
作者&投稿:佴乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我应该保持刷牙怎么用 英语句子表示?~

I should keep brushing

Brush teeth in six clock.

Everyone should brush their teeth every day and night.
We shhould brush our teeth every day.
We must brush our teeth for our healthy.

everyone should brush his teeth every day

Brush teeth 读音: [brʌʃ ti:θ]刷牙 例句:1、Thoroughly brush teeth and gums twice daily 每天两次彻底刷净牙齿和牙龈。2、Number of times of brushing teeth with time: Must brush teeth sooner or later, gargle.刷牙的次数和时间:早晚必须刷牙,漱口。3、It's a ritual&...

刷牙的英文怎么读 ?
brush one's teeth 1、我们要养成天天刷牙漱口的良好习惯。2、我早上起床刷牙后吃饭看电视,中午吃完饭后继续看,晚饭吃后就睡觉了。3、凡清旦刷牙,不如夜刷牙,齿疾不生。4、夜晚肚饿就即刻刷牙,薄荷味会减低食欲。5、上班族起床娴熟的刷牙洗脸,尔后匆匆赶往工作岗位。6、勤洗手,病菌统统全赶走。

“刷牙”的英文:brush teeth 读法:英 [brʌʃ ti:θ] 美 [brʌʃ tiθ]例句:He goes to his bathroom to brush teeth and wash his face.他去浴室里刷牙和洗脸。词汇解析:1、brush 英 [brʌʃ] 美 [brʌʃ]n.刷子,画笔;灌木丛;小...

刷牙的英文:Brush teeth Brush 读法 英 [brʌʃ] 美 [brʌʃ]1、作名词的意思是:刷子,画笔;灌木丛;小冲突 2、作及物动词的意思:刷;擦;掠过;轻触 3、作不及物动词的意思:刷;擦过 短语:1、brush off 刷去;丢弃;脱落 2、brush stroke 笔触,绘画的技巧;画笔...

短语是:brush one's teeth 重点词汇:teeth 英[ti:θ]释义:n.牙齿 短语:Wisdom teeth智齿;智能齿;智慧齿;智牙

早上起床后我总是先刷牙用英语说法是:I always brush my teeth first after getting up in the morning。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为...

“刷牙”的英文:brush teeth读法:英 [brʌʃ ti:θ] 美 [brʌʃ tiθ]。刷牙的正确方法是竖向刷牙、吃饭后不要立刻刷牙、刷牙不要太用力、刷牙要用软毛刷、刷牙不要用冷水刷等。1、竖向刷牙 口腔中的牙齿像一排排整齐的柱子,两个柱子之间的间隙是垂直的,如果横着刷牙,...

谁知道 起床 刷牙洗脸 放学 吃晚饭 电脑 睡觉 这些单词翻译成英文的是...
我知道 起床:get up 刷牙:brush teeth 洗脸: wash face 放学:elease from school 吃晚饭:eat dinner 电脑:computer 睡觉:sleeping

刷牙的英文怎么读 ?英文原文:brush one's teeth 英式音标:[brʌʃ] [wʌnz] [tiθ]美式音标:[brʌʃ] [wʌnz] [tiθ]我的牙刷我的牙膏我要刷牙了该怎么读?英语 My toothbrush, my toothpaste, I have to brush my teeth.我的牙刷我的牙膏我要刷牙了 ...


习水县13836069603: 每天早晚都要刷牙的英语句子 -
驹曹蝎毒: Everyone should brush their teeth every day and night. We shhould brush our teeth every day. We must brush our teeth for our healthy.

习水县13836069603: 翻译:每天早上都会刷牙 -
驹曹蝎毒:[答案] I brush my teeth every moring.

习水县13836069603: 全国爱牙日 英文 要资料5段 -
驹曹蝎毒: 因为上面可能会有细菌. 3. Move the brush in small circular motions across the surface of the teeth. 刷牙时应该以打小圈的方式来清洁牙齿表面.如果有什么问题要及时看牙医(go to the dentist),不要因为害怕而躲避,那样只会越来越严重. ...

习水县13836069603: 刷牙的英语 -
驹曹蝎毒: brush one's teeth We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙.Don't neglect to brush your teeth.不要忘了刷牙.

习水县13836069603: 他应该每天晚上都要刷牙的英文 -
驹曹蝎毒: 他应该每天晚上都要刷牙 He should brush his teeth every night.他应该每天晚上都要刷牙 He should brush his teeth every night.

习水县13836069603: 关于保护牙齿的 英语短文 -
驹曹蝎毒: 同学们要保护好自己的牙齿,要做到以下几点: Students to protect their teeth, it is necessary to do the following: 1.要养成良好的刷牙习惯.饭后用温开水漱口,早晚各刷牙一次.刷牙的次数不能太多,多了反而会损伤牙齿,刷牙的时间也不宜过...

习水县13836069603: 为了我们能有健康的牙齿,我们要明天早晚刷牙英文 -
驹曹蝎毒: 为了我们能有健康的牙齿,我们要明天早晚刷牙 英文:In order for us to have healthy teeth, we should brush our teeth in the morning and evening.

习水县13836069603: 我有时只在早上刷牙,的英文 -
驹曹蝎毒: 我有时只在早上刷牙 英文:Sometimes I just brush your teeth in the morning

习水县13836069603: 刷牙用英语怎么说,最好举个例子
驹曹蝎毒: brush / clean one's teeth Children should learn the proper method of brushing teeth. 孩子们应该学会刷牙的正确方法. Always brush your teeth after eating. 吃完东西一定要刷牙.

习水县13836069603: 他有一个好习惯每天睡觉前要刷牙英文 -
驹曹蝎毒: 他有一个好习惯每天睡觉前要刷牙 He has a good habit of brushing his teeth before going to bed every day.他有一个好习惯每天睡觉前要刷牙 He has a good habit of brushing his teeth before going to bed every day.

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