a smooth sea can never make是什么歌

作者&投稿:勤洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 不经历风雨怎见彩虹
不经历风雨怎见彩虹,经历了刻骨铭心,才能乘风破浪,逆流而上,一个真正有斗志的人,就应努力去拼搏,就像 a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor,熟练的水手都是大风大浪吹打出来的,广袤无垠的大海就属于勇往直前的水手,这个谚语独立成句,意为“平静的大海从来不会造就一个熟练的水手”,寓意:a proverb that means easy situations can never improve you or make you better一句谚语,意思是简单的处境永远不能改善你或使你变得更好the harsh conditions of life make a person tougher and more capable艰苦的生活条件使人更坚强,更有能力challenging experiences often give the best lessons of life富有挑战性的经历往往是人生最好的一课
它还有其他形式:Rough seas make great sailors,calm seas never made a good sailor 等。例如:ou are just cutting days in the comfort of your home and spending your parents' money. You need to really get out and face the actual life. Remember, a smooth sea has never made a skilled sailor.你只是在舒适的家里打发时间,花掉你父母的钱。你需要真正走出去面对现实生活。记住,平静的大海从来不会造就一个熟练的水手。You're just bragging of your life being so smooth and all. Maybe you're forgetting that smooth seas never make a skilled sailor.你只是在吹嘘你的生活如此顺利。也许你忘了,平静的海面决不会造就一个熟练的水手。I know you are going through a divorce and are having a pretty hard time making ends meet for you and your son. But then, you're only getting stronger. Rough seas make great sailors after all!我知道你要离婚了,你和你儿子很难维持生计。但是,你只会变得更强壮。波涛汹涌的大海终究造就了伟大的水手!人的每一天十有八九不如意,但是正是这些不如意的事情才能锻炼我们坚强的毅力和处理问题的能力,不要把每次遇到的问题或坎坷都不当一回事,人的一生本来就是学习的过程。

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子天果糖:[答案] A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner If we want to know the flavor of a pear, we must taste it on our own. If we want to be aware how high a mountain is, we should set our food on the narrow meandering footpath to climb to the top of it to afford a ...

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松原市17228247106: 【10分】求英文演讲稿! 题目《A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.》 -
子天果糖: A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner If we want to know the flavor of a pear, we must taste it on our own. If we want to be aware how high a mountain is, we should set our food on the narrow meandering footpath to climb to the top of it to ...

松原市17228247106: 分析句子 A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. -
子天果糖: smooth,光滑的,这里翻译为平静的.skillful,skill的形容词,可译为经验丰富的.整个意思是平静的大海从不会造就经验丰富的船员,就是说人要在磨难中才能不断丰富自己,强化自己,温室里的花朵注定一事无成,只有经历过风风雨雨才能使一个人变的强大

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