ould you tell me what your name is, please?用英语回答可

作者&投稿:郯浅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
告诉我你的名字,为什么不是tell me what your name is呢?~

这也行,但是英语中要简单为主,直接what's your name?

完全正确:tell sb sth 也对的 ,please随便放前后也对,所以没错

ould you tell me what your name is, please?
ould奥尔德 Old的变体
tell讲述; 告诉,说; 辨别; 吩咐; 分辨,辨别; 告诉,吩咐; 泄漏; 保证; 泄密,告发; 显示; 识别; 台形土墩; 讲的话; 谈话; 传闻
what什么,多少; …的事物; …的
your name台甫;雅号
please请; 讨好; 使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢

应该是Could you....,回答是Yes, I can.

yes , i would. yes, i'd like to. my name is........

My name is XXX

独山子区19613891764: 用could you tell me 造句 -
骆莲盐酸:[答案] Could you tell me的后面一般接陈述语序.这是一个比较委婉的问句.e.g.:Could you tell me how to get to the bus stop?Could you tell me how to pronunce this word?Could you tell me what to do?Could you tell m...

独山子区19613891764: Could you tell me ……(+地点)如Could you tell me how to get to Beijing?这样的句子多来几个 -
骆莲盐酸:[答案] Could you tell me how to get school?就改最后一个词就行了,可以改成restaurant,cinema,park,等等

独山子区19613891764: Could you tell me 后面应该加疑问句还是陈述句 -
骆莲盐酸: 根据翻译 你能告诉我.....后面应该是加一个疑问句但是要用称述句的语气也就是动词在主语后面正: Could you tell me what this is?误: Could you tell me what is this?this为主语 is为宾语

独山子区19613891764: Could you tell me 后面句子的语序 -
骆莲盐酸:[答案] 用陈述句语序

独山子区19613891764: Could you tell me - ---? -
骆莲盐酸: 正确答案为B.分析如下:首先弄清楚这是一个一般疑问句,tell sb + 宾语从句,虽然是问句,但从句的语序是正常语序,直接排除A、C.剩下B和D,B可以为 who/whom you are waiting for. 而where 是关系副词,后面的谓语动词连带的介词,介词须省去,正确应该为 where you live.希望能帮到楼主.望采纳.加油!

独山子区19613891764: Could you tell me how I can get to the station?(同义句)Could you tell me - _ - __ - get to the station -
骆莲盐酸:[答案] how to

独山子区19613891764: ould you tell me what your name is, please?用英语回答可 -
骆莲盐酸: yes , i would. yes, i'd like to. my name is........

独山子区19613891764: 用could you tell me 造句 -
骆莲盐酸: Could you tell me的后面一般接陈述语序.这是一个比较委婉的问句. e.g.: Could you tell me how to get to the bus stop? Could you tell me how to pronunce this word? Could you tell me what to do? Could you tell me whom he is waiting for? Could you tell me where is the post office?

独山子区19613891764: Could you tell me how to learn English well? -
骆莲盐酸:[答案] First,you should be interested in English,and know why are you study it.just for exam?or you are interested in it?interesting is very important that if you want to learn it well.

独山子区19613891764: could you tell me how old you are 和could you tell me how old are you 在语法来说有什么区别吗?为什么会出现这一现象?那他这个是个宾语从句吗? -
骆莲盐酸:[答案] 你能告诉我你怎么这么老... 你能告诉我你多大吗... 不是宾语从句~ 只是BE动词放在不同的位置上产生了不同的效果而已~ 第一句话后半句从HOW开始就是个感叹句型了~BE动词放最后~ 第二句是正常顺序~

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