
作者&投稿:敖钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





bottlenose dolphin(宽吻海豚)、river dolphin(河豚;喙豚)、Amazon dolphin(亚马孙河豚)。

spinner dolphin(长嘴海豚)、Risso's dolphin(灰海豚)。


sea hog;porpoise.


a sea mammal that is large;smooth;and grey;with a long;pointed mouth.


1、There are also excellent dolphin shows.


2、Last day off , I had a great time, In the morning, I got up very early, after eating breakfast, I went to Wenzhou Zoo and saw some seals , sharks and dolphin's show.


3、Dolphin sounds are unintelligible to humans.


4、Sunlight glanced off the curved body of a dolphin.


“海豚”英文dolphin读法:英 ['dɒlfɪn] 美 ['dɑlfɪn]n. 海豚 释义:n. (Dolphin)人名;(英)多尔芬 Dolphin Gull海豚鸥 Dolphin Princess海豚公主 Dolphin Dreams海豚之梦 例句:1、Daniel: Yes, like a dolphin.丹尼尔: 嗯,像海豚一样。2、Dolphin helps you do tha...

1、“海豚”英文dolphin读法英 #39d#594lf#618n 美 #39dɑlf#618nn 海豚 释义n Dolphin人名英多尔芬 Dolphin Gull海豚鸥 Dolphin Princess海豚公主 Dolphin Dreams海豚之梦 例句1Daniel。2、1海豚的英语单词是dolphin 2dolphin的英式发音为#712d#594lf#618n,美式发音为#712dɑlf#618n。3、海...

do开头的单词 do开头的单词举例
19、doer n. 行为者,实干家 20、does v. & aux. 第三人称助动词;v. do的第三人称单数 21、doff v. 脱掉(外衣,帽子)22、dog n.狗 23、dogfish n. 角鲨鱼之一种 24、dogged a. 顽固的,顽强的 25、1doggedly adv. 固执地;执拗地;顽固地;顽强地 26、doggerel n. 歪诗,打油诗 27...

海豚 Delphinidae;dolphins 海豚属于哺乳纲、鲸目、齿鲸亚目,海豚科,通称海豚,共有近62种,分布于世界各大洋。体长1.2~4.2米,体重23~225千克。海豚一般嘴尖,上下颌各有约100颗尖细的牙齿,主要以小鱼、乌贼、虾、蟹为食。 海豚喜欢过“集体”生活,少则几头,多则几百头。海豚是一种本领超...

你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!What does a dolphin look like?或者说 What do dolphins look like?dolphin 海豚 look like (相貌,样子)像...

How do you translate 海豚 into English?
How do you translate 海豚 into English?译文:你怎么把"海豚"翻译成英语?海豚的英文是“dolphin”。

英语作文 海豚 Dolphin LanguageOne day Mr. Green, the science teacher, asked his class, "What do you want to be when you grow up?""I want to be a dolphin trainer like my uncle," Mike answered."Why do you want to be a dolphin trainer?" asked Mr. Green."Because I'm interested ...

我认为让海豚表演是残酷的(do tricks)用英语怎么说?
我认为让海豚表演是残酷的。I think it’s cruel to let the dolphins do tricks.

Dolphin is a kind of intellectual development, are very smart animals, they do not like timid forest animals hit everyone in their way as refugees, not as deep forests in the event of did beast rear its ugly head on, always dolphin show can be very docile The pro-like and ...

...改为一般疑问句 Do dolphins eat fish ? 怎么写分析呢 就是为什么...
dolphins can eat fish.(海豚能吃鱼)→ Can dolphins eat fish.(海豚能吃鱼吗?)3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does主语后的实义动词用原形。如:dolphins eat fish(海豚吃鱼)→ Do dolphins eat fish ?(海豚吃鱼吗?)

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的英语怎么读啊? -
广鲍特居: dolphin

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚用英语怎么说 -
广鲍特居: dolphin 海豚 seal 海豹 star fish 海星 shark 鲨鱼 octopus 章鱼

衡阳市17215062611: 大家知道海豚用英语怎么说吗?谢谢,我很急! -
广鲍特居:[答案] dolphin英音:['dɔlfin]美音:['dɑlfɪn] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 名词 n. 1.【动】海豚[C] a school of dolphins 一群海豚 2.【天】(大写)海豚星座 3.【海】系缆柱;簇桩;系船浮筒[C]

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的英语单词怎么说
广鲍特居: dolphin

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的英文怎么说 -
广鲍特居:[答案] 海豚 Delphinidae;dolphin 黑白海豚 Commerson's dolphin, Piebald dolphin Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lecepede) 黑白海豚属 黑海豚 Black dolphin Cephalorhynchus eutropia Gray 黑白海豚属 赫氏海豚 Hector's dolphin Cephalorhynchus ...

衡阳市17215062611: "海豚"英文怎样拼写?若有多个请都告诉,并著名应用于的语境. -
广鲍特居:[答案] dolphin海豚(这是最常见的用法) 还有: →porpoise common porpoise 大西洋鼠,海豚 finless porpoise 江豚 grampus porpoise 逆戟鲸 sea hog sea pig 也都是“海豚”的意思,但很少用,多用在一些口语中.

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的英文.
广鲍特居: dolphin 英['dɔlfin] 美['dɔlfin]

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的英文怎么拼? -
广鲍特居: dolphin [the Dolphin ](=Delphinus)【天】海豚座; 另外再介绍你一个不错的翻译网站,. 以后你不懂的可以去那里查. http://dict.iciba.com

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的英语是什么? -
广鲍特居: 您好! 海豚:dolphin望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

衡阳市17215062611: 海豚的翻译成英语是什么
广鲍特居: dolphin [ˈdɔlfin] n. 海豚

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