
作者&投稿:东郭德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用neither的话,表示“两者都否定”,neither开头的话后面的句子要进行部分倒装,语序应该是这样的:neither will his wife.(这里用will就可以了,不yao用won't),A的话没有倒装,所以不行;而用either表示两者中的一个是这样的,那么另外一个也是这样的,用在否定句的时候要加上相应的否定词。D,答案表示的是他老婆也不会来这里,主语his wife放于句首无需倒装,句子是将来时,将来时的否定用won't。

How to protect our environment
We all know it is becoming more and more important to protect our environment well.We should stop cutting down trees ,dropping litter everywhere and throwing waste before it is processed. It has caused lots of problems such as much rich land becomes desert;Rivers become dirty ;The air is becoming worse and worse ;The temperature is becoming hotter and hotter.So we must do something to change the situation.We'd better walk or ride bikes to work or go to school instead of driving a car,We mustn't use plastic bags.Our government must take some measures to prevent factories producing smoking etc.

1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.D
1.to help that child是做定语修饰 what she could 。这句话的意思是:这位老师尽她所能的去帮助那个孩子。
2. do you think 是插入语,这句话的意思是:您认为这些发明中哪个是第二个最有用的?因为是“这些发明中的第二个最有用的”所以用最高级形式。
4.这句话是感叹句,针对名词感叹用What ,way是可数的所以加不定冠词a。它的意思是:从中国到美国是多么遥远的路途啊!
5.这句话的意思是:老师告诉我我想看望的学生们刚才被看见正在操场上踢足球。I wanted to see 是做定语修饰the students ,that the students were seen to be playing football on the playground just now.是宾语从句。see sb do sth变成被动语态时应该说成: be seen to do sth , to 不能省略。
6.这句话的意思是:不要忘记你加入共青团的那一天。you were received into the Youth League是定语从句修饰the day ,它应该是一个陈述句,所以选B

7.这句话的意思是:刚刚开始史密斯先生就做出决定一切我们去找医生。 It was at the very beginning __ 是强调句,所以用that。而we should send for a doctor是a decision 的同位语 所以用that连接。
“第二有用 ”的英语说法:the second useful

1.The teacher did what she could _D_ that child.
A to help B helping C helped D helps
2.Which of these do you think is A useful invention?
A the more B the second more C most D the second most
3.I don,t think the movie is nice. No,it,s the the _D_ I,ve ever seen.
A same B different C best D worst
4. _B_ long way it is from China to America!
A What B What a C How D How a
感叹句有两个固定模式,一个是what a ...it is 另一个是how + adj sth/sb is
5.The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen _A_ football on the playground just now.
A playing B to be playing C play D to play
有just now所以用过去进行时
6.Don,t forget the day _A you were received into the Youth League.
A when B that Cat which D where
the day 所以要时间副词 that一般引导宾语从句此处不适合at which=where所以A
7.It was at the very beginning _B Mr.Smith made a decision __ we should send for a doctor.
A what,that B that,which C which,that D that,that
it is that是强调句式,made a decision 后接的是宾语从句


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.D

“三”的英语:Three three:英 [θriː] 美 [θri] 。n、三,三个。num、三。adj、三的,三个的。短语:three years 三年,盼三年。three months 三个月。three times 三次。three dimensional 三维的;立体的。the three gorges 三峡。three hours 三小时。three kingdoms 三国(中国古...

三的英语是three,three是名词、数词、形容词,作名词时意思是“三,三个”,作数词时意思是“三”,作形容词时意思是“三的,三个的”。例句 1、我们的食物足够维持三天。We've got enough food to last us for three days.2、她吃了三盘意大利面条。She ate three platefuls of spaghetti.3...

你好!三 three 英[θri:] 美[θri]num. 三; 三个; 第三(章,页等);n. 三岁; 三个人[东西]; 三,三个;adj. 三的; 三个的;[例句]We waited three months before going back to see the specialist.我们等了3个月才回去见那位专家。

三的英语是:three 英 [θriː] 美 [θriː]n. 三,三个 num. 三 adj. 三的,三个的 [ 复数 threes ]短语 Three Kingdoms 三国 ; 星际三国 ; 三国志 ; 三国演义 The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手 ; 三剑客 ; 豪情三剑客 three treasures 三宝 ; 三件宝贝 例句:We waited...

