view is that the best students do not fall in love. I paid a girlfriend at school, in the absence of her before, I have been concerned in the study and school work, but with the introduction of her, my heart every day, only she, in no place other things. Friends and classmates have said that I was not before me, I admit it, but I can not do without her, perhaps I was too special circumstances, but it is not very good. Many people say dating should be said to exercise themselves, as is the case that she called love it? Distort the meaning of it?
The majority of people in developed areas is very result-oriented process, so they will not care about the consequences of, as long as two people were like happy, even if the final heartache the tears away. Some people just think of responsibility, and self and his / her feelings of responsibility, do not want to hurt each other, often will be very careful! That if you are experiencing a heart's still worth trying. But do not just pay a single, if not each other's heart, the ultimate injury is you!


to f.uck or not to fu.ck??

Teachers let me into the house, then followed himself in, closed the door. He looked with interest, when looked at. He had me from behind and gently holding his waist. At this point, I will face my Hemi posted on the back of generous teacher. I have already waited too long, so come now, you can not let go. I felt unlimited happiness of my whole body is wrapped, tightly tied, let me let go. At the same time that happiness has also caught my soul, my mind. Does not allow me to do more thinking and judging.
When I firmly affixed to his body when the body of the teacher, the teacher clearly felt my chest rise and fall with haste. However, the teacher forced the own impulse, keeps his mind clear. He compared me, after all, a mature man, married man. Experience life more than me, there are family responsibilities. These allow him to such and such a student contacts.
Teachers no longer feel his breathing start smoothly, the whole body heat. An impulse of desire in his heart began to form a wave, then burst to burst towards the embankment he maintained unleashed.
He held out his hand, grabbed my hand, he tried to separate my hand. However, gone, everything gone. When his hands come into contact with my hands together when the skin by direct contact, as will the current shuttle line. Teachers no longer try to divide my hand, but hard to grasp. He felt my skin smooth and delicate elastic. He could not help imagining this beautiful girl's body mystery. Hero becomes a prisoner, not to mention teacher?
Everything has come to getting out of control. Teachers no longer have their own mind is a teacher, a married man these relationships. He turned to take the initiative to me in his arms, and I his back, he saw my red lips. He gently his lips up at once. Ah, what a wonderful feeling, this is a married teacher has never had a marvelous feeling. I did not dodge his lips, we are so lucky to still a bit wild, embrace the. They both backward until the bed.
In the teacher's eyes, my face and my body like a perfect charm, impeccable, but also the soul of intake. He used his scholar's slender hand in my body lovingly and gently stroking back and forth. Dianluandaofeng, emergence immortality. This is the first time that the teacher felt the beauty of sex.
Just then, someone opened the door in, then the teacher not scared of three six-soul spirit, the kind of tenderness that Miyi Yeah, all of all of his body from the full run without the shadow. He suddenly pushed me aside, sat up quickly to their own. He reached his own that he finds pieces of T shirt. But the clothes were not in bed. Just kind of blowing hot and cold, and which will also take into account the clothes put away. He found ranging from clothes, the door opened.
Teacher at this time pumping himself wished he could have a harsh slap in the face a few. Finally brought to light the thing is. He was known as the youth of this model of university teachers. Actually will be under someone else's ignorant and stripped naked, this is not the focus, focus with their students in the dormitory with stripped naked. It also requires defending it? It really is bad to the extreme. Let teachers regret most is that bin should be dressed after, then sit together to talk with the students, so that other people saw it, whatever the outcome, it will not be such a fool of myself. But he is forgetting the situation, the student body had too much nostalgia. This will be guys, and let people taking it every has. If after this spread out, he is not only no way to Professor Xiang Lao his benefactor gives a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid that he may be the school a demerit. Even demerits such light punishment, but its also on the podium to teach you? He also had this status?

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锻咽石榴: 自己挑吧.有长有短.http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q757783952.htm?si=4http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q871642118.htm?si=2 下面是一篇不赞成的 As a college student, campus is our home, a warm and sunny house, you can find the vigor to live and ...

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锻咽石榴: I think all of you can understand Chinese, since that is the case, then we get down to brass tacks.然后你就可以畅所欲言了.

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锻咽石榴: A:So today will talk about whether students in college should make a relationship.B:Fine.A:First of all,what's your attitude in this topic ?B:Well ,first you should know that it is popular now in college .A:Fair enough .这样的可以不,可以我接着打,,

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锻咽石榴: 这个话题挺容易写的就是不知道站在什么立场上去写.如果说是两个人对话就容易多了.试着来一个,水平不高,如有问题见笑了!Hi,mate You lood a little bit gloomy, what's going on?I just don't really feel good probably I'm just sort of homesick....

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锻咽石榴: love is one of the most important emotions of human beings. We use "love" to express our feelings and improve our social relationships. It's a good idea for college students to know what love is during the precious time in college. First because, ...

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