a little / little /a few /few /a bit /a lot / kind of 的区别 如题

作者&投稿:帛些 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ a little/little(形容词)用在不可数名词之前:a little salt/little salt一点盐/没有多少盐 a few/few(形容词)用在复数名词之前:a few people/few people有几个人/没有几个人 这四种形式也都能用做代词使用,或单独使用或与of连用:-Sugar?-A little,please. -要糖吗?-请给一点儿.Only a few of these are any good. 这其中只有几个用得着.B a litile,a few(形容词和代词) a little指少量或者说话人认为少的量; a few指小数目或者说话人认为小的数目.把only放在a little/a few之前,是为了强调说话人认为该数量的确很小.Only a few of our customers have accounts. 我们的顾客中只有少数人是记账的.但是把quite放在a few之前就大大增大了这个数量:I have quite a few books on art. 我有不少关于艺术的书.(许多书) C little和few(形容词和代词):little和few意为很少或没有,几乎具有否定意义:There was little time for consultation. 几乎没有时间商量.Little is known about the side-effects of this drug. 这种药物有些什么副作用,现在还不大清楚.Few towns have such splendid trees. 有这么好看的树木的城市不多.little和few的这种用法主要限于书面英语(可能由于在日常会话中little和few容易被误认为是 a little/a few).因此,在日常会话中little和few通常由hardly any替代,也可以由动词否定式+much/many替代:We saw little. 我们没有看到什么.相当于:We saw hadly anything./We didn’t see much. 我们几乎什么都没有看到.Tourists come here but few stay overnight. 有游客到这里来,但很少有人过夜.相当于:Tourists come here but hadly any stay overnight. 有游客到这里来,但几乎没有人在这里过夜.但如果little和few由so,very,too,extremely,comparatively,relatively等词修饰,就可以较自由地使用.fewer(比较级)也可以更自由地使用.I’m unwilling to try a drug I know so little about. 我不乐意服我知之甚少的药.They have too many technicians,we have too few. 他们的技术员太多,而我们的又太少.There are fewer butterflies every year. 蝴蝶的数量每年都在减少.D a little/little(副词) 1 a little可以:(a)与动词连用:It rained a little during the night. 夜里下了一点儿雨.They grumbled a little about having to wait. 他们为要等候抱怨了几句.(b)与具有“令人不快的”意义的形容词和副词连用:a little anxious有点儿着急 a little annoyed有点儿不耐烦 a little unwillingly有点儿不情愿地 a little impatiently有点儿不耐心地 (c)与形容词和副词的比较级连用:The paper should be a little thicker. 这纸应该再厚一点儿.Can’t you walk a little faster?你不能走得快一点儿吗?在(b)中可以用 rather来代替a little.rather也可以用于比较级之前(参见第42节),但a little更常用一些.在英语口语中a bit可以在上述例子中用以替代a little.2 在比较正式的文体中,little主要同better或more连用:His second suggestion was little(=not much) better than his first. 他的第二个建议比第一个好不了多少.He was little(= not much) more than a child when his father died. 他父亲去世时,他差不多还是个孩子.在正式的英语中,little可用在某些动词如 expect,know,sus-pect,think等之前:He little expected to find himself in prison. 他几乎没有料到自己会进监狱.He little thought that one day… 他几乎从不曾想过有一天…… 注意像little-known和little-used这样的形容词的用法:a little-known painter一个藉藉无名画家

马山县15073287692: 英语中few ,a few ,little, a little 之间的区别 -
雕空复方: few / a few用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定意义,没有,几乎没有;a few表示有肯定意思, 有几个. 例如: He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞. There are a few eggs in the basket.篮子里有几个鸡蛋.little / ...

马山县15073287692: a little和little有什么区别?a few和few有什么区别 -
雕空复方: a little有一点儿(表肯定)(修饰不可数名词) little几乎没有(表否定)(修饰不可数名词) a few有一点儿(表肯定)((修饰可数名词) few几乎没有(表否定)((修饰可数名词)

马山县15073287692: a bit 和a bit of和a little三者有何区别?
雕空复方: a little bit +n(不可数) / adj a little +n(不可数) :a little milk 如果a bit 后要加名词(不可数),那么必须加上of a few 后加可数 n 后面加形容词时,都直接加形容词,是“有点儿”的意思.比如, a little difficult/ a bit difficult.是的,a bit 后面不能直接跟名词,加of才可以 a bit 后面接形容词

马山县15073287692: a bit of /a little/little bit /kind of的区别 -
雕空复方: a bit of 后加不可数名词,表示一点,后加名词时一定要加of. a little 后加不可数名词,表示一点,少量.如果前面有限定词时,用a little of. little bit :一点点 a little bit 有一点儿 not a little=very much:十分 not a bit=not at all:一点也不 a little/a bit+形容词=kind of ,意为"一点·····“,修饰形容词表程度. 如"This pair of shoes is kind of expensive".这双鞋有点贵.

马山县15073287692: a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a -
雕空复方: a little 一点儿,少量+不可数名词或形容词 a few 一些;几个+可数名词复数 a lot 许多;大量(可放在动词后面修饰动词=very much;亦可修饰形容词) a lot of +名词(不可数名词或可数名词复数)=lots of a type of 一种类型的…;一种型号的……...

马山县15073287692: bit /a bit, little/a little,few/a few的区别是什么 -
雕空复方: little/a little 修饰不可数名词.few/a few修饰可数名词 little/few表示很少,几乎没有(否定).a few/a little表示一些(肯定)

马山县15073287692: a few,a little and a bit -
雕空复方: a few /few +名词复数,a little /little +不可数名词,a few /a little 表肯定,(一点/一些), few / little 表否定(几乎没有) a little +不可数名词= a bit of + 不可数名词,a little +形容词=a bit +形容词

马山县15073287692: "a bit " 和 "a bit of" " a little bit" 的区别和用法 -
雕空复方: "a bit " 、 "a bit of"、 " a little bit"的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下: 一、意思不同 1.a bit意思:一会儿,片刻(英国英语中亦用for a bit),稍微(多或少一些). 2.a bit of意思:有点儿,有几分,稍微. 3.a little bit...

马山县15073287692: 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词 -
雕空复方: 1、Li Ping is studying for the math t(est ).2、The math problem is a l(ittle )difficult.I can't work it out.test测试a little有点儿

马山县15073287692: 搞笑一家人1里面47最后有首英文歌叫什么名字啊?是个男的唱的、就是申智在房间里喝酒哪里开始的!叫什么啊 -
雕空复方: ben folds - still(reprise)

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