程哲键 求英文

作者&投稿:宫国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 程哲键
Zhejian Cheng

平陆县18860305895: 求英文诗 -- The Wind 的中文翻译 -
拓士喜素: The Wind (Part I) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you;谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling,但在树叶震动之际, The wind is passing through.风正从那里吹过. (Part II) Who has seen the ...

平陆县18860305895: 求英文翻译 生于忧患,死于安乐 -
拓士喜素: Thrive in calamity and perish in soft living ;(life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure )仅做参考

平陆县18860305895: 用word打文件时,按shift打完标点,输入法会切换中英文,求解决方法. -
拓士喜素: 这是键盘设置问题,你电脑设置的中英文切换键是shift.更改设置如下: 显示桌面——右键打开右下角键盘形状图标——点设置键——选择输入法(以搜狗拼音输入法为例)——点输入法——属性——按键——将“中英文切换”中的shift设置改为其它的——确定——确定

平陆县18860305895: 求英语翻译!
拓士喜素: 1 Open the door and you will find a surprise. 2 The shoes is popular at present,though it looks awful. 3 I have nothing to do.I should go with you. 4Peter has finished his first novel . 5He must the only one that knows the truth.很抱歉,第二题应该为the ...

平陆县18860305895: 求几个英文名
拓士喜素: Amy Ann Eva伊娃 Eve伊芙 Jane简 Janet珍妮特 Jean姬恩 Jessie杰西Ella埃拉 Ellen爱伦 Ellie艾莉 Josie乔茜 Joy乔伊 Joyce乔伊斯

平陆县18860305895: 急求一段描述竹子的英文诗 -
拓士喜素: The Bamboo LodgeWang weiSeated alone by shadowy bamboos, I strum my lyre and laugh aloud; None knows that I am here, deep in the woods; Only the bright moon comes to shine on me.

平陆县18860305895: 中文求英文翻译!!! -
拓士喜素: 这段文字很好,不知道是哪位哲人说的,刻在身上可以简要翻译成:Life is too short with no time to regret, so the best way in rememberance of life is to go forward with the faith.

平陆县18860305895: 求英文名 有要求 -
拓士喜素: Y开头的英文名字本来就很少,我刚才去翻了英文词典,Y开头的单词也不过二三十个,没有比较优美或者有意境的含义.不好意思哦,这个不是难找的问题,是根本没有的问题诶~~ 给你推荐几个Y开头的英文名字吧: Yedda 叶达 英语 天生有歌...

平陆县18860305895: 急求 英文地址 北京市朝阳区左家庄东里7号楼1008 中国北京 -
拓士喜素: Beijing chaoyang district Oriental Ming building no. 7 1008 dongli Beijing, China

平陆县18860305895: 数学对我来说太难,不应该学.求英语的三种翻译 -
拓士喜素: Math is so difficult for me,and I should not learn it.Math is so difficult that I should not learn it .I should not learn Math,because it is too difficult .

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