
作者&投稿:严谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The summer is coming.I like summer very much.In summer days,I can do a lot of things,such as swimming,eating ice cream,drinking cold water.Besides,the summer holiday ismy favorite time.I don"t have to go to school in holidays,so I can play withmy friends.I can travel with my parents,too.I want to go many places,suchas Beijing,Shanghai,Xiamen and so on.This is why I love summer.
Summer arrived,a lot of people played to the outside.Summer is very hot,everybody wears very f ew dress,besides fool ability can wear a lot of dresses.Summer can swim,eat ice-lolly and bathe cold water to wait.
For instance,a few days ago very hot,I ate a few ice-lolly and a few ice to stimulate drench.Eat so that my mouth resembles iced mouth.
For instance,very hot yesterday,and I went cinema.I gave kubla khah,after coming home,I bathe d,after be being washed,I feel very cool.Next I slept.
Ilove summer!

Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there bur in the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet of the villagers.

Life is exercise, so everyone will have a like sports, while I was no exception. My favorite sport is basketball. Basketball is a very high popularity of the sport, in the street, the school can be seen everywhere. Now the street three on three basketball game has become the most popular method in basketball. But basketball is exciting, interesting, training team spirit, it is for the three, and basketball just became the my favorite sport.
I began to learn, my arm stiffly, dribbling luck is bad, always distractions. But afterwards, I'm more and more skilled, also more and more like, every time playing basketball, I can always take a few points, and I'm more and more has the team spirit,and Physical more and more good, a year rarely get sick, and brought me many happy.
We are need to exercise, it can strengthen physique, to happiness and good. So I want to health, happiness, lack no sports.

I love summer. There are always many beautiful flowers in summer. And also, I can wear short clothes. In my school, during summer, girls always wear beautiful skirts and boys always wear shirts and shorts. Girls are beautiful and cute. Boys are handsome. White clouds float on the blue sky. Hot wind comes one by one. I swear. I sit under the electronic fan, get the wind from the fan. That's convinient, I almost cannot control my loving on this season.

Summer is my favorite season, because it very interesting. It is hot, but I can swim in the pool and drinking juice. In the morning I went with my sister running and doing sports. At noon, I can take a nap and to visit relatives, it is very happy. In the evening I have dinner with my parents and sister along with homework.
Summer is fun, do you think?

Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.
Firstly, summer is students' the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer. Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally. However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer. Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.
Secondly, summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits. Ice cream is our all time favourite dessert. Yeh, I love ice cream so much ^_^. I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in summer. There are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer.
Thirdly, summer is a hot season for trendy fashion. You will see many sexy and curvy babes in your neighbourhood, on the beach, shopping malls, everywhere in your eyes. Hehe. ^_^ All of my girlfriends and I like to wear as less as we wish in the summer. I like to wear shorts and t-shirts all the time. Don't forget to carrry your sunglasses and put on sun tan lotions before going outdoor.
All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now on. As a 15 years old boy, I am more than willing to practice my English with every opportunity which I have come across. Last and certainly not least, I am very happy to help you with this work. I have learnt a lot!

l like summer.There are always many beautiful flowers in summer. on summer is hot . l like hot . Do you like hot ?

沙滩上奇形怪状的贝壳尽收眼底,海边礁石上的那只白鹤好像也要随着这清凉的海风,随风飞去了。夏天是炎热的,也是欢快的,还是讨人喜爱的。你用炙热的阳光,照着大地,让万物茁壮成长,是你描绘了这幅闰的夏景。啊!我喜欢夏天!我喜欢夏天的作文400字【二】 有人喜欢万物复苏的春天,有人喜欢果...

导语:我爱夏天,它虽不像春天般的温柔、美丽;不像秋天那样文静、清凉;更不像冬天那种带白、带银的感觉。但它还是有一种与众不同的独特之美。接下来我整理了我爱夏天的作文范文3篇,文章希望大家喜欢!我爱夏天的作文范文 自古以来,人们往往都爱赞颂春光的美好,因为春天里杨柳婀娜多姿,万紫千红...

又是一年的夏天,又是一年的炽热,一年四季每个季节都有自己的特色,你喜欢夏天吗?下面是我给大家带来的喜欢夏天 作文 600字,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 喜欢夏天作文600字1 夏天,披着绿叶在暖风里,在知了的鸣叫声中到来了。 夏天,酷热难当,太阳火辣辣的,像团火把大地烤得烫人,如果把生鸡蛋放在地上...

我喜欢的季节优秀作文1 我喜欢夏天,夏她没有春日的温暖和煦,不比秋季的凉爽,也没有冬季的白雪万里。但她有独特的地方,我喜欢夏季的荷花,喜爱池塘里的荷叶,喜欢莲蓬的美味,也喜爱夏季里的小动物们的欢声笑语。 夏季的农村里随处可见到荷花,每一株都亭亭玉立,像一个个安静美好的女孩,每当夏风袭来时,每一个女孩...

