
作者&投稿:蔺荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Because of some family reasons, I did not continue my previous studies and I attended the adult college entrance examination last year. Now I am studying in Southwest University majoring in Public Administration.

Last year, I took the social practice in Wenzhou Airport for 4 months, and equipped myself with stronger cognition in serving passengers.

I might not be perfect in all aspects, but I do think I can do well in this job, because I have a enthusiastic and accommodating heart.

My mother is very good with her hands,and she is able to make lots of delicate things. My father enjoys cooking,and he also takes delight in drinking a little wine.But when he gets drunk,he will have a chat with me, about much that is already familiar but still heart-warming.

thank you!thank you for giving me this opportunity. first,allow me to introduce myself:
I was graduated from Qingdao College of Hotel Management in 2008.
In 2007,I did one year internship restaurant in Shanghai Marriott Hotel, I am very interested in sell,so when graduated,I started to work in QingDao Tai Insurance,My achievement was outstanding, so I was promoted to be the business director two months later ,I led my team successfully won the 2008 top ten Qingdao branch sales team.
In may. 2009 ,I was introduced to Nike flagship department store in Yanji by my classmate and done a year manager there 。During the work,I was getting along well with my colleagues ,the leader spoke highly of my job.
Now,thinking of my personal development,I feel like going to Singapore to improve myself,and it's well known that Singapore is known as the Garden City .I have been longing for it,I can experience the colorful local culture there and have my english and sell experience improved as well .I hope that I can stay and develop here.
thanks again!


1. Now have two thirds of the university graduates to finish school had a student loans.2. The college life should be students grow and learn the wonderful time. Over the past few years is the student studies the best time to manage money.3. If you have to apply for a ...

All right, let me tell you: First, the cattle has been completed grass; And then, the cattle has run! Seem to be that sheep , I have forgot that this joke is a sheep be still cattle · ·)我想谈谈关于一副画,这是一副《牛吃草》的画,你能从这幅画看出任何东西吗?好吧,...

you told me to forget about you, although i wanted too. but still cant forget you smile, cherish the memory of the day past, but it still got past. you and me live in different place, miss you very much, very want to see you even sea dry stone break(海枯石烂不太会.....


老鼠的新家 两只田鼠Doris和Boris住在一块小麦田里。它们非常幸福,但是一天一只兔子说,“你们不能再住这儿了。许多农民要来收割了。”1.Their names are Doris and Boris.2. The mice met a rabbit.Doris说,我们最好离开这。于是它们很快收拾了一些东西并跑出了那块田。它们听到了农民的脚步声。


Chichestor refused to give up her dream of traveling around the world.8:我正忙着做一种新的捕鼠装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看花展了。Mark dragged me to watch the flower show when I was busy designing a new mouse-trapping device.全手工翻译,但是不知道奇切斯特的英文是什么。


1 Carnivores is a polar bear 2 Polar bear is not only good at swimming in cold water, but also good at ice speed jumping 3 In order to withstand the cold, it's very small ears and a tail 4 Catch seals, extremely white whales, seabirds, fish, small mammals 5 Polar bear ...

谢谢 各位大虾 帮忙翻译下
谢谢 各位大虾 帮忙翻译下 10 .办理人士可前往酒店营销部及各营业网点,填写会员申请表,即可办理。2.礼意卡具有储值刷卡、积分奖励、打折优惠等多种功能为一体的消费卡。3.礼意卡首次充值不能低于人民币2000元,后... .办理人士可前往酒店营销部及各营业网点,填写会员申请表,即可办理。2.礼意卡具有储值刷卡、...

潮南区15755792143: 翻译成英文 要求口语化 急急急啊 很急 谢谢各位大虾 !!! -
检知活血: A:Hi,did you go home in the New Year's Day?B:Yes,I went traveling with my parents.A:where did you go?B:Yuanboyuan A:Did your family go traveling every holiday?B:Yes,we all like traveling because we can go to different places不够了,呆会补给你

潮南区15755792143: 翻译成英文 急急急 !!各位大虾帮帮忙,要口语化一些!! -
检知活血: A: These days are so cold, was the temperatrue ten degrees below zero?B: Yeah, I heard that Lucy caught a cold.A:I'm really sorry for her .In this kind of weather,we should pay more attention to our bodies .B: That's right! Notice body. Do you have ...

潮南区15755792143: 大虾们帮忙翻译一段话,不长的,不要用翻译器,谢谢啦,明天要和外国人交流用的!!~~快哦,谢啦,在线等 -
检知活血: 既然是和外国人交流用的,我就帮你翻译的口语化和地道一点.Nowadays, the idolatry has become a symbol of fashion, with some people saying it is cool and against voice saying that it will only harm youself. As I see it, if appropriate, it is a good ...

潮南区15755792143: 汉译英,比较简短的一段话,求大虾帮忙翻译,不要在线直译的.拜谢~! 在线等! -
检知活血: Hi,Dennis,1. Shawn and I are from a hunting company instead of Avaya HR department.2. It was Jae Choi(supposedly he will be the person you report to) who called you this morning. He gave me feedback through phone that he had a quite pleasent...

潮南区15755792143: 各位大虾帮忙翻译古文啊~~~~~~~~~~~ -
检知活血: 【译文】 江南巡抚的大臣,只有周忱最有名气.原来他的才干见识显然比他人好.他对公事的留心,也是无人能及的. 听说周忱有一本本子,从记日子到行为处事,没有丝毫遗漏,每天的阴、晴、风、雨,也一定详细地记录.例如,某天中午...

潮南区15755792143: 各位大虾帮我翻译6句英语句子 -
检知活血: 1.there are five students wanting to study in America after graduation in my class.2.what do you think of opera arted by pupils from Class 4?3.who were the girls reading english in class?4.this is one of the greatest publishions last year.5.we should ...

潮南区15755792143: 请各位大虾帮我翻译成英文,急!谢谢! -
检知活血: Working in Guangdong Lufeng Gangfeng Grain and Oil company as sales manager during December 2005 and January 2009. 纯手工翻译

潮南区15755792143: 请各位大虾帮个忙翻译这句话
检知活血: I heard about your illness.

潮南区15755792143: 各位大虾,帮忙翻译下
检知活血: 1.说好了?我们夏天一定去加拿大的,对么? that's a deal? we must go to Canada together in summer,right? 2.在中国,我们都这样,表示约好了. This means a deal in China.

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