
作者&投稿:柯变 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mr./Ms. Wang gives your contact information to me, and I want to ask if you are available to be a translator for us the day after tomorrow?

I am sorry that we have to handle some urgent things tomorrow.So if it is possible,we hope to arrange the things the day after tomorrow.

You have signed all the previous documents, so I think you should also sign this one.

All the previous files were signed by you, so I'm wondering whether you can sign it this time?

The red marked parts in the table means differ from former ones.

Necesidad de encontrar un buen objetivo de la lucha, mi vida para completar la auto-realización del objetivo que no son tan grandes que las pequeñas no es pequeño, es necesario probar su unicidad e individualidad, al mismo tiempo completar la creación de su p...

I'll never fotget the days when I work together with you.翻译:我将永不忘记和你一起工作的那些日子。此句是定语从句。He came to hangzhou during the week when I was out.翻译:当我外出那一周,他来杭州了。此句是时间状语从句。He looks as if he were his father.look可以是谓语动...

这是商务日本语中的内容吧?我粗略翻译下啊 对方进入接待室后,马上站起来迎接。如果有桌子等障碍物的话,迂回迎接进来坐对面。递名片的时候,要从下位者开始报名介绍,这是礼仪。访问者和下位者先递名片。经营活动的话,必须自己先递名片。把自己的名片两手放倒胸口的高度,递到对方胸口的高度。递名片...

急!!日语达人请进来 !!!帮我修改文章!!
私のアイドル 私のアイドルはTWINSです。高校在学中、TWINSは北京语のCDを発売しました。彼女达の歌を聴いて私はTWINSを大好きになりました。皆さんはTWINSを知っていますか?TWINSはシャーリーンとジリアンのアイドルユニットです。彼女たちは香港で大人気の歌手として、すごい歌を...

宾语从句:I am answering some question of you who are puzzled.当然修饰宾语YOU了,理解时就跟主语从句一样可以分开理解了,who are puzzled先去掉。情态动词太多了。。我就转一点吧。1. 形式: 情态动词 + 动词原形do;情态动词 + 动词完成进行时have been doing;情态动词 + 动词完成时have ...

助词“ を”表动作的经过,且后面多接他动词。“に”倾向于动作的附着点,点动词。表存在。 表目的。

玫瑰(蓝):敦厚.善良.玫瑰(粉红):感动、爱的宣言、铭记于心 、初恋, 喜欢你那灿烂的笑容 玫瑰(白):天真、纯洁、尊敬、谦卑 玫瑰(黄):不贞、嫉妒, 欢乐, 高兴, 道歉 玫瑰(紫):忧郁.梦幻,爱做梦.玫瑰(捧花):幸福之爱 玫瑰(橙):羞怯, 献给你一份神秘的爱 玫瑰 (花苞): ...

鸟谷 达弘 とりたに たつひろ 补充:toritani是鸟谷 Tatsuhiro是达弘 写成英文的时候把姓放在后面了。参考资料:鳥谷達弘

一早上的辛劳 我有些倦怠 但我仍快乐的迎接每个日出 哪怕在低徊的时候 让我们都去追寻遥远的梦想吧 我知道遥远的距离也不能把我们分开 那难以忘怀的甜蜜夏日 已经是多久以前的往事了!充满爱恋的笑靥 仿佛还近在昨天 啊 我平静地祈求回到 那再也追不回的过去时光 正在万水千山之外的人啊 微波拍打着...

我看应该是:汝今驻小涧 且向长江游 敢与风浪搏 (随)湾任自由 参考资料:书法常识

云县19893312473: 英语达人请进来帮忙翻译一句话,中翻英,非常感谢. -
双贞洛珂: Xiao Wang has been sick for a few days. so he failed to hand in the homework on time.Little Wang has been sick for a few days, that's why he didn't hand in the homework on time.hand in ,亲自百用度手交上回去答 turn in,

云县19893312473: 英语达人进来帮忙翻译一句话,中翻英,非常感谢他拒绝参加会议因为他说他和我们部门毫无生意往来. -
双贞洛珂:[答案] 当我回过头的时候,我发现你们都不见了,我试图找过你们但是没找到. I suddenly found you had all gone when I turned around, and failed to find you again finally.

云县19893312473: 英语达人请近来帮忙翻译句话,中翻英,非常感谢. -
双贞洛珂: 可根据理解,有两种翻译:1. 没改完的(相同的)问题 You may continue to correct the problem that you have not yet completed.2. 没改完的(不相同的)问题 You may continue to correct the problems that have not yet been done.

云县19893312473: 请求英语达人帮忙翻译一句子
双贞洛珂: Please dunk it in salt water for thirty minutes before your first lavation.

云县19893312473: 英语达人请帮忙翻译一句话,中翻英,非常感谢
双贞洛珂: According to our new regulation, the money can be payed only after the Letter of Guarantee is signed. The Letter of Guarantee contents has been drafted by me.

云县19893312473: 请英语达人帮忙翻译下一个句子 非常感谢请英语达人帮忙翻译下一个句子 非常感谢on the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of ... -
双贞洛珂:[答案] 从整体上看,得出这个结论需要一定程度的自信,但是只要这个孩子和那些与他作比较的孩子持有相同的考试态度就好.

云县19893312473: 请会英语的进来帮我翻译一段话,非常感谢!
双贞洛珂: Hi, I am so sorry, I am not good at communicating with you in English on the line, I insist on refund, and I will purchase your priducts to learn English in advance Here is the information 1. Please refund to my credit card, it's the one that I purchased ...

云县19893312473: 英语达人进来帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢了 -
双贞洛珂: 您好,在没有上下文和更多信息的情况下,本人的参考翻译如下,欢迎一起探讨:I don't think this is about lesbian(s). Even if it is, it would be the most innocent and beautiful scene in the genre of lesbian, as in which she awoke a person with her ...

云县19893312473: 英语达人帮忙翻译一句话,中翻英,非常感谢,关于办签证的时候 -
双贞洛珂: Could you please check for me that can a China citizen fly to Malaysia using a landing visa, and again fly direct to Brunei? Over here in China, we have no way to apply a Brunei Visa.据我知道的,如果您要去文莱,中国又没有文莱领事馆,您可以...

云县19893312473: 英语达人进来,帮忙翻译一段话 -
双贞洛珂: (我是自己翻的, 希望可以帮到你.) Now, I would like to introduce myself to you so that you can know me better. 现在我做一下自我简介 I graduated from Zhong Nan University of Finance and Law in 2004.我2004年毕业于中南财经政法大学 My ...

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