我是临沂代言人 英语作文

作者&投稿:鄣寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我家在临沂 英语作文~

Linyi located at Shandong Province southeast, the cross longtitude 117 E 24 second ─119 11 seconds, the latitude 34 N 22 second ─36 22 seconds, the north and south most greatly long distance 228 kilometers, the thing extreme breadth 161 kilometers, the total area 17184 square kilometers, is the Shandong Province area biggest city. city alternate name Linyi ancient name Langya, river bank state, also calls the book city, the calligraphy city, the military tactics city, north the water city; In recent years along with economical soaring, is also called the business city, the physical distribution city, the small commodity city.    The river bank state hypericum on January 14, 2010 the Linyi 17th session of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 14th conference second plenary session passes.    National two supports model city, national environmental protection model city, China outstanding tourist city, Chinese market famous city, Chinese calligraphy famous city, nation comprehensive maintenance of public security outstanding city, national civilization advanced city, national safe family foundation activity advanced city, township, township of the Chinese Zhuge Liang culture the Chinese great calligrapher culture and so on.

Linyi located at Shandong Province southeast, the cross longtitude 117 E 24 second ─119 11 seconds, the latitude 34 N 22 second ─36 22 seconds, the north and south most greatly long distance 228 kilometers, the thing extreme breadth 161 kilometers, the total area 17184 square kilometers, is the Shandong Province area biggest city. city alternate name Linyi ancient name Langya, river bank state, also calls the book city, the calligraphy city, the military tactics city, north the water city; In recent years along with economical soaring, is also called the business city, the physical distribution city, the small commodity city.    The river bank state hypericum on January 14, 2010 the Linyi 17th session of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 14th conference second plenary session passes.    National two supports model city, national environmental protection model city, China outstanding tourist city, Chinese market famous city, Chinese calligraphy famous city, nation comprehensive maintenance of public security outstanding city, national civilization advanced city, national safe family foundation activity advanced city, township, township of the Chinese Zhuge Liang culture the Chinese great calligrapher culture and so on. 这里分成3个段落,如果你觉得太多你可以删掉哪个段落


My hometown is Linyi, which is a small city situated in the southern part of Shandong Province. The city itself is famous as an old revolutionary base district back in world war II and also home to the great calligrapher WangXiZhi.
The history of revolutionary heroes has affected many following generations, there spirit and braveness has been passed on.
Nowadays, Linyi is developing rapidly, it's becoming a capital of commerce and trade market and peoples living conditions are improving with the growing economics.
我的家乡是临沂,这是一个小城市,位于南部的山东省。城市本身是著名的革命老区区回到二战中,也主页向伟大的书法家WangXiZhi 。历史上的革命英雄已经影响了许多后代,有精神和braveness已经通过的。目前,临沂正在迅速发展,它成为资本的商业和贸易市场和人民生活条件的日益改善经济。

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贠壮消栓: 出现这种现象的原因有很多,建议送到定点维修店去检查一下具体原因后再作处理. 《赠人玫瑰手有余香,祝您好运一生一世,如果回答有用,请点“好评”,谢谢^_^!》

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