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3,此时看到的就是OFFICE 账号的信息。不管登 陆都可以看到标红的地方。

点击Help->About MATLAB,弹出窗口也会显示Version。

>> ver
MATLAB Version (R2009a)
MATLAB License Number: 161051
Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.0 (Build 6001: Service Pack 1)
Java VM Version: Java 1.6.0_04-b12 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
MATLAB Version 7.8 (R2009a)
Simulink Version 7.3 (R2009a)
Aerospace Blockset Version 3.3 (R2009a)
Aerospace Toolbox Version 2.3 (R2009a)
Bioinformatics Toolbox Version 3.3 (R2009a)
Communications Blockset Version 4.2 (R2009a)
Communications Toolbox Version 4.3 (R2009a)
Control System Toolbox Version 8.3 (R2009a)
Curve Fitting Toolbox Version 2.0 (R2009a)
Data Acquisition Toolbox Version 2.14 (R2009a)
Database Toolbox Version 3.5.1 (R2009a)
Datafeed Toolbox Version 3.3 (R2009a)
EDA Simulator Link DS Version 2.1 (R2009a)
EDA Simulator Link IN Version 2.4 (R2009a)
EDA Simulator Link MQ Version 2.6 (R2009a)
Econometrics Toolbox Version 1.1 (R2009a)
Embedded IDE Link CC Version 3.4 (R2009a)
Embedded IDE Link MU Version 1.2 (R2009a)
Embedded IDE Link TS Version 1.4 (R2009a)
Embedded IDE Link VS Version 2.2 (R2009a)
Filter Design HDL Coder Version 2.4 (R2009a)
Filter Design Toolbox Version 4.5 (R2009a)
Financial Derivatives Toolbox Version 5.4 (R2009a)
Financial Toolbox Version 3.6 (R2009a)
Fixed-Income Toolbox Version 1.7 (R2009a)
Fixed-Point Toolbox Version 2.4 (R2009a)
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Version 2.2.9 (R2009a)
Gauges Blockset Version 2.0.5 (R2009a)
Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox Version 2.4.1 (R2009a)
Image Acquisition Toolbox Version 3.3 (R2009a)
Image Processing Toolbox Version 6.3 (R2009a)
Instrument Control Toolbox Version 2.8 (R2009a)
MATLAB Builder EX Version 1.2.12 (R2009a)
MATLAB Builder JA Version 2.0.3 (R2009a)
MATLAB Builder NE Version 3.0.1 (R2009a)
MATLAB Compiler Version 4.10 (R2009a)
MATLAB Distributed Computing Server Version 4.1 (R2009a)
MATLAB Report Generator Version 3.6 (R2009a)
Mapping Toolbox Version 2.7.2 (R2009a)
Model Predictive Control Toolbox Version 3.1 (R2009a)
Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Version 3.6 (R2009a)
Neural Network Toolbox Version 6.0.2 (R2009a)
OPC Toolbox Version 2.1.3 (R2009a)
Optimization Toolbox Version 4.2 (R2009a)
Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 4.1 (R2009a)
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Version 1.0.14 (R2009a)
RF Blockset Version 2.4 (R2009a)
RF Toolbox Version 2.5 (R2009a)
Real-Time Windows Target Version 3.3 (R2009a)
Real-Time Workshop Version 7.3 (R2009a)
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Version 5.3 (R2009a)
Robust Control Toolbox Version 3.3.3 (R2009a)
Signal Processing Blockset Version 6.9 (R2009a)
Signal Processing Toolbox Version 6.11 (R2009a)
SimBiology Version 3.0 (R2009a)
SimDriveline Version 1.5.2 (R2009a)
SimElectronics Version 1.2 (R2009a)
SimEvents Version 2.4 (R2009a)
SimHydraulics Version 1.5 (R2009a)
SimMechanics Version 3.1 (R2009a)
SimPowerSystems Version 5.1 (R2009a)
Simscape Version 3.1 (R2009a)
Simulink 3D Animation Version 5.0 (R2009a)
Simulink Control Design Version 2.5 (R2009a)
Simulink Design Optimization Version 1.0 (R2009a)
Simulink Design Verifier Version 1.4 (R2009a)
Simulink Fixed Point Version 6.1 (R2009a)
Simulink HDL Coder Version 1.5 (R2009a)
Simulink Report Generator Version 3.6 (R2009a)
Simulink Verification and Validation Version 2.5 (R2009a)
Spline Toolbox Version 3.3.6 (R2009a)
Spreadsheet Link EX Version 3.0.3 (R2009a)
Stateflow Version 7.3 (R2009a)
Stateflow Coder Version 7.3 (R2009a)
Statistics Toolbox Version 7.1 (R2009a)
Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 5.2 (R2009a)
System Identification Toolbox Version 7.3 (R2009a)
SystemTest Version 2.3 (R2009a)
Target Support Package FM5 Version 2.2.3 (R2009a)
Target Support Package IC1 Version 1.5.3 (R2009a)
Target Support Package TC2 Version 3.2 (R2009a)
Target Support Package TC6 Version 3.6 (R2009a)
Vehicle Network Toolbox Version 1.0 (R2009a)
Video and Image Processing Blockset Version 2.7 (R2009a)
Wavelet Toolbox Version 4.4 (R2009a)
xPC Target Version 4.1 (R2009a)
xPC Target Embedded Option Version 4.1 (R2009a)



