
作者&投稿:崇音 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句








帮我翻译一下吧!! 要英文 也要拼音!~谢谢谢谢!!
I am unable to extricate myself in my mind.一个寂寞世界的傻瓜 A fool in the lonely world 默默承受爱情的变化 Endure the love's changes in silence 心甘情愿当一个傻瓜 (I am)willing to do a fool 你给的伤害 没有逃脱的方法 The injury you give me couldn't escape 一个寂寞世...

请帮我翻译一下翻译成英语是:Please translate for me

Monkey King:猴子王(孙悟空)you're so naught:你太顽皮了 I've told you not to throw things anywhere:我叫过你不要把东西乱扔 You've thrown away the stick again:你又把手杖(金箍棒)乱扔了 Pandora's Box is a treasure:潘多拉(意为魔盒,在这部电影中指月光宝盒)的盒子是财宝啊 You'll ...

翻译:等到吴国被评定之后,象征吉祥征兆的紫气更明亮了。华听说豫章人(古代郡名,今江西南昌地带)雷焕非常精通观看天相,便要与雷焕一块儿住下,同事者说:“可以一起观看天文,就知道将来的祸福啊。” 所以他们两个便登上楼仰头观望。雷焕说:“我看到这种天相好长一段时间啊,只是北斗星和牛郎星之...

你好,朋友,这是我第一次来这里,很高兴遇到你,希望我们能成为好朋友。回答: Nice to meet you too! I'm sure we can be good friends. Where are you from?我也很高兴遇到你。我相信我们会成为好朋友。你是来自哪里啊?

First, business travel kept me occupied, and then my laptop got zapped again when I got home. It worked fine on the road - but it seems be trying to download some unknown driver when I turn it on in my home network - and it shuts the computer down. I got it back from...

i have been in college for one year,during which i learned a lot.we can do what we want to do .take me for example,i love art very much so that i often go to the computer room in our college to enjoy music and moives .what's more,i have learn how to love each ...

1.A lot of boys and girls in the United States are wearing the same kinds of clithes,and many of them have long hair,so it is often diffcult to tell whether they are boys or girls.One day,an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington,and when he was tried,he...


Education industry: hundreds of millions of dollars of investment to build the Beijing Geely University, Sanya, Hainan University College of Zhejiang Vocational College of Automobile and students more than 40,000 people; trained 10,000 graduates, in order to transport a large number of ...

祁连县19217242563: 谁能帮我翻译一下啊?急~~~~~~~· -
喻食参七: 1.The book consists of five parts. 2. The rain being very heavy, let's take a taxi. 3.Don't drop the any chance to learn English. 4.No one has ever loved baseball like Frazier Robinson.

祁连县19217242563: 谁帮我翻译一下啊 急!! -
喻食参七: Brand culture location is derived from establishment of clear brand locating so to reach appropriate identity by audience via internal and external spreading media. Therefore c...

祁连县19217242563: 谁能帮我翻译成英文啊?急~~~
喻食参七: Hello everyone, my name is Susan, nice to meet you all. I live in Zao Village, Shandong, I study in Lixin primary school near my village, I'm in class 3, grade 6, I like English very much, and I like magzine, too. I have a happy family, My parents love me ...

祁连县19217242563: 急!谁可以帮我翻译一下这句话、就是用英语怎么说:(那一天、那些天我们在一起的日子) -
喻食参七:[答案] 那一天:that day 那些天我们在一起的日子:those days we spent together.欢迎追问,谢谢您的支持!

祁连县19217242563: 谁能帮我翻译一下?急 啊 !上个星期天Ted上午在打扫房间和看书,下午去看望了朋友和踢足球,晚上写作业和看电视 翻译成作文,要过去式的 -
喻食参七:[答案] Last Sunday,Ted cleaned his room and read books on morning.He went to see his friends and played football in the afternoon,did his homework and watched tv at night.

祁连县19217242563: 谁帮我翻译一下啊?很急 -
喻食参七: I can not imagine the days without you. I am so sad and cannot work hard. my dear please. do not leave me. I will change myself for you

祁连县19217242563: 谁来帮我翻译一下,急呀!!!...
喻食参七: 同意我楼上那位 地道的说法应该是 “When I hear from you” " received your letter" 也对,不过外国人一般不这样用

祁连县19217242563: 哪位大哥帮我翻译下,急,在线等啊,谢谢 -
喻食参七: British breakfast is the home of tea is Scotland, it is a kind of full-bodied drinks, contain light floral, suit with milk or lemon, but milk and lemon cannot use at the same time, because the lemon can make milk produces solidification. After breakfast, ...

祁连县19217242563: 谁可以帮我翻译一下啊,急急急急急啊~~~~~…
喻食参七: My English teacher is a woman teacher. Her English is great. We all like her. She is medium height. She is slim and beautiful. She has long straight black hair. Her skin is very fine. She has big eyes but she doesn't wear glasses. This is our English teacher. We all like her!

祁连县19217242563: 谁帮我翻译一下成英文?很急!!!
喻食参七: my parents went to guilin for a buisness trip today and i am alone at home. i started my day by cleaning up my bedroom, washed my clothings and cooked a simple lunch for myself.i finished my homework in the afternoon and watch TV for a while. ...

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