
作者&投稿:赤波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.takes,home 2.is bad for


1. Sandy is one of the top students in our school.
sandy is very smart in our school.
2.I would like to assist other students after school.
I want to help others after the classes is over.
3.I never fail an exam.
I succeed in any exam.
4.My sister seldom has breakfast at home.
My sister eat the breakfast at home only a few times.
5.Mary doesn't attend the meeting.
Mary doesn't go to the meeting.
6.Paul loses his temper easily.
Paul can't control his temper well.
7.Never stay up too lats.
Don't sleep too late.
8.I must study hard to achieve my dream.
I must study hard to let my dream come true

5 A lot of people are in the hall.
4 Totally, i spent 600yuan on them.
3 Tom believes that he can get Jerry, but never come true.
2 I havent gotten any full marks.
1 Students fill the playground in.



1。Hangzhou is a good places to visit. 2。We must careful planning everything. 3。New York is famous for its high-rise buildings. 4。Why not try to help them? 5。Shanghai is one of the world's most beautiful cities. 6。Your shoes and my shoes are the same style. 7。...



用简单的英语解释下列句子 拜托各位大哥大姐,看看吧..
1.go back 换成return 2 froze.换成 surprised或者frightened 3.把called 换成 got a call to 4in the first place 换成in the beginning 5like换成be keen on 此句就为am keen on like doing可以换成很多,例如be keen on,等,只要你会改变形式就行了 我也是这一年级的学生,刚好遇到这几...

You can't park your car on the pavement or on the grass.人行道上或者是草地上禁止停车 Kelly spends only five minutes walking to school.凯丽用只五分钟就走到了学校 They enjoyed themselves in Botanical Gardens last week.上周他们在植物园玩得很愉快 What's the number of the lorries ...

初二英语 用简单英语解释下列句子
1 我姐姐决定要辞职了。2 赶紧起床,不然你就要错过早班车了。3 他不是很想去上班。4 我花了半个小时准备这个演讲。5 你真好,帮我解决了这道物理题。6 我们应该帮着爸妈做些家务。7 这两个朋友玩得太高兴结果忘记了时间。8 这个书店很早就关门了,以为很少有人来买书。9 Alex学习很刻苦,所以...

elephants 一些恐龙是大象的10倍大 Nobody knows why Dinosaurs all died out suddenly 没人知道恐龙突然灭绝的原因是什么 Mickey Mouse was based on a real mouse 米老鼠是根据真人(创作的).呃..不太明白你的问题 只能大致翻译一下了 如果是要把这些句子用英语解释的话 不好意思 能力有限了 ...

不对。因为be able to 是用在人称后面。可写为。May you describe him?may等于can (句首)may等于be able to(人称后面)

用简单的英语解释句子 英语
1、今天为什么不在学校吃午饭呢?2、我过去住在公园附近。3、深圳因电子产品而出名。4、这对父母上个月乘飞机去了法国 5、我的父母上个月乘飞机去了法国。6、我在哪里可以购买到这种手机?

1)If we don`t start to go now,we will be late to get there.如果我们不现在走的话,我们到那会迟到。2)You can remember my telephone number if you write it down.如果你写下我的电话号,你就会记住它。3)Mr Brown`s job is the engineer.布朗先生的工作是工程师。4)You can ...

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子``?1,Their room is bigger than ours.2,Finally,he got a job drawing cartoons for films.是要你用简单的英语解释``?不是翻译成中文``! -
允松托恩:[答案] 1 他们的房间比我们的房间还要大. 2最后,他找到一份为电影绘卡通画的工作

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子1、Ms.liu (takes charge of) the group.2、readers(don't need to pay for)the paper3、i think you should (consider)it carefully4、(i ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 看了一下所有楼上的答案,好像没有全对的,在此按照我的理解纠正一下:1.刘女士(掌管)这个小组2.读者们(不必为)纸张(付款)3.我认为你应该认真(考虑)这件事4.这本书(花了我)20元5.老师们开始(讨论)这个问题they...

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子1.The boy was too young to understand this sentence.2.The fisherman succeeded in catching that big fish.3.My grandpa is leaving ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1.The boy was so young that he couldn't understand this sentence. 2.The fisherman caught a big fish. 3.My grandpa is going to the West Lake. 4.Do you like singing songs? 5.The trip to Greek is unforgetable for me.

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子(回答者要用英文)1.To learn French well is not easy______is not easy_____ - ______French well2.Tom lived in the countryside ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1.It,to learn 2.used to 3.Why don't you 4.buy,for 5.look after

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子1.Were you able to play volleyball?2.They entered the building.3.What is the weather like?4.He is a foolish men ,(partly)5.we won the ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1. were you free to play volleyball? / can you play volleyball?2. they went into the building3.how is the weather?4.he is stupid.5.we were the winner in that football match at last.6..The boy often pl...

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子.1.How did the accident happen?2.It took us two hours to go through the park.3.Please don't make any noise.4.This club consits of ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1 how did the accident come about? what caused the accident? what brought about the accdent 2 we spent two hours going through the park 3 please be quiet. please keep silent/silence 4 this club is made up of 40 members 5.Everyone can answer the ...

万源市18834068894: 用简单英语解释下列句子1,You are kind to say so.2,It is impolite to laugh at others.3,It took me 15 minutes to go shopping.4,How much did it take you to buy this ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1.你说这话,真友好. 2.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的. 3.购物花了我15分钟. 4.你买这个MP4播放器花了多少钱/

万源市18834068894: 用简单的英语解释下列句子:(带括号的)1.How did the thief (go into) the house?2.He says that he (isn't) young (any longer)3.Please (take) your bag (away ... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1 how did the thief step into the house2 he says that he is young no longer3 please get your bag far from the seat 5 the boy was too excited to fall asleep

万源市18834068894: 用简单英语解释下列句子1.pass me the boo___________________2.the new dictionarydelongs to mary------------------------------------3.tom is short of money--------... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1.give me the book 2.the new dictionary is Mary's. 3.Tom dosen't have much money 4.He is in charge of the hotel. 5.Jim was able to draw pictures at the age of five.

万源市18834068894: 用简单英语解释下列句子:1.The man held out a bag.______________________________________________________2.He shoeed me his card.______... -
允松托恩:[答案] 1.The man took out a bag2.He showed his card to me3.we went after this man here4.the man went aboard in a hurry5.then he went to an ice cream shop in a hurry是不是这个意思这个是牛津的如果不是,...

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