介绍一个中国旅游景点的英语作文 介绍一个中国旅游景点的英语作文初一

作者&投稿:危鸣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The Yellow Mountain (黄山)
The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.
大意: 位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地.每年有大批的中国游客和外国游客前去观光旅游.可以乘汽车,也可以乘火车或飞机去.登山便可以领略云海,奇松,怪石等秀丽的风景及其清晨美丽的日出.

 英语作文  你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由

Dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an?_o you want to visit Xi'an with your parents on May Day and national day?_ell you, to Xi'an tourism, is your best choice!_o, listen to me first.
Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province, was historically called Chang'an._t is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and has a history of more than 3100 years since its construction.
It used to be the capital of 12 dynasties in ancient China;_he famous Silk Road began here;_he famous Tang Monk's pilgrimage to the West also started from here;_t is currently the largest city in Northwest China.
The biggest feature of Xi'an is that there are many historical relics and places of interest._s soon as you enter Xi'an, you will see the largest and best preserved ancient city wall of Ming Dynasty in the world._he city wall has a history of more than 630 years.
It is 12 meters high and 3-6 meters thick than the height, which looks very magnificent._he city wall divides the ancient city into two parts: the city and the outside._he most famous tourist attractions in the city are bell tower, Drum Tower and stele forest museum;_utside the city are the big wild goose pagoda, the small wild goose pagoda and the largest Shaanxi History Museum in China.
The bell tower is located in the center of Xi'an. It is our landmark building in Xi'an. When it comes to the bell tower, people will think of Xi'an;_hen it comes to Xi'an, people will also think of the bell tower.
Both the bell tower and the drum tower are named after the big bell and drum placed in ancient times. It is said that the big bell placed on the bell tower is more than 5 tons!


The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a long fairy tale and picture scroll, but also a profound natural kingdom!
It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color there.

介绍一个旅游景点 介绍一个景点范例

中国的旅游景点都有哪些 中国的旅游景点介绍

1. 黄山风景区:位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的山岳风光旅游区。黄山以其奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪“五绝”而名扬天下,是联合国教科文组织评定的世界自然和文化双重遗产。2. 九寨沟风景区:位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州,是中国著名的湖泊、瀑布和彩林景观区。九寨沟的水色尤为著称,被誉为“童话世...


中国著名旅游景点介绍 一、长城 长城,世界文化遗产,是中华民族坚韧不屈精神的象征。它蜿蜒数千公里,穿越多个省份,展现了古代中国强大的防御体系和雄伟的建筑技艺。二、桂林山水 桂林山水甲天下,这里的山水如画,美不胜收。独特的喀斯特地貌形成了千姿百态的石灰岩峰林,清澈的江河穿绕其间,构成了一幅...

1. 北京故宫:紫禁城是历史著名古迹之一,如果来北京旅游的话故宫是一定要去的。2. 九寨沟:四川的九寨沟一直是宛如人间仙境一般,九寨归来不看水,九寨沟的水之美闻名天下。尤其是秋季的九寨,宛如童话世界。3. 张家界:湖南张家界是湖南省最著名的景点,张家界的山峰奇形怪状,绚丽多姿,同时又有着画境般...

中国作为一个拥有悠久历史和丰富文化的国家,其境内有着众多值得打卡的旅游景点。这些景点不仅展现了中国的自然风光之美,也承载着深厚的历史文化内涵。下面将介绍几个国内必来打卡的旅游景点:1. 长城:位于北京附近的长城,尤其是八达岭、慕田峪等段,是中国的象征之一。登上长城,不仅可以感受到古代劳动...

1、桂林 理由:桂林地区属岩溶地貌,这些特殊的地貌与景象万千的漓江及其周围美丽迷人的田园风光融为一体,形成了独具一格、驰名中外的“山清、水秀、洞奇、石美”的“桂林山水”。这时的山,平地拔起,千姿百态;漓江的水,蜿蜒曲折,明洁如镜;山多有洞,洞幽景奇,瑰丽壮观;洞中怪石,鬼斧神工,...

中国的旅游景点众多,其中尤以被评选为“中国十大名胜古迹”的景区最为人所知。这些景点不仅展现了中国丰富多彩的自然风光,还深刻体现了悠久的历史文化和先进的古代建筑技术。以下具体介绍这些著名景点:1. **万里长城**:- 万里长城,作为世界上建筑奇迹之一,其历史可追溯到春秋战国时期。历经约两千年的...

中国十大著名旅游景点介绍如下:1. 黄山风景区 黄山以其奇松、怪石、云雾、温泉、冬雪“五绝”闻名于世,被誉为“天下第一山”。黄山的美,无论是在艳阳下还是云雾中,或是春天的鲜花、冬日的雪景,都难以言表,需亲自感受。2. 九寨沟风景区 九寨沟位于四川阿坝,以其终年积雪的峰顶、美丽的童话世界...

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