
作者&投稿:牛蝶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



"Tangled" (Disney) was adapted based on a story called "Rapunzel" from the German fairy tale in the collection assembled by the Brothers Grimm; about a long-haired girl got locked up by an enchantress in a tall tower.

The long-haired girl was cursed by the enchantress and imprisoned in a tower in the forest. People could climb up the tower only if the girl put down her long hair. Once, she met a passing prince and the prince came every day to get to know her. However, the enchantress founded out. She cut off the girl's long hair in anger and made the princes blind. After several twists and turns,the girl finally reunited with the prince. As a world-famous classic fairy tale, Rapunzel has repeatedly been adapted for animation. So, Rapunzel, Snow White,Cinderella and The Little Mermaid had become Disney's classic beauty images. At this time of the generation, old wine in new bottles, Disney with the classic fairy tales again, declaring Walt Disney Production is going into the 3D animation world.

Adapted Plot: The protagonist is a long- haired girl named Rapunzel. Her hair was controlled by magic and she's living in an isolated tower since her youth. Until one day, there is a ruffian handsome thief named Flynn Rider come to the tower. He was smart enough to get away from all the chase and capture, so his winnings have been on the rise that makes him even more difficult to leave the country. When he came to the bottom of the tower and considers that this tower is the best hiding place. With his extraordinary ability, he climbed up the tower unarmed; not knowing that there is a beautiful girl lives up on top. This is where a romance begins......


"Magicians romance" (Rapunzel) according to the Green's fairy tale "lettuce" adaptation, tells the story of a witch was in the tower on the long hair girl story. A long hair girl was a witch cursed, imprisoned in the tower in the forest, only let down her hair, the talent can be up to the tower, once she met a pass by Prince, Prince every day to meet with her, only to be found that the witch, and the witch cut a girl's hair, and against the prince blind his eyes, after twists and turns, the couple finally in the meet in a distant land. As a world famous classic fairy tale, "tangled" has been adapted for animation, Rapunzel and snow white, Cinderella, the little mermaid has become classic Disney beauty image. This time, Disney "new wine in old bottles" and the classic fairy tales, declared Disney animation comes to 3D world into generation. After the adaptation of the story: the story of the protagonist is a long hair girl Rapunzel, her hair is magic control, so she was living in a retire tower, until one day, there was a ruffian handsome robber Flynn Rider due to vigorous, always took out all the chase, catch his bounty has also been on the rise, this also let him exit more difficult, when he came to the tower bottom, found that the tower is the best place, so he with great capability, climb the tower, but the tower had a beautiful young girl, a romance begins... ...

Rapunzel is a witch curse, imprisoned in a tower in the forest, only put down her long hair, people can up to the tower, once she met a passing prince, the prince every day to get together with her, only to be witch found, then cut the girl's hair witches and evil prince blind eyes, after several twists and turns, which the couple finally meet in different places. As a world-famous classic fairy tale, "Tangled" has repeatedly been adapted for animation, Rapunzel and Snow White, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, also become Disney's classic beauty image. This time, Disney's "old wine in new bottles" and then the classic fairy tale, declaring Disney animation into the 3D world coming generations. 改编后剧情;Protagonist of the story was a long-haired girl with a Rapunzel, her hair by the magic of control, and therefore her childhood living in an isolated tower on, until one day, a handsome ruffian as dashing bandit Flynn Rider , can always pull out all the hunt to catch his winnings have been on the rise, which made him more and more difficult exit, when he came to the bottom of the tower and found that this tower is the best hideout, so with his extraordinary ability, unarmed climb the tower, not knowing that the original tower with a beautiful girl, a romance begins.

by my tears 冲冼着脚下的沙子 through...and through... 一遍又一遍 Didn't want to feel the wind of depression,本没想到会感到如此地消沉 and will never give my heart to another person.我的心也不会交给第二个人 Tend to think that time could heal,心想:时间可以愈合我心里的创伤。

two big eyes and a small mouth .My hair is very long.My favourite color is blue and pink.I like eating fruits,such as bananas,pineapples and peaches. I also like running,skiing,singing and climbing mountains .I hope you can support me.Thank you!参考资料:希望能帮助你 ...

1 Hamlet in his father dies suddenly, uncle marries sister-in-law's case was to see his father, a late-night cause death's ghost, let his revenge. Hamlet a suspect in the death of his father, mother and uncle indignation at the behavior, but fear the ghost is a trap ...