>> help netcdf
NETCDF Summary of MATLAB NETCDF capabilities.
MATLAB provides low-level access to netCDF files via direct access to
more than 30 functions in the netCDF library. To use these MATLAB
functions, you must be familiar with the netCDF C interface. The
"NetCDF C Interface Guide" for version 3.6.2 may be consulted at

In most cases, the syntax of the MATLAB function is similar to the
syntax of the netCDF library function. The functions are implemented
as a package called "netcdf". To use these functions, one needs to
prefix the function name with package name "netcdf", i.e.

ncid = netcdf.open ( ncfile, mode );

The following table lists all the netCDF library functions supported by
the netCDF package.

abort - Revert recent netCDF file definitions.
close - Close netCDF file.
create - Create new netCDF file.
endDef - End netCDF file define mode.
inq - Return information about netCDF file.
inqLibVers - Return netCDF library version information.
open - Open netCDF file.
reDef - Set netCDF file into define mode.
setDefaultFormat - Change default netCDF file format.
setFill - Set netCDF fill mode.
sync - Synchronize netCDF dataset to disk.

defDim - Create netCDF dimension.
inqDim - Return netCDF dimension name and length.
inqDimID - Return dimension ID.
renameDim - Change name of netCDF dimension.

defVar - Create netCDF variable.
getVar - Return data from netCDF variable.
inqVar - Return information about variable.
inqVarID - Return ID associated with variable name.
putVar - Write data to netCDF variable.
renameVar - Change name of netCDF variable.

copyAtt - Copy attribute to new location.
delAtt - Delete netCDF attribute.
getAtt - Return netCDF attribute.
inqAtt - Return information about netCDF attribute.
inqAttID - Return ID of netCDF attribute.
inqAttName - Return name of netCDF attribute.
putAtt - Write netCDF attribute.
renameAtt - Change name of attribute.

The following functions have no equivalents in the netCDF library.

getConstantNames - Return list of constants known to netCDF library.
getConstant - Return numeric value of named constant

Please read the files netcdfcopyright.txt and mexnccopyright.txt for
more information.


Version information for MathWorks? products
Graphical Interface

As an alternative to the ver function, select About from the Help menu in any product that has a Help menu.

ver product
v = ver('product')

ver displays a header containing the current MathWorks product family version number, license number, operating system, and Java? VM version for MATLAB. This is followed by the version numbers for MATLAB, Simulink, if installed, and all other installed MathWorks products.

ver product displays the MathWorks product family header information followed by the current version number for product. The name product corresponds to the directory name that holds the Contents.m file for that product. For example, Contents.m for the Control System Toolbox resides in the control directory. You therefore use ver control to obtain the version of this toolbox.

v = ver('product') returns the version information to structure array, v, having fields Name, Version, Release, and Date.

To use ver with your own product, the first two lines of the Contents.m file for the product must be of the form

% Toolbox Description
% Version xxx dd-mmm-yyyy

Do not include any spaces in the date and use a two-character day; that is, use 02-Sep-2002 instead of 2-Sep-2002.

Return version information for the Control System Toolbox? by typing

ver control

MATLAB? returns

MATLAB Version (R2006b)
MATLAB License Number: unknown
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
Java VM Version: Java 1.5.0_07 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
Control System Toolbox Version 7.1 (R2006b)

Return version information for the Control System Toolbox in a structure array, v.

v = ver('control')
v =

Name: 'Control System Toolbox'
Version: '7.1'
Release: '(R2006b)'
Date: '19-Sep-2006'

Display version information on MathWorks 'Real-Time' products:

v = ver;
for k=1:length(v)
if strfind(v(k).Name, 'Real-Time')
disp(sprintf('%s, Version %s', ...
v(k).Name, v(k).Version))

Real-Time Windows Target, Version 3.1
Real-Time Workshop, Version 7.1
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, Version 5.1


请参考这个帖子http:\/\/www.ilovematlab.cn\/thread-27021-1-1.html 测试数据带入训练好的神经网络误差当然不会达到1e-5,这是预测啊。但将训练数据带入误差必然是1e-5,算法终止就是因为达到这个误差才终止,这个误差是由训练数据的输入、输出以及神经网络的权值、激活函数共同决定的,神经网络训练完...

