请问 您要到哪个地方去 英文怎么说

作者&投稿:贠盼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

where are you going to,
and where you come back。

We want to go to....Would you please tell us how to get there?
We're going to visit .... Can you tell us how to get there please?
We're trying to find our way to .... Can you tell us how to get there?

Excuse me. Where do you want to go?/ Where are you going?

Excuse me? where do you want to go?

Where are you going?

Excuse me. Where do you want to go?
或 Where are you going?

商丘市19545505090: ”请问您要到哪里”用英语怎么说
左届今福: Excuse me,where are you going?

商丘市19545505090: 去什么地方怎么走英语怎么说 -
左届今福: How do I get to (想去的地方名)[from X] {by Z}? (X为出发点,有需要的时候就不用说了,比如我在路上问人就不必废话说'从这里怎么去Y'了,因为谁都知道你的出发点是在哪里)by Z是你的交通工具,比如by public transport (坐公交), on foot (走路)etc.我们口语里都这么说的.

商丘市19545505090: 把……带到……地方去 用英语怎么说??????? -
左届今福: take (某人 某物) to (某地)

商丘市19545505090: 英语翻译1、请刷卡!2、您要去哪?3、您做反了,请到对面坐车!4、您去的地方我知道,请在这里刷卡,来车后我告诉您!5、就是这趟车,请上车!6、1... -
左届今福:[答案] 1, please charge! 2, you want to go? 3, you do the opposite, please go to the car! 4, you go to the place I know, please come here after card, I tell you! Car 5, is this bus, get in, please! 6 and 1 yuan! 7, no card please buy a ticket! 8 and if no IC, can buy a ...

商丘市19545505090: 英语翻译1)当然,你要告诉你要到什么地方去2)在你问路之前,你要说一些礼貌的用语,比如说“打扰了” -
左届今福:[答案] Certainly ,you should tell me where you will go. Bfore you ask for a help about the way youwant to go,you should say some polite words ,just like “excuse me”

商丘市19545505090: 我想去的地方英语怎么说? -
左届今福: 口语话表达:The place I wanna go is ...(接你想去的地名) 或 I wanna go to +地名

商丘市19545505090: 我马上就要到某个地方用英语怎么说.是已经在路上,快要到了,不是will 也不是be going to -
左届今福: i 'll be right there 电影中的高频句子 你在听的时候,由于口语will 变成了'll,所以不容易听出来

商丘市19545505090: 我要去这个地方,英语怎么说 -
左届今福: I want to go to this place 答题不易望采纳,不懂请追问 非常期待你的采纳

商丘市19545505090: 这就是我想要去的那个地方,用英文翻译成6种方式 -
左届今福: It's the place I want to go/visit.I want to go to this place.I want to visit this place.This place is where I want to go.I would like to go to this place.I hope I can go there.

商丘市19545505090: 分别说一说你想去的地方【英语】 -
左届今福: G:Tell me which place you mostly want to visit , please one by one.H: Ok, during this summer vacation,I want to pay a visit to our "neighbour"---Japan.Because the Girls' Generation (少女时代)is having concerts there.I think there should be a ...

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