中文:您的东西已经修好了, 您明天就可以捞取走,给您带来不不便真的非常抱歉.翻译:Your things have been repaired already .You can take it away tomorrow.I'm so sorry to cause the inconvenience.(应该是对的吧,有问题再问我吧O(∩_∩)O)...

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The business ran well at the begining,but it became depressed because of the financial crisis

23 我只是想能和你成真正的朋友 I just wanna be your true friend.24 没什么的我只是问问呵呵别介意啊 Nothing,just curiosity,don't put it on your mind.25 我不喜欢的 I don't like it.; I kind of don't like it.26 喜欢什么歌啊我放给你听听 What kind of songs do you ...

1、产品更新周期短,三星每年要开发几百种新产品,平均每隔3个月,就会推出针对不同目标客户定位的新产品,这使三星的品牌保持了旺盛的生命力,不断巩固在消费者心中的形象。1, product update cycle is short, Samsung to develop hundreds of new products every year, every 3 months, will launch ...

China, the world's fourth largest economy in the world economy resulted in a growing stage a far-reaching impact, with the trend of the world to speed up economic integration. Among countries ever closer economic ties. And the financial crisis will undoubtedly have a significant ...

Having very good organizing and leading ability, having been a member of the class' leading group for years during which period had organized many class activities, and have successfully organized classmates to a participate in the " Motion Club Campus innovation Competetion" .English ...

小店区19278897993: 英语翻译谁能帮我把下面一段文字翻译成英文?无 题 - 无法言说的爱我爱着一个人,但我说不出口.我暗恋她,曾几何时,她清新的身姿总徘徊在我的心中,她... -
寸昭福尔:[答案] I fall in love with someone,but i can't speak.I love her so much,but she didn't know.I don't know when,her shadows is always around in my heart,her bright eyes are always in my mind.I miss ,I love her

小店区19278897993: 帮我用英语翻译一下下面一段文字、文字要优美,言语要精练,我要去和老外做自我介绍.(可以帮我把内容美大家好、我叫Ray,我今年18岁.很高兴能有这... -
寸昭福尔:[答案] Hi,my name is ray,i was eighteen years old this year.very glad to have this chance to come over to see at every one of my friends,i would like to listen to music and play table tennis,recently i was a...

小店区19278897993: 谁能帮我用英语翻译一下 下面一段话
寸昭福尔: I never found it a mistake to like you. On the contrary, it brought me much happiness and good memories. I long for the romance as in "Titanic", and enjoy the bliss as in "My Sassy Girl". Even though I have failed now, I will keep working hard for...

小店区19278897993: 谁能帮我用英文翻译一下下面那段话啊? -
寸昭福尔: I have a very happy family, our home a total of 4 individuals, my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is an engineer, he worked in the company that he riding a motorcycle to work. My mother was a peasant, she had often eaten at home to ...

小店区19278897993: 谁能帮我用英文翻译下面一段话 -
寸昭福尔: 二三楼都很不错,我尽量给你起个压韵的,哈哈!I love my husband,I love my Taotao, He spoils me,loves me,and treats me well! Therefore I'll make him smile, never feels sad and never going on trail!As long as you're there for me, keep me shiny ...

小店区19278897993: 谁能帮我用英文翻译一下下面这段话? -
寸昭福尔: Good! You have been free, later you will not need to be called my husband again, you might seek for another to belong to your love! Do obeisance! I thought that I needed to rest!”

小店区19278897993: 谁能帮我把下面一段话翻译成英语 -
寸昭福尔: Sorry, I just don't have the feelings to you. You are a sound guy, and despite that emotions can't be forced, I have tried to like you. I only treat you as my big brother. I'm afraid that if I don't make this clear, it's unfair to both of us. The earlier we talk out the less it hurts. Sorry.

小店区19278897993: 哪位会英语的...帮我把下面这一段话翻译成英语,谢谢!
寸昭福尔: 翻译的内容: Ngan... This is the last I sent you a message, after that I will not call went away your life, I respect your feelings..

小店区19278897993: 谁能用英语帮我翻译下面一段话?
寸昭福尔: The girl who I love is not coming and the girl who loves me has gone away.

小店区19278897993: 英语翻译谁能帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文的:其实,很多事情明白了就不会感到烦恼了,并不是别人太现实而是我自己太固执!是自找烦恼!因为我是新手... -
寸昭福尔:[答案] In fact,a lot of things that would not have bothered if they are understood,not the others too realistic,but I myself am too stubborn!It is self-inflicted troubles!

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