MATLAB GUI中Edit Text的Callback函数何时执行
是在按下回车键,或是将光标从该Edit Text中移走的时候才执行,而不是每键入一个字符就执行一次。

MATLAB与系统仿真 试题


选择File --> Save as -->emf格式 其实也不是很清晰,试过的。不妨选择eps格式,输出放大后仍然十分清晰,不过查看软件需要换作PostScript。

使用matlab的simulink仿真时出现警告Using a default value of 0.2 fo...

删除单元数组的一整项,要用圆括号。可以用:>>D(2)=[];D(5:6)=[]或者:>>D=D([1,3,4])问题2中,对于元胞也不能直接用“~=”来判断,可将 if fname1~=''改为:if ~isempty(fname1)如果还有问题,请将fas.txt对应部分内容贴出来 ...



学习R 语言对金融分析人士有何意义?
如果真的需要(代表你不是因为刻意用R才用R),用尼康(比喻成R)与用佳能(比喻成matlab)真的那么重要吗? 绝不是打消各位学R的积极性,或者居高临下给大家喝鸡汤。这些是亲身感悟。很多时候为了自己装高贵冷艳,总会学一些冷门的手艺,这样用不熟的技术闭门造车,其实很耽误事。毕竟分析师的最终结果是...

巴林左旗17366346752: 如何才知道MATLAB的版本 -
望茜独活: matlab好像从7开始就自带netcdf工具箱,如果想装第三方的,直接装就行,跟版本没有关系,历代matlab都向下兼容>> help netcdf NETCDF Summary of MATLAB NETCDF capabilities. MATLAB provides low-level access to netCDF files via ...

巴林左旗17366346752: 如何使用matlab中的工具箱 -
望茜独活: 首先,确认一下你的matlab是什么版本的,早期的版本叫做工具箱(toolbox),新版叫做应用程序(APP) 其次,确认一下你需要使用什么工具箱,直接在工作窗口中输入就可以调用了,如果不知道调用命令,可以在图形界面用鼠标选择就好了. 最后,放一个图,一目了然,本人用的是2015b这个版本,主界面上有个应用程序,直接选择就可以了,可以根据自己的需要排序,本人常用神经网络,所以就摆在第一位了.

巴林左旗17366346752: matlab到6.5版本的详细发展历史,谁知道啊? -
望茜独活: MATLAB是一门计算机编程语言,取名来源于Matrix Laboratory,本意是专门以矩阵的方式来处理计算机数据,它把数值计算和可视化环境集成到一起,非常直观,而且提供了大量的函数,使其越来越受到人们的喜爱,工具箱越来越多,应用范...

巴林左旗17366346752: matlabr2006a是什么版本 -
望茜独活: Matlab 8以后的书可以,比如matlab8图像处理等r2006a的意思是2006测试版a版

巴林左旗17366346752: matlab的a与b版本有什么实质性的区别,求高手解释下 -
望茜独活: 回复 jinxuejun00 的帖子楼上说的前面都挺好,最后纠正一下.a和b不是测试和正式之间的区别,而是时间的区别.a是上半年发行的正式版b是下半年发生的正式版.在我印象里,MATLAB从没公开发行测试版.百度百科里有些东西也是以讹传讹.别人的猜测.

巴林左旗17366346752: win7系统使用的matlab是哪个版本,怎么安装? -
望茜独活: 兼容模式安装试着更改matlab的配置文件 添加windows 6.X的支持 自己百度提示安装不正确时候有个推荐设置安装 可以试试实在不行装个虚拟机 装上xp 如果您是专业的编程开发人员还是改用xp吧

巴林左旗17366346752: MRC7.9 是在哪一版本的MATLAB里面啊 -
望茜独活: MCR的版本和MATLAB并不一致,MCR 7.9在2008b里面,对应的MATLAB版本是7.7.本来想当然的以为就是MATLAB版本,幸亏核实了一下,否则要误导你了.

巴林左旗17366346752: 我的matlab7.0的simulink里面找不到系统测试systemtest -
望茜独活: 你的MATLAB版本太老了.SystemTest 的最早版本发布于 R2006a+,也就是在R2006a发布之后提供网络下载的版本,而首个随光盘发布的版本则是R2006b.R2006b对应的MATLAB版本是7.3,7.0对应的版本是R14,发布于2004年,大约早两年的时间.

巴林左旗17366346752: MATLAB是什么? -
望茜独活: MATLAB 是美国MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件,用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境,主要包括MATLAB和Simulink两大部分. MATLAB是矩阵实验室(Matrix Laboratory)的简称,和...

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