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1。 Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province in northeastern China. 215 BC by the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang East tour this point, and sent into the sea named Immortality, is the only one who named the city the emperor appellation. Now the provincial cities in Hebei Province, a famous port city in northern China. Is the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 co-host cities
2。 Qinhuangdao Yanshan Mountains in the eastern hilly region and piedmont plains, the terrain from north to south, forming the northern mountains - Hilly Region - mountain basin area - alluvial plain - the coastal zone. Qinhuangdao is located in northern mountainous territory Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, more than 1,000 meters above sea level in the mountains there are mountains, ancestral Hill 4. Hilly region north of the mountain are mainly hilly areas, generally in the 100-200 meters above sea level, centrally located in the Lulong County and Funing County, Qinhuangdao City, the area is sweet, food crops and industrial and mining areas. Mountain basin area is located in Qinhuangdao City, northwest and northern regions of Funing, yanheying, Liujiang three large basins, the area is the main crop producing areas. Alluvial plain, mainly at an altitude of 0-20 meters in area, located in Funing and Changli County, the area of marine aquaculture, wine, tourism and other promising comprehensive industry is an important agricultural region. Coastal areas, mainly in the administrative district 3 district and Funing, Changli counties
3 。Qinhuangdao Yanshan Mountain is a mountain range eastern, mountain vegetation intact, there is a vast forest. Main tree species are pine, larch, orientalis, oak tree, more than 20 species of Populus. 435,951 hectares of forestry land, forest land area of 267,664 hectares of forest cover 34.45 percent, in second place in the province, higher than the national average. Composition in a forest, economic forest 111,626 ha, 23,972 ha commercial forest, protection forest 125,811 ha, special forest 6255 ha. Existing state-owned forest farm 6 (beach, the Bohai Sea, Mission forest, all mountain, the old Ling, Shanhaiguan), total business area of 48.82 million mu, forest land area of 20.54 hectares. The city's tree planting area of 105 mu, among which the development of superior new fruit trees in 2004 an area of 66.7 mu. Changli, Funing, Lung identified three counties by the State Forestry Administration to build advanced to the National Forest County; Changli, Dragon counties and the State Forestry Administration, respectively Shanhaiguan areas were also awarded the "China Grape", "hometown of Chinese apple" and " Hometown of Chinese Cherry "in the title.
4 。Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan combined military and civilian airport, the airport, the airport is located in the Qin - Qin Hill Road and - the coastal highway between the mountains, away from Qinhuangdao city (harbor area) of about 12.6 kilometers, according to Shanhaiguan area about 5 km, the airport area of 13.3 hectares, of which terminal The total area of 6200 square meters, 2,500 meters long runway, 50 meters wide, can accommodate Boeing 757 aircraft, etc. The following sizes. Have opened since the first operation in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Dalian, and more than 40 cities, now opened four routes, safe landing 149 vehicles in 2006, throughput of 11,916 passengers, cargo and mail 13.139 tons, from the first half of 2007 security down 326 sorties, the throughput of 28,424 passengers, cargo and mail 41.93 tons.

Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city known for its freezing-free nice port, historical town of Shanhaiguan and summer resort Beidaihe. Located in the northeast of Hebei Province with Bohai Sea on the south, Mt. Yanshan on the north, Liaoning Province on the east and Beijing and Tianjin to the west, Qinhuangdao joins Northeast China and North China as a transportation connection in the middle of Round Bohai Sea Economic Rim. Qinhuangdao covers a total area of 7812.4 square kilometers and has a population of 2.73 million.

In 215 BC, China’s first emperor Qinshihuang arrived in Jieshi (ancient name of Qinhuangdao) on his fourth eastern inspection and sent Lusheng and Han Zhong out to the sea to look for the immortal for him. Qinhuangdao thus got its name. Qinhuangdao is the only city in China that was named after an emperor.

Qinhuangdao has a long history of tourism. In 1898, the Qing Dynasty government opened Qinhuangdao as a commercial port and made Beidaihe a summer resort for foreigners. Well-known people came to Qinhuangdao from home and abroad in large numbers. In 1954, a great man Mao Zedong stood here watching the sea and wrote the immortal poem entitled “Langtousha Beidaihe”, which made Qinhuangdao known more widely. In 1979, the State Council confirmed Qinhuangdao a class A open up tourist city. In 1984, the State Council approved Qinhuangdao one of the first cities opened to the outside world. In 1998, Qinhuangdao was honorably entitled one of China’s first excellent tourist cities.

Qinhuangdao enjoys pleasant climate, splendid landscape and beautiful scenery with the Great Wall running through to make a world-known tourist resort. The coastline stretches 126.4 kilometers. Over 40 scenery areas such as the First Pass Under Heaven, the Old Dragon’s head, the Pigeons’ Nest, the Golden Beach, Emperor Qinshihuang’s Immortal-seeking Seaside, Mt. Zushan Scenic Area, Qinhuangdao Wildlife Park and Shanhaiguan Customs Museum, joining up to become a tourist system of the Great Wall, the beaches and ecological tours. The best liked among them are splendid tours of the Great Wall culture, beach holidays, historical surveys, bird-watching, celebrity villas, National Geology Park, mountain sightseeing and sports tours , together with local culture tours of Shanhaiguan Great Wall Festival, Lady Mengjiang Temple Fair, Sea-watching Fair and Changli Dry Red Wine Festival. Shanhaiguan and the Old Dragon’s Head, together with Beidaihe Beach are both elected “Top 40 Tourist Destinations of China”. Till 2003, the National Tourist Administration has granted 4 A titles to Shanhaiguan scenic areas (including the Old Dragon’s Head, the First Pass Under Heaven, Lady Mengjiang Temple and the Horn Hill), Xin’ao Marine World, the Wildlife Park, Nandaihe Amusement Center, Jifa Agricultural Sightseeing Park, Yansai Lake and Longevity Hill, the largest in number in Hebei Province.

