
作者&投稿:哀伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Friendship is very important to our life .Everybody needs friends.Friends can help us when we are in trouble .They can share our sadness and happiness .They can also give us some good advice when we have no ideas.So friends are just the sunshine in the cold winter.We can't live without friends.But how to develop the friendship.First I think we should be honest to our friends.Second we should care for our friends and always think of them before ourselves.
Finally we should respect each other even though we have different opinions

Friendship is often compared to a flower.Because our friendship is very beautiful like the blooming flower.The reason why we compare friendship to flowers is that friendship is a symbol of beauty.Well,if flowers don't get exposed regularly enough to sunlight and don't get watered enough,flowers will wither and even die.The same applies to friendship.If you take a friendship for granted,don't care of it,your friendship may cease.
Finally,friendships are unable to endure conflicts just as flowers cannot survive repeated blows.So,we need to be honest to our friends,care about our friends and a little doubt.


There is an old saying in China: Although there are brothers,they are not as good as friends。Making friends is a great pleasure in life。

In the special life stage of middle school,due to the inner awakening,we often have a sense of loneliness,more than ever,we need friendship to comfort our hearts。

Friends are easy to make,but it's hard to maintain friendship。Small things can also destroy friendship,so we should take good care of the flowers of friendship。

First,treat each other sincerely,be honest and share。The interaction between classmates is really a touchstone。Some people say that the friendship between classmates is the purest and most precious friendship in the world。

But this kind of friendship can not be established in one day or two days。It is like a flower in a greenhouse。It needs us to use sincere water to irrigate and protect it。If we are a little careless,it may lose its luster and wither。

Sincerity is simple。It doesn't need to be impassioned or flowery。What is it?It's the thrill when you and I received a postcard from a friend many years later。

Second,learn to understand and tolerate。As classmates and friends,we should learn to understand。Students,friends encounter setbacks,depression,depression,he needs a vent object。

Listening patiently is a great understanding of friends。In the process of listening,I often insert one or two emotional words of comfort to guide him out of trouble and unhappiness。As classmates and friends,we should also learn to be tolerant。

Third,communication should be measured。Only by grasping the moderate degree can the friendship between students become eternal。

Only by grasping the scale of communication between classmates and friends can we establish a healthy,pure and elegant friendship。What's more,distance is also a kind of beauty。

In this way,from meeting to separation between classmates and friends,we can achieve the artistic conception of indescribable and unfulfilled feelings,and then we will be happy because of his arrival and miss because of his departure。

Fourth,say no boldly。It's normal for students and friends to trust each other。But sometimes things go beyond your principles and objective reality。In the face of this situation,say no decisively。

In a word,as long as we treat people sincerely and grasp them correctly,friendship will last for a long time;on the contrary,friendship will be short-lived and fleeting。Let's wish our friendship last forever!












Friendship is an umbrella sent on rainy days; friendship is a warm greeting when you are sick; friendship is a pair of hands extended when you encounter difficulties; friendship is the sincere company when you are lonely.


At this time, I can't help but think of that day's labor. This flower of friendship is blooming in front of Xiaoyu and me. It is so beautiful and fragrant, and it is like a fairy flower.


Friends, these two simple words, seemingly simple, but implies deep meaning. In the big family of the motherland, other people pass by, only you and I stay and become friends.


Space cut off the distance, but never stop friendship, never miss. Not seeing each other does not mean that there is no such precious friendship. Let the flowers of friendship bloom in our hearts, eternal and eternal! Never fade!


Friendship is a flower.Give people a burst of fragrance.Let life be full of sunshine.Friendship makes life happier and fuller.

Friends are easy to make,but it's hard to maintain friendship。Small things can also destroy friendship,so we should take good care of the flowers of friendship。

Friendship is often seen as a flower.

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麻使抚特: 1.Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. Friendship is also one of ...

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