
作者&投稿:苏婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Life in the future Nowadays,whether you like it or not,there is an unextremely fact that the world we live in had change a great deal in the last decade,with the development of modern science and society,as the view of students,the changing included two aspects which are nature science and social scince. The changing in the nature science which develop rasingly consist of science and technology at least.In the aspect of science, paticularly in the theoretic physics,the changing mainely include relativity funded by Einstein and quantum mechanics funded by Erwin Schr�0�2dinger and Heisenberg each of them shocks the building of prefect classical physics funded by Newton whose theoretic is accpted by everyone continuous several century.And the changing in the technology is reform too,such as automobiles and computers changing our fashion daly lives. The development in social science is rapedly too whose representation make our society more harmony and cevilizational ,make our life happier make our surronding peace like Eden .


With the development of industry , our environment has been damaged seriously.With the competition of the society becoming more and more fierce, we have less time to feel the life.
I suppose that one day the world change into a attractive garden with people and animals living in harmony.I suppose that one day we can have a chance to hear the soft bird's singing and share the brilliant sunshine .I suppose that one day we all can come to realize the treasure of our life---the love,the health,and cherish them.
If we make our effort and put our heart into it, the day will come.

your giving up denotes a lack of courage

4. 你是家庭的开心果,你活泼可爱,你懂得尊重父母,孝敬父母,你热爱劳动。不过,你学习不够勤奋, 学习态度 不够认真,作业不够仔细。 5. 过去的已成为过去...3. 当你规划高中生活畅想人生的时候,你必须学会做学生,做人和做学问。 4. 身在高中校园,你必须明白:你是一名高中生,不是一个小皇帝;你是一名成年人,...

工作任劳任怨,敢挑重担,乐于接受各项工作任务,热爱每一位学生,平时能够以身作则、言行一致,做学生的表率,注重个人形象,使学生得到良好的教育,真正实践了身教重于言教的规律。在社会生活中遵守公共准则,关心集体,团结协作。 在文化专业知识水平及教育教学能力方面:深刻地认识到:时代在发展,社会在进步,教育教学观念的...

你瞧,浪漫的它,步踩着金黄的稻浪,立于收割后的大地,跳着华尔的轻盈,淅淅沥沥,不紧不慢,飘飘洒洒。细细地品味秋雨的舞姿,静心倾听秋雨的声音,在清新、淡雅、平静的雨境里,不由地畅想起关于秋雨的抒情。 35.简单生活才是幸福生活,人要懂得知足常乐,没有什么东西是不能放手的,所有的哀伤、痛楚,所有不能放弃的...


西门大嫂等。3.使用关键字搜索充分利用搜索功能是找到您想要的主题内容。例如,使用百度指数搜索“美食”,你可以得到一些热门词汇。4.取之生活俗话说,艺术均来源于生活,素材也一样。 一个非常小的事情,通过处理和思考,也可以变得高大,优秀的作者往往能以小见大。5.学会观察,思考和记录,...

抖音很火的单身高情商语句 (集锦60句)
57.过去是用来留恋的,岁月是用来怀念的,未来是用来畅想的,现在是用心把握的,幸福是用汗水创造的,春节是用来庆祝的。新的一年愿您敞开心扉,拥抱快乐! 58....36.生活和生存之间只差一个精致,每个认真热爱生活的人,都值得被温柔以待。 37.妈妈熬的鸡汤,白色的,很香,咸味,很好喝。每次妈妈做鸡汤,我都拿个小勺子...

59. 金秋十月,把酒当歌,忆昨天光辉岁月,为祖国母亲的生日祝贺,朗朗秋夜,谈笑风声,畅想明天旅程,旭日正在徐徐东升。60. 你说话的方式,体现了你的情商和...所以,勇敢去热爱生活,将沉闷的日子,活成值得铭记的时刻。早安,十月。110. 秋天,小草变黄了,从远处看,就像一块黄色的布。十月你好。111. 努力是会上瘾...

在我们的学院,有这样一群人,他们热爱生活,能歌善舞,多才多艺,满腔热忱地投身于生活这一广阔天地,挥洒青春,张扬个性,展现风采,不愧为当今时代的青年才俊! 他们,就是我院的中青年教师!下面就请欣赏由我院教工们为您带来的的舞蹈《青春的旋律》,掌声有请! 打造美丽心情,盛载光荣使命,用动感和活力,诠释时代新...


曾经的硝烟弥漫,过眼的春光烂漫,欢腾的青春畅想,都被它用干净的声线在清晨唤醒,快乐地行走在灿烂的阳光里。 71、音乐可以净化人的心灵,沉浸于音乐世界的人心胸往往比较开阔,感情比较细腻,情绪比较平稳,更能体会别人的心情,因此比较容易与人相处。同时,他们更容易感受到生活的乐趣,热爱生活。 72、音乐一响起,我就...

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俞晓盼得: With the development of technology and computer science, we can foresee that someday we will be surrounded by computers as fishes are surrounded by water.In the year 3009, you will step down the totally automatic car driven all the way home by ...

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俞晓盼得:My life My future house is wide and spacious. It contains a lot of room such as swim pool, exercise room which contains a plenty of exercise machines, and a big play land so I can play inside the house no matter what time i play, it always open for ...

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俞晓盼得: 下面是我写的作文,希望广大师生对其修改指正,改后通知我,谢谢,邮箱wanghaosenwanghaosen@yahoo.cn Life in the future Nowadays,whether you like it or not,there is an unextremely fact that the world we live in had change a great deal in ...

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俞晓盼得: Life in the future Nowadays,whether you like it or not,there is an unextremely fact that the world we live in had change a great deal in the last decade,with the development of modern science and society,as the view of students,the changing included ...

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俞晓盼得: Our life will change greatly in the future.In the future, every family will own at least one car and computer.we can shop online without going out. That is really fantastic. Also, robots will be owned bu many companies. They can help do much of the work ...

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