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Marie-Henri Beyle ( 23 January 1783 – 23 March 1842), better known by his pen name Stendhal was a 19th-century French writer. Best known for the novels Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black, 1830) and La Chartreuse de Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma, 1839), he is highly regarded for the acute analysis of his characters' psychology and considered one of the earliest and foremost practitioners of realism.

Contemporary readers did not fully appreciate Stendhal's realistic style during the Romantic period in which he lived; he was not fully appreciated until the beginning of the 20th century. He dedicated his writing to "the Happy Few" (in English in the original). This can be interpreted as a reference to Canto 11 of Byron's Don Juan, which refers to "the thousand happy few" who enjoy high society, or to the "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers" line ofShakespeare's Henry V, but Stendhal's use more likely refers to The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith, parts of which he had memorized in the course of teaching himself English. In The Vicar of Wakefield, "the happy few" refers ironically to the small number of people who read the title character's obscure and pedantic treatise on monogamy.As a literary critic, such as in Racine and Shakespeare, Stendhal championed the Romantic aesthetic by unfavorably comparing the rules and strictures of Racine's classicism to the freer verse and settings of Shakespeare, and supporting the writing of plays in prose.
Today, Stendhal's works attract attention for their irony and psychological and historical dimensions. Stendhal was an avid fan of music, particularly the works of the composers Cimarosa, Mozart and Rossini. He wrote a biography of Rossini, Vie de Rossini (1824), now more valued for its wide-ranging musical criticism than for its historical content.
In his works, Stendhal reprised excerpts appropriated from Giuseppe Carpani, Théophile Frédéric Winckler, Sismondi and others.

Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but also has the distinct personality of artistic images, but also through leading character experience, and demonstrated French restoration dynasty period vast era painting scroll, then touched many acute social problems. Even leading character in the novel experience and reflects the experience of young petty bourgeoisie universal destiny. Even behave themselves in the USA, supercilious, enthusiasm, determination, but selfish, skeptical. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians. Such oppression of the status of his growing discontent with the reality : the impact of Enlightenment thought and caught up in his anti-character. He decided to rely on individual talents like Napoleon, a meritorious, fine. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. On this rock beneath evergreen trees to grow along. In order to get even with her all the knowledge that worthless, yet the Latin of the "New Testament" back in verse. Recite his amazing ability to let him into the home of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar Ye Fall, when a family of teachers. In that period, he and Germany.
Switzerland ambiguous relationship that Mrs. occurred, mostly in resistance and retaliation for his abuse of elite class. However, growing, were blinded by the upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambitions. Even in the dark terror seminary, witnessed manipulate strategically, reveals the ugly inside, so he offered a double-dealing tactics, such behaviour has been the duplicity of the table and patrons stare. Seminary life even further distorted in the character, and strengthen his climbing ambitions and hypocrisy style. In the company to log when the Private Secretary's marquis after exposing civilians, although not the class ideology, but by the marquis trusted, Miss conquest Mateer, even in the "civilian class treason heart" has disappeared. He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns. As a step towards him in the company for the "bright", as a result of firing Germany and Switzerland that Mrs. complete ruin their future, their present a head. As a fine critical realism novels, the "Red" and not starting from the concept will even reach into a leading character in the pursuit of personal symbols. Instead, the author has given his deep sympathy to the people through the dedicated pursuit of lust and the pursuit of less than critical to the suffering of that era specific social realities, and this is the "force" has spread charm forever good reason.
小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这个极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明个性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的社会问题。小说主人公于连的经历和遭遇反应了当时广大小资产阶级青年的普遍命运。于连生性聪颖、高傲、热情、坚毅,但又自私、多疑。在僧侣贵族当政、门阀制度森严的封建社会,因出生平民而备受歧视。这种受压迫的地位使他滋长了对现实的不满情绪:启蒙思想和拿破仑的影响,培养了他的反搞性格。他立志要像拿破仑那样靠个人才智建立功勋,飞黄腾达。但是在复辟时期,拿破仑式的晋身之道已被贵族阶层堵死了。 就在这样的岩石底下,一株小树弯弯曲曲地生长。于连为了博取大家用赏识,明知毫无价值,却还把拉丁文的《新约全书》背得滚瓜烂熟。他那惊人的背诵能力让他跨进了维立叶尔市长家,当起家庭教师来。在那段时期,他与德.瑞那夫人发生了暧昧关系,大部分是为了反抗和报复贵族阶级对他的凌辱。但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到院长的表睐和宠幸。神学院的生活进一步扭曲了于连的性格,强化了他向上爬的野心和虚伪的作风。于连给木尔侯爵当私人秘书后虽然还不时流露出平民阶级的思想意识,但在受到侯爵重用,征服玛特尔小姐后,于连的“平民阶级叛逆心”已消失。他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。正当于连一步步走向他所向往的“光明”时,因枪击德·瑞那夫人而彻底断送了自己的前程,把自己送上了断头台。 作为一部优秀的批判现实主义小说,《红与黑》并没有从概念出发,将主人公于连图解成一个追求功利的符号。相反,作者却给予了他深切的同情,通过人对欲念的执着追求与追求不到的痛苦来批判那个时代特定的社会现实,这也是《红与黑》流传至今魅力长存的原因。