Qinhuangdao has developed sufficient tourist functional services. 56 star hotels, over 400 health resorts, 180 thousand beds for visitors, 78 travel agencies, 96 designated hotels and shops and over 4500 tour buses can well satisfy tourist demands of eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment. Qinhuangdao receives over 8 million tourists a year. Tourism has become a backbone industry and a new economic growth point.

Qinhuangdao is home of fruits well known in northern China. Widely liked are crabs and prawns, Changli grapes, Shanhaiguan cherries and wild Chinese gooseberries, as well as chestnuts and walnuts.

Qinhuangdao enjoys sufficient transportation. State highways No. 102 and No. 205 and railways of Beijing-Shenyang, Beijing-Qinhuangdao, Datong-Qinhuangdao and Qinhuangdao-Shenyang express railway join in the city. The Beijing-Qinhuangdao expressway shortens the trip to Beijing to only 2 hours. Shanhaiguan Airport has flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and some other big cities. Passenger ship liners are in service from Qinhuangdao to Dalian, Yantai and Inchon of Korea. The developed transport network makes tours simple and easy in Qinhuangdao.

Qinhuangdao is building itself as a Great Wall seaside park to become a city strong in tourism. A pearl shining gloriously at Bohai Sea coast, Qinhuangdao will offer its visitors more splendid tours and wonderful holidays.

Qinhuangdao, known as "Beijing and back garden" of reputation. Has the Great Wall, coastal, ecological sound tourism. Shanhaiguan national historical and cultural city, a summer resort Beidaihe, Nandaihe Resort, Gold Coast Changli more than 40 scenic spots with unique charm, attracts millions of domestic and foreign tourists attracted to. Qinhuangdao within the hills, the Great Wall runs through the whole territory, is the Great Wall, one of the most essential site. Old leader, described as the first pass, longevity Hill, Cape Mount Great Wall, Temple of Lady Meng Jiang Yu been visitors such as the Great Wall series favor. World renowned tourist resort in Beidaihe, a beautiful, beautiful scenery.

Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city known for its freezing-free nice port, historical town of Shanhaiguan and summer resort Beidaihe. Located in the northeast of Hebei Province with Bohai Sea on the south, Mt. Yanshan on the north, Liaoning Province on the east and Beijing and ...

1。 Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province in northeastern China. 215 BC by the first emperor of China Qin Shi Huang East tour this point, and sent into the sea named Immortality, is the only one who named the city the emperor appellation. Now the provincial cities in Hebei Province, a f...

Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city known for its freezing-free nice port, historical town of Shanhaiguan and summer resort Beidaihe. Located in the northeast of Hebei Province with Bohai Sea on the south, Mt. Yanshan on the north, Liaoning Province on the east and Beijing and ...

Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city known for its freezing-free nice port, historical town of Shanhaiguan and summer resort Beidaihe. Located in the northeast of Hebei Province with Bohai Sea on the south, Mt. Yanshan on the north, Liaoning Province on the east and Beijing and ...

朋友,伸出你的手, You and me From one world We are family 编辑本段北京奥运会闭幕式主题曲 《爱的火焰》(英语:Flame of Love)为北京奥运会闭幕式的主题曲。由中国女歌唱家宋祖英与西班牙男高音普拉西多·多明哥合唱。这首歌由北京奥运会闭幕式音乐总监卞留念谱曲。 参考资料: http:\/\/www.beijing2008.cn...

在这个暑假里,我认真完成了各科的作业和一张“暑假快乐行” 手抄报 。 除了认真完成老师布置的作业以外,我还阅读了大量的不同类型的课外书。有 儿童 文学、 童话故事 、古典名著…… 除了看课外书,我还做了许多事:用橡皮泥做手工、拼装木质帆船模型、画画、下棋……今年暑假我还去了山东长岛游玩,既开阔了我的...


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湖滨区19565117266: 急求!英文介绍秦皇岛 -
店纪欧维: Qinhuangdao Port is a strategically important port on China and is the largest coal shipping port in the country, much of which is shipped to power plants elsewhere in China. With recent expansion, its capacity has reached 209 million metric tons. ...

湖滨区19565117266: 英语手抄报内容 爱国爱家 -
店纪欧维: love (my) county, love (my) home

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店纪欧维: 秦皇岛是个美丽的滨海城市!我们都喜欢夏天去那里.Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city! We all like to go there in the summer.

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湖滨区19565117266: 我喜欢秦皇岛用英文怎么说
店纪欧维: I like Qinhuangdao

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