
作者&投稿:施馨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ If you meet trouble
Everyone meets trouble. It is said, "No pains, no gains". We all know that proverb but it is still a tough task when we face it.
One thing we should realize is that, everyone would feel disappointed or sad when they meet difficulties, not only yourself. So the most important thing is to have a good attitude.
Another thing to remember is that, most difficulties will be resolved, no matter how long it finally lasts. When we understand this, we might have a little bit more confidence to overcome it. The thing to remember is, if we stick to it, even if the going gets tough, in the end, the results will be good.
I shouldn't say that efforts will certainly lead to success, but if we don't try hard, the result will definitely turn out to be a failure.
If you don't want to regret when you gets old and say, "I should have done that", then you must devote yourself to overcoming difficulties from now on.
With a bit more effort we might have done it. With a bit more effort, we might get more treasures among which lies in courage, will-power and a growth.

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下面分享3篇范文,供您参考。 作文1:解决生活中的困难 生活中我们常常会面临各种各样的困难,而我在面对困难时,通常采取以下三个步骤来解决问题。 我会冷静思考和分析困难的原因和本质。只有明确了问题的根源,才能找到解决问题的方向。例如,如果我在学习上遇到困难,我会反思自己是否缺乏知识储备或者学习方法不当,然后...

花溪区19846508079: 当你遇到困难的时候,你会怎么做? 英语作文80词 -
轩峡脂必: We can't have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is important.Some people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they don't want to try to let their dreams come ture anymore.They just want to find a place and stay at there for a ...

花溪区19846508079: 求英语作文 当你伤心或遇到困难的时候,你会怎么做呢? -
轩峡脂必: Children often have troubles in their childhood. and these trouble will make them disappointed in their life.When i was sad.i always listen to music,it can make me forget some bad things .Sometimes i ask my teachers for help,they can tell me how to do.

花溪区19846508079: 英语作文,“当你遇到困难时怎样解决”遇到某种困难时怎样解决 急用! -
轩峡脂必:[答案] when the dificulties come to us ,how can wo deal with them. For our students ,wo can not deal with every dificulty.but we can tell the other people to help you .For examp,when you mother is ill,eveyone of you families is not at home,at this time ,you must call ...

花溪区19846508079: 英语作文,题目:“当你遇到困难时怎样解决” -
轩峡脂必: when the dificulties come to us ,how can wo deal with them. For our students ,wo can not deal with every dificulty.but we can tell the other people to help you .For examp,when you mother is ill,eveyone of you families is not at home,at this time ,you ...

花溪区19846508079: 当你遇到麻烦时,你会怎样面对?你能想出解决问题的方法吗?英语作文80词 -
轩峡脂必: what would you do when you face trouble? Some people may give the answer "No problem, I can solve it." Of course, different people have different ways to solve it. My method is to be brave enough to think it over. As a proverb says, look before ...

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轩峡脂必: When you face with difficulty, which kind of attitude will you be?Give up or insist?Many people may insist at first, but finally give up.Sometimes you just need to try one more time that you overcome it. 当你面对困难的时候,你会是哪种态度呢?是放弃...

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轩峡脂必: our life Life, have a happy have trouble. When we were children, the joy of the game is fun, beautiful parks, sweet ice cream, let us have childhood memories; when we grow up into young people, happiness is the sincere friendship, rich knowledge ...

花溪区19846508079: 假如你是小明,你在学习生活中遇到了一些烦恼和问题,请你用英文写一封信向你的好朋友Mary征求意见和建议 -
轩峡脂必:[答案] Dear MaryI'm sorry to touble you.I enjoy in watching TV,but my parents think it does harm to my study.They don't let me watch TV.I quarrel with them sometimes.I don't know how to solve this issue.I h...

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轩峡脂必: Some families, they bring happiness to the children; some families, they bring joy to the children; and some families who bring their children to the pain. Of course, my family brought me - trouble. I remember clearly, it was a Saturday morning, I get ...

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