Marie-Henri Beyle (January 23, 1783 – March 23, 1842), better known by his pen name Stendhal, was a 19th-century French writer. Known for his acute analysis of his characters' psychology, he is considered one of the earliest and foremost practitioners of realism in his two novels Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black, 1830) and La Chartreuse de Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma, 1839).

Born in Grenoble, Isère, he had an unhappy childhood in what he found to be stifling provincial France, disliking his "unimaginative" father and mourning his mother, who had died when he was young. His closest friend was his younger sister, Pauline, with whom he maintained a steady correspondence throughout the first decade of the 19th century.

The military and theatrical worlds of the First French Empire were a revelation to Beyle. He was named an auditor with the Conseil d'État on August 3, 1810, and thereafter took part in the French administration and in the Napoleonic wars. He travelled extensively in Germany and was part of Napoleon's army in the 1812 invasion of Russia.

After the 1814 Treaty of Fontainebleau, he left for Italy, where he settled in Milan. He formed a particular attachment to Italy, where he spent much of the remainder of his career, serving as French consul at Trieste and Civitavecchia. His novel The Charterhouse of Parma, written in 52 days, is set in Italy, which he considered a more sincere and passionate country than Restoration France. An aside in that novel, referring to a character who contemplates suicide after being jilted, speaks volumes about his attitude towards his home country: "To make this course of action clear to my French readers, I must explain that in Italy, a country very far away from us, people are still driven to despair by love."
Beyle used the pseudonym "Stendhal" (and over 100 others), and scholars in general believe he borrowed this nom de plume from the German city of Stendal in homage to Johann Joachim Winckelmann.

Stendhal was a dandy and wit about town in Paris, as well as an inveterate womaniser who was obsessed with his sexual conquests. His genuine empathy towards women is evident in his books; Simone de Beauvoir spoke highly of him in The Second Sex. He seems to have preferred desire to consummation. One of his early works is On Love, a rational analysis of romantic passion that was based on his unrequited love for Mathilde, Countess Dembowska, whom he met while living at Milan. This fusion of, and tension between, clear-headed analysis and romantic feeling is typical of Stendhal's great novels; he could be considered a Romantic realist.

Stendhal suffered miserable physical disabilities in his final years as he continued to produce some of his best work. As he noted in his journal, he was taking iodide of potassium and quicksilver to treat his syphilis, resulting in swollen armpits, difficulty swallowing, pains in his shrunken testicles, sleeplessness, giddiness, roaring in the ears, racing pulse and tremors so bad he could scarcely hold a fork or a pen. Indeed, he dictated Charterhouse in this pitiable state. Modern medicine has shown that his health problems were more attributable to his treatment than to his syphilis.

Stendhal died on March 22, 1842, a few hours after collapsing with a seizure on the streets of Paris. He is interred in the Cimetière de Montmartre.

Contemporary readers did not fully appreciate Stendhal's realistic style during the Romantic period in which he lived; he was not fully appreciated until the beginning of the 20th century. He dedicated his writing to "the Happy Few." This is often interpreted as a dedication to the few who could understand his writing, or as a sardonic reference to the happy few who are born into prosperity (the latter interpretation is supported by the likely source of the quotation, Canto 11 of Byron's Don Juan, a frequent reference in the novel, which refers to "the thousand happy few" who enjoy high society), or as a reference to those who lived without fear or hatred. It may also refer, given Stendhal's experience of the Napoleonic wars, to the "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers" line of Shakespeare's Henry V.

Today, Stendhal's works attract attention for their irony and psychological and historical dimensions. Stendhal was an avid fan of music, particularly the works of the composers Cimarosa, Mozart and Rossini. He wrote a biography about Rossini, Vie de Rossini (1824), now more valued for its wide-ranging musical criticism than for its historical content.

