
作者&投稿:莘肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. Metal can be used either as frameworks in large-sized structures or as decorations on/for decorating/to decorate the appearance of buildings.
2. In addition to allowing the light to enter buildings, a bright window can also isolate them from severe weather.


1Mark is shocked by the beauty and strength of CHINA.
2 I apologized to my teacher for being late .
3 Suddenly,the sky was covered by the cloud.
4 The house belongs to his father.





Susan很忙,所以她一个月去看望她的父母一两次的英文翻译是Susan is very busy, so she visits her parents once or twice a month.重点词汇:visits 词语分析:音标:英 [ˈvɪzɪts] 美 [ˈvɪzɪts]v. 参观;拜访;视察(visit的第三人称单数)n. 访问...

求翻译几个句子成英文 1、他1923年移民到纽约,在糖果店帮父母的忙。 2...
1、 he immigrated to New York in 1923, parents in the candy store for help.Of 2、 1931, he carefully put himself as a writer.3、 1939, he began to tell their stories published in the journal science.

1.I've used up all the money from my mom.2.he has been working hard for many years, finally he succeeded.3.Then will cross the Atlantic Ocean by ship and i hope they can be successful.4.As soon as i put down the telephone, he came in.5. When my min was in ...

71. To be careful! 一定要小心! (土逼开若佛!)72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗? (赌咪呃飞我儿)73. Help yourself. 别客气。 (嘿要扑 U儿sei要付)74. I`m on a diet. 我在节食。 (爱木昂呃代特)75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。 (ki噗音踏吃)76...

请大家劳烦翻译几个英文句子哈 鄙人是个菜鸟 急用 ……
with sourcing outsideproducts and services implemented effectively?采购方面的计划任务是否得到有效的落实?5is the transfer of the project to production controlled in order tosecure the product launch?为给批量生产起步阶段提供保障,是否对项目交接进行了控制?【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答 ...

1.we finally reached the small village where my grandpa lived after such a long walk.2.they quarreled intensely, glaring at each other.3.how long has your car travelled since you bought it last year?不管能不能帮到忙,至少尽力了,而且我不是用软件翻译的。不像某些人,站着说话不...

排队,尽量翻译给你!多多指教!--- 1.饲养宠物现在很受人们的欢迎,但同时也有不赞成饲养宠物的。Now keeping pets are very popular with people .As the same time,some people disapprove of the opinion about it.2.赞成的人认为,饲养宠物是一种潮流,那些猫猫狗狗能给他们带来工作后的欢乐与放松...

1,作为秘书的主要工作是帮领导处理日常事务。My main task as a secretary is to assist leaders in handling daily affairs.2.很高兴你来机场接我。I am so happy you come to airport, and pick me up.3.请允许我代表我们系欢迎王教授给我们做英语学习讲座。Allow me on behalf of our ...

我认为很棒的一句:I have complete confidence and enough assurance to make it.(我有充足的信心和十足的把握做好这件事)这句也不错 you will find your choice is quite right 。你会发现你的选择完全正确。加上楼上各位的答复,相信你能够一帆风顺,祝你牛年牛气冲天!!!呵呵 ...

“在周五我忙碌的度过一天”用英语说是“I spent a busy day on Friday”。我认为上面这句英语中最重要的词汇是spend,spent是spend的过去分词和过去式形式,下面我带大家来了解一下spend的其他详细内容,希望对您有所帮助:一、单词音标 单词发音:英 [spend]     美 [spend]二、单词释义 n. ...

夹江县19316133238: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子啊,很急!谢谢啦.1,我担心你不能及时完成任务2,那个科学家宣称已经找到治疗癌症的方法3,以便于多挣钱养活她的孩子4,就... -
矣锦哌能:[答案] 1, I'm afraid you can finish the task in time 2, the scientists claim to have found method for the treatment of cancer 3 in order to earn more money to support her children 4, as far as I'm concerned 5, absolutely don't play games with the feelings of others ...

夹江县19316133238: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子1.小王子,你是我的希望.2.一切都是因为你的肯定,天空才如此美丽.3.我会一直爱这你,实现你的希望,疲倦的时候想着你,就擦亮... -
矣锦哌能:[答案] 1.The Little Prince,you are my hope.2.All because you are certain that the sky was so beautiful.3.I will always love you this,you hope to achieve,tired when you think,polished my dream.4.Please do not...

夹江县19316133238: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子,谢谢了~一、大量的生活污水污染了水资源,二、我们可以将水资源储存起来,三、我认为保护水资源有三个方法,四、我认为缺... -
矣锦哌能:[答案] 一、大量的生活污水污染了水资源, ----- A great mass of domestic sewage has polluted the water resources 二、我们可以将水资源储存起来, -----We can store the water resources. 三、我认为保护水资源有三个方法, ----- I think there are three ways ...

夹江县19316133238: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子,很简单,谢谢!1.Mr Green delicious rood very much. He often eats such food in a big restaurant, but he needn't pay money. Do you ... -
矣锦哌能:[答案] Mr Green delicious rood very much. 这句翻译不出来,句子不对,看看是不是打错了,后面一句:他经常在一个大餐厅里吃这样的食物,但是他不需要付钱.你知道为什么吗?他是. 在墙之间藏着一个有耳朵的男人.在那儿,他不停地讲话,但是没有人...

夹江县19316133238: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子,谢谢了~ -
矣锦哌能: 一、大量的生活污水污染了水资源, ----- A great mass of domestic sewage has polluted the water resources 二、我们可以将水资源储存起来, -----We can store the water resources. 三、我认为保护水资源有三个方法, ----- I think there are three ...

夹江县19316133238: 能帮忙翻译几个英语句子吗? 谢谢
矣锦哌能: 1.你明天来的时候他将已经离开了(用将来完成时) He will have left when you come tomorrow. 2.到下周末你的车就修好了(同上) Your car will have been fixed on the next weekend. 3.火车刚到上海天就下雨了(用 no sooner than做或handly ...

夹江县19316133238: 英语高手帮忙翻译5个句子,谢谢
矣锦哌能: 1 He talked in class. He should have listened to the teacher carefully, 2 The ground is wet. It must have rained last night. 3 You should have got up earlier. If so, you would not be late. 4 You shouldn;t have talked in class 5 It can't have been Li Ping, She...

夹江县19316133238: 请帮忙翻译几个短句,谢谢 -
矣锦哌能: 1.Internet将世界变bai小,将时间du缩短,将距离拉近. The internet makes the world smaller, the time shorter and the distance closer.2.新闻向世界开zhi放,dao消息来自全球. The news is open to the world and the information comes from every part of the world.3.在网络上以最快的专速度发布最属新的消息.The latest news is released at the quickest time possible on the internet.

夹江县19316133238: 帮忙翻译几个句子 【英文】 1 他多久去一次图书馆?2 我希望再见到你.3 他希望我准时去参加聚会.4 李先生下周要离开武汉去北京.5 我花了半小时才解决这... -
矣锦哌能:[答案] 1 How often does he go to the library?2 I hope to see you again3 He expected that I can go to the party on time4 Mr Li will leave WuHan for Beijing next week5 I spent half an hour solving the problem

夹江县19316133238: 请帮忙翻译两个英语句子,谢谢. -
矣锦哌能: 1.Please believe he said speech, because he has received the good education, is born in the command respect family, his manner is more importantly reliable.2.Is startled...

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