when a farmer needs water,he looks for something to tell him it 's going to rain.的中文

作者&投稿:仁雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【①Everyone talks about the weather.It’s the most common subject of conversation】.For example,“Isn’t it a fine day?”“Do you think it will rain?”“I think It’s going to snow.”All these are the way of starting a conversation.
Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like.But they hardly ever agree with each other.One man may say,“Do you see how cloudy it is in the cast?It’s going to rain tomorrow.”
People often look for the weather they want.When a farmer needs water,he looks for something to tell him it is going to rain,and he won’t belive anything else.【③When friends have a picnic,they are so sure the weather is going to become clear very quickly that they won’t sit eating their lunch while it rains.】
Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says,but he doesn’t tell what they want and once in a while he makes a mistake still.He will come closer to being correct than anyone else.

1. When people start a conversation with their friends,they usually______. B
A.ask theur names B.say something about the weather
C.say hello to each other D.talk about their address
2. The sentence “Isn’t it a nice day?”means_________. C【没有题眼,要自己理解】
A.he doesn’t know if it is a fine day B.he doesn’t think it is a fine day
C.he think it is a fine day D.he asks for other’s idea.
3.When people want to have a picnic,they will______。 C
A.enjoy their picnic in the rain
B.hope to have something to tell them it is going to be fine
C.wait until it is fine
D.believe what the weatherman says
4. When people meet in the street in England,they will say to each other first______.D【纵观全文来说】
A.“Are you cold?” B.“Are you well?” C.“ What’s day is today?”
D.“What a fine day!”
5.The weatherman_______。 C【看文章最后一段】
A.only tells people the fine weather
B.never makes a mistake
C.will come closer to being true and right than anyone else
D.shoule be blamed





Weather report 或 barometer



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