Armance (1827)
Le Rouge et le Noir (variously translated as Scarlet and Black, Red and Black, The Red and the Black, 1830)
Lucien Leuwen (1835, unfinished, published 1894)
La Chartreuse de Parme (1839) (The Charterhouse of Parma)
Lamiel (1839–1842, unfinished, published 1889)

The Pink and the Green (1837, unfinished)
Mina de Vanghel (1830, later published in La Revue des Deux Mondes)
Vittoria Accoramboni
Italian Chroniques, 1837–1839
The Cenci (Les Cenci)
The Duchess of Palliano (La Duchesse de Palliano)
The Abbess of Castro (L'Abbesse de Castro, 1832)
Vanina Vanini

A Life of Napoleon (1817–1818, published 1929)

Stendhal's brief memoir, Souvenirs d'Égotisme (Memoirs of an Egotist) was published posthumously in 1892. Also published was a more extended autobiographical work, thinly disguised as the Life of Henry Brulard.

The Life of Henry Brulard (1835–1836, published 1890)
Souvenirs d'Égotisme (Memoirs of an Egotist, published in 1892)
Journal (1801–1817) (The Private Diaries of Stendhal)

De L'Amour (1822) (On Love)
His other works include short stories, journalism, travel books (among them Rome, Naples et Florence and Promenades dans Rome), a famous collection of essays on Italian painting, critical essays on Racine and Shakespeare, and biographies of several prominent figures of his time, including Napoleon, Haydn, Mozart, Rossini and Metastasio.

《红与黑》内容简介: 小说主人公于连,是一个木匠的儿子,年轻英俊,意志坚强,精明能干,从小就希望借助个人的努力与奋斗跻身上流社会。 不久,皇帝驾临维立叶尔,在瑞那夫人的安排下,于连被聘当上了仪仗队队员,使他有在公众面前大出风头的机会。迎驾期间,于连作为陪祭教士参加瞻拜圣骸典礼。之后,他对木尔侯爵的侄子、...

《老人》、《洗礼》、《穷鬼》、《小酒桶》、《归来》、《图瓦》、等。生平简介 全名居伊·德·莫泊桑。法国作家,被称为短篇小说巨匠,他一生写的短篇小说将近300多篇.莫泊桑于1850年8月出生在法国西北部诺曼底省狄埃卜城附近一个没落的贵族家庭。他的祖辈都是贵族,但到他父亲这一代时没落了,父亲...

1、简介:斯蒂芬·茨威格(Stefan Zweig,1881年11月28日—1942年2月22日),奥地利小说家、诗人、剧作家、传记作家。代表作有短篇小说《象棋的故事》、《一个陌生女人的来信》,长篇小说《心灵的焦灼》,回忆录《昨日的世界》,传记《三大师》和《一个政治性人物的肖像》。茨威格出身富裕犹太家庭,青年...




茨威格生平及代表作 斯蒂芬·茨威格(Stefan Zweig,1881-1942)是奥地利的著名作家,从二十年代起,他“以德语创作赢得了不让于英、法语作品的广泛声誉”。他善于运用各种体裁,写过诗、小说、戏剧、文论、传记,还从事过文学翻译,但他的作品中以传记和小说最为著称。一八八一年十一月二十八日,茨威格出生...


《史记》项羽本纪,廉颇蔺相如列传,陈涉世家,屈原列传《红楼梦》:宝钗、王熙凤、黛玉、宝玉、迎春探春惜春、史湘云的性格主要故事及简介黛玉进贾府、宝玉挨打、怡红院诗会、黛玉葬... 《史记》项羽本纪,廉颇蔺相如列传,陈涉世家,屈原列传《红楼梦》:宝钗、王熙凤、黛玉、宝玉、迎春探春惜春、史湘云的性格主要故事及...


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陀治贺普: http://www.online-literature.com/verne/ www.online-literature.com/wellshg zhwj.livejournal.com/3194.html

布尔津县15777468910: 法国《红与黑》的作者是?
陀治贺普: 斯丹达尔

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陀治贺普: 法国大作家司汤达的墓志铭十分精炼:“米兰人亨利-贝尔安眠于此.他曾经生存过、写作过、恋爱过.” 司汤达(1783~1842),法国作家,原名马里一亨利·贝尔.生...

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布尔津县15777468910: 最早批判现实主义的理论著作是什么?
陀治贺普: 最早批判现实主义的理论著作《拉辛和莎士比亚》是司汤达(1783— 1842)的文论集,是最早批判现实主义的理论 著作.司汤达是19世纪法国杰出的批判现 实主义作家.他在文学上起步很晚,三十几 岁才开始发表作品,去世时还不到60岁,但他却给人类留下了巨大的精神文化遗产:数 部长篇、数十个短篇或故事,数百万字的文 论、随笔、散文和游记.

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