
作者&投稿:产阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

get on well with sb

How to get along with others ?This is a good question. Many of my friends asked me this question.
I think if you want to get along well with others ,you must be kind and friendly to others at firt .
If you are kind and friendly enough to others, they would be kind and friendly to you too and they would like to make friends with you.But if you are bad, I think none of them would like to be your friend. And if you have no friends,you will feel very lonely and sad. So be kind and friendly to others .And I am sure you can get along very well with others.
Getting along well with others is very important. If you can get along well with others, you will enjoy yourself every day and succeed when you do anything .If not, you will not enjoy yourself at all and fail in anything.

是get on well with sb 或 get along well with sb 和睦相处

不对get along with sb./get on well with sb.

be on good terms with 或 live harmoniously with

get along with sb.


或者是 get along well with sb.

"be friendly with sb"和"be friendly to sb" 都表示与某人友好相处,但在使用时有细微的区别:"be friendly with sb":这个表达方式强调的是两个或多个人之间的友好关系,指的是彼此之间相互友好、和睦相处。它强调的是双方都对彼此友好,互相交往的态度积极而和善。例如:She is friendly with her...

“和邻居和睦相处”"Live together in peace together with the neighbors"

与...争吵:Have an argument with somebody;argue with somebody;quarrel with ;Have a quarrel with 和睦相处:get along well with;

(英语)get along well with
get along well with 后边一般+人 例如 I get along well witn my classmate 译文:我和同学相处的很好 另外这个词组也=get on well with +人 用法和意思都相同 和某人相处得很好 PS:希望能帮助你哦

相处融洽的英文是:get on well with each other。“相处融洽”描述的是人与人之间和谐、友好的关系。在日常生活中,这样的关系往往基于相互尊重、理解和包容。当两个人或一群人在性格、兴趣、价值观等方面相似或能够相互欣赏时,他们通常能够融洽相处。这样的相处模式不仅能让人们感到舒适和...

我们应该与同学们和睦相处 用英语怎么说
We should live in harmony with the students

英文单词agree 用法
中古英语agreen<拉丁语gratum 现代英汉综合大辞典 agree [əˈɡri:]vi.一致; 相合 同意, 赞成 约定, 允诺, 答应 相宜, 调和, 符合 和睦相处 【语】(人称, 数, 格, 性及前后对应)一致 I'll never agree.我永远也不会同意。词性变化 agree [əˈɡri:]vt.承认, 同意...

和谐的英文:harmony harmony 读法 英 [ˈhɑ:məni] 美 [ˈhɑ:rməni]作名词的意思是:和谐;协调;融洽,一致;[音]和声 短语:1、in harmony adj. 和谐无间 2、social harmony 社会和谐 3、in harmony with 与…协调;与…一致 4、perfect harmony 水乳交融;完美...

The teachers get on well with students.

我们相处的很融洽英语是We get on well with each other。一、相处融洽短语:1、get on with继续(干某事);和友好相处;接不定式或ing分词做宾语意思基本相同的动词。2、get along with进展;与和睦相处;3、get on with sth某事进展如何 4、get on with sb与某人相处 5、get out被人知道,泄露...

开原市17272825627: 与某人和睦相处用英语怎么说 -
杭初塞替:[答案] get on well with sb 如帮到你请点击好评,谢谢!

开原市17272825627: 与某人相处融洽 的英语 -
杭初塞替:[答案] be on good terms with sb: 与某人相处融洽 或 get on well with sb

开原市17272825627: 和某人友好相处英语怎么说 -
杭初塞替:[答案] go well along with sb.

开原市17272825627: "与某人相处融洽"请翻译成英文 -
杭初塞替: get along with sb.

开原市17272825627: (和……相处) 翻译英语 -
杭初塞替: to get along with ... to hang out with ... 前一个就是跟人相处,后一个更有一起玩的意思. 如果要说相处得好,可以说get along well with... 如果说某人好相处,可以说他easygoing

开原市17272825627: 与同学和睦相处 用英语怎么 表达
杭初塞替: Live in harmony with classmates 和睦相处 1. get along 2. in harmony 3. Getting along 4. smoke the calumet together 与…和睦相处 1. (be) at peace with 2. in harmony with 与……和睦相处 1. get along with 2. (be)at peace with 跟……和睦相处 1. be on [in] rapport with 群体和睦相处 1. group harmony

开原市17272825627: peace怎么翻译 -
杭初塞替: peace是和平的意思.peace解析如下: 一、单词读音 英式发音[piːs] 美式发音[piːs] 二、单词释义 n. 和平; 平静; 宁静; 和谐; 安静; 和睦; 太平; 融洽三、词形变化 peace作为名词时是可数名词,复数形式为peaces. 四、词语搭配 ...

开原市17272825627: “与某人相处融洽”的英语单词 -
杭初塞替: get along well with sb.与某人相处融洽

开原市17272825627: “与某人好好相处”用英语怎样表达? -
杭初塞替:[答案] get along with sbget along well with sbbe friendly with sb与..和好相处They were getting along fairly well. 他们相处得相当好. A sense of humor enabled him to get along well with others.幽默感使...

开原市17272825627: “与某人好好相处”用英语怎样表达? -
杭初塞替: 与某人好好相处英文是:Get along well with sb. along的音标:英 [əˈlɒŋ]、美 [əˈlɔ:ŋ] along释义: 1、adv.一起;向前;进展;到某处 Eventually, he was excommunicated along with his mentor 最后,他和他的导师一起被开除教籍. 2、...

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