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丹麦王国(丹麦语:Kongeriget Danmark,旧译为“嗹(lián)国”、“嗹马”1),简称丹麦,为北欧五国之一,是一个君主立宪制国家,拥有两个自治领地,一个是法罗群岛,另外一个是格陵兰岛。丹麦本土则包括日德兰半岛、菲因岛、西兰岛及附近岛屿,北部隔北海和波罗的海与瑞典和挪威相望,南部与德国接壤,首都兼第一大城市是哥本哈根。1397年6月与瑞典、挪威组建卡尔马联盟,并成为联盟的领导者,世界上第一面国旗便是1219诞生的丹麦国旗,被称为“丹麦人的力量”。丹麦是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,拥有完善的社会福利制度,国民享受极高的生活品质,还是欧盟成员国,和北约创始国之一。

2、约公元985年形成统一王国,8~11世纪进入维京时代的北欧海盗全盛时期。14世纪成为欧洲强国之一,1397年6月在女王玛格丽特一世的主导下与瑞典、挪威组成卡尔马联盟, 并成为联盟的领导者。世界上第一面国旗便是1219诞生的丹麦国旗,被称为“丹麦人的力量”。
3、丹麦是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,也是北约创始国和欧盟成员国之一。该国拥有极其完善的社会福利制度,经济高度发达,贫富差距极小,国民享受极高的生活品质。 2019年2月,2018年全球幸福指数出炉,丹麦排名第三。

首都哥本哈根(Copenhagen ,Koebenhavn),原意为“商人港口”,有自由港和航空港,是世界交通的枢纽,由于统治欧洲时间最久的皇族玛格丽特女皇二世皇族居住于此。

Denmark (pronounced /ˈdɛnmɑrk/ ( listen); Danish: Danmark, pronounced [ˈd̥ænmɑɡ̊