来一起。下面是我给大家带来的我们喜欢的季节夏天 作文 400字,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 我们喜欢的季节夏天作文400字1 有人喜欢春的生机勃勃,有人喜欢秋的累累硕果,有人喜欢冬的白雪皑皑,而我,却习惯喜欢炎炎夏日。正因为炎热,夏才会变得更有生机,才拥有无穷魅力。 夏天,你是妩媚的。 瞧,那满池...

夏天是炎热的,也是欢快的,还是讨人喜爱的。你用炙热的阳光,照着大地,让万物茁壮成长,是你描绘了这幅闰的夏景。啊!我喜欢夏天! 400字作文【3】:我喜欢夏天 一年四季里,我最喜欢夏天,夏天是彩色的,夏天是温暖的,夏天是热闹的,夏天是美丽的。夏天的花园里有五颜六色的花儿,有红的、粉的、黄的、……,它们...

夏天也是小朋友最喜欢的季节。一到夏天,学校就放暑假了,小朋友们可以尽情地吃美味的冰淇淋,可以去 游泳 ,还可以游览著名景点……可真开心呀! 我喜欢的夏天作文400字3 朋友们,你们喜欢云吗?有的人喜欢春天的云,有的人喜欢秋天的云,还有的人喜欢冬天的云,但我却喜欢夏天的云朵。 早晨,白云在天空中飘飘扬扬,...

夏天是炎热的,也是欢快的,还是讨人喜爱的。你用炙热的阳光,照着大地,让万物茁壮成长,是你描绘了这幅闰的夏景。啊!我喜欢夏天!6.小学一年级作文我喜欢夏天 有人喜欢万物复苏的春天,有人喜欢果实累累的秋天,有人喜欢滴水成冰的冬天。而我喜欢色彩缤纷的夏天。夏天来了,太阳变得毫不留情起来...

我最喜欢的季节 - 夏天的作文400字
知道小有建树答主 回答量:349 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:42万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我为大家整理的我最喜欢的季节 - ...

在这件事以后,每到夏天,我就会想起买雪糕的老大爷,我也明白了一个道理:一个人无论做什么事,处于什么样的地位,始终要尊重他人,如果不能尊重他人,那么他终究难成大事。 写景作文我爱夏天3 夏天是美丽的,好一个如诗的夏天,让我陶醉。夏,它是娃娃,娃娃爱哭也爱笑。这不,也不知又是谁把它给惹恼了,只听得“...

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德龚莱美:[答案] I like summer Summer arrived,we finally took off the thick spring clothing,put on a beautiful summer.ACTS as much more ...of the lotus pond.I like summer!我喜欢夏天 夏天到了,我们终于脱掉了厚厚的春装,换上美丽的夏装.做起事来轻松多了.夏天虽...

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德龚莱美:[答案] Summer I like summer best!In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my ...

林芝地区17349233257: 求!!!一篇写季节的英语作文(我最喜欢的是夏天) -
德龚莱美: My Favourite SeasonThere are four seasons in one year, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In my opnion ,spring is the best season.First of all, it is very warm. The winter goes away, so the tempreture is higher ,and rather comfortable for ...

林芝地区17349233257: 《我喜欢夏天 》一篇英语小短文,10句话 -
德龚莱美:[答案] Although it is very hot in summer,like it very much.Because I can eat ice-cream and eat watermelons.I can swim in the swimming pool or in the sea.Expecially I can spend a long summer holiday.In the ho...

林芝地区17349233257: 我要一篇以“I like summer"为题写一篇英语小作文,长一点,并说说你为什么喜欢夏天,并翻译~ -
德龚莱美:[答案] I like Summer Hello,everybody!Which season do you like best?Well,I like Summer best.You know what?Because I can swim in Summer.In Summer,it`s so hot and cool.And I can do what I want to do.For example,I can go fishing.I can do my homework,play...

林芝地区17349233257: 小学英语作文:我最喜欢的季节(夏天)急~不少于60个单词啊、、、、 -
德龚莱美:[答案] My favorite season is spring.When spring comes.Snakes wake up.They find their tasty food.White rabbits run on the grass.Many fish are in the river.Spring is beautiful and green.In spring,the air is fr...

林芝地区17349233257: 我最喜欢的季节英语作文 夏天急!60词左右就行,要精练点 谢谢 -
德龚莱美:[答案] Among the four seasons in the year,my favorite season is summer.In summer,the weather is very comfortable.It feels so great.Therefore,I like going outside for hiking .I can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.Besides,summer is a season of harvest....

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德龚莱美:[答案] I love summer.There are always many beautiful flowers in summer.And also,I can wear short clothes.In my school,during summer,girls always wear beautiful skirts and boys always wear shirts and shorts.G...

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德龚莱美: 英文原文: I like summer Like summer, because summer can go swimming, swimming can exercise the body, also very fun, also can eat watermelon in summer and ice cream, also can join the summer camp in summer, summer camp is fun, I ...

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德龚莱美: 第一篇:love summer. There are always many beautiful flowers in summer. And also, I can wear short clothes. In my school, during summer, girls always wear beautiful skirts and boys always wear shirts and shorts. Girls are beautiful and cute. Boys ...

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