1、“三”的英语Three three英 θri#720 美 θrin 三,三个 num 三 adj 三的,三个的 短语three years 三年,盼三年 three months 三个月 three times 三次 three dimensional 三维的立体的 t;三的英文是three,three读音英 θri 美 θri num三三个第三章,页等n三岁三个人东西三,三...

three:1、意思:num. 三 n. 三;三个 adj. 三个的 2、发音:英 [θriː]     美 [θriː]3、例句:He is only a child of three.他只是一个三岁的孩子。4、词汇搭配:figure three 三字形 three dimension 三维的 ...

三的英语单词怎么写 three
1. 三的英语是:Three。读音:英 [θriː];美 [θri]n.2.Three是一个英文单词,主要用作为名词、数词、形容词,作名词时翻译为“三,三个”;作数词时译为“三”;作形容词时翻译为“三的,三个的”。

三的英文:three。three,英 [θriː],美 [θriː]num. 三 n. 三;三个 adj. 三个的 例句:He is only a child of three.他只是一个三岁的孩子。1-10的英文 1、one[wʌn]2、two[tu]3、three[θriː]4、four[fɔː]5、five[faɪv]6、...

三英语单词怎么读:three英[θriː],美[θriː]。一、three Three是一个英文单词,主要用作为名词、数词、形容词。作名词时翻译为“三,三个”;作数词时译为“三”;作形容词时翻译为“三的,三个的”。单词变形:复数threes。二、three的例句 1、The three spectators seemed quite ...

three 英 [θriː] 美 [θriː]n. 三,三个 num. 三 adj. 三的,三个的 短语 Three Kingdoms 三国 ; 星际三国 ; 三国志 ; 三国演义 The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手 ; 三剑客 ; 豪情三剑客

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湾里区18323661100: 初三英语作文,需15篇,每篇80词左右,谁有? -
狄辉护天:[答案] 【1】A Day to RememberIt was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.We got there at...

湾里区18323661100: 初三英语 -
狄辉护天: 11 teeth 12 empty 13 spoke 或spake 14 enjoying 15 easily 16 successful17 umbrella 18 wrong 19 returned 20 science21 B...

湾里区18323661100: 初三英语没基础英语完全没基础·怎嘛办是积累词汇量 还是··· 3000个 不可能7个月全记下来吧·而且还有其他科目···英语要打B啊··· -
狄辉护天:[答案] 词汇量的积累,不要单纯的背单词,多读文章,在文章中记忆,这样还一个提高语感 如果英语还没入门的话,建议找个老师帮忙辅导一下 再就是做题,做题,在做题,不求数量,但求质量 来自:良师益友伴你行团队的解答~ 祝学习进步~\(^o^)/~ ...

湾里区18323661100: 怎么快速提高初三英语成绩我现在初三了,可是英语成绩就是提不起来,我这个急啊,请各位有经验的老师、同学们教一下我怎么可以英语成绩,谢谢! -
狄辉护天:[答案] 你可以每天做几道英语阅读题 遇到不会的单词不要急于查 要学会猜 这也是一个考试窍门 根据上下文分析. 等做完后再查 反复浏览几遍 .. 我现在也是初三 和你一样 每周坚持做几套英语模拟题 适应考试 至于词汇 .. 如果以前没好好巩固的话 我建议你不...

湾里区18323661100: 初三英语~ -
狄辉护天: 1 wheelchair [ 'hwi:l,tʃεə ] n. 轮椅 2 cheat [ tʃi:t ] vt. 欺骗;骗取 vi. 欺骗;作弊 3 trust in vt. 信任;依靠;存放 知识在于点滴积累,更在于不懈努力. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! ——另外,正在冲采纳率,请记得采用,谢谢合作! (*^__^*)

湾里区18323661100: 初三英语 -
狄辉护天: 1 D 很多人认为手机会制造噪音,voice及noise皆为不可数名词2 C 那只受伤的鸟在摔落前一直飞. A D后要接动词不定式to, B项为“试图”的意思,与句中的逻辑不符.

湾里区18323661100: 初三 英语 -
狄辉护天: 1The thief ran away when he heard the noise.He lived next to my house for a time last year.2 is finished 一...就...要考虑主句将来时,从句一般现在时as soon as :(adv.)"一...就...

湾里区18323661100: 初三英语 -
狄辉护天: 1.haven't2.times 3.expressing appeared 4.shinning 绝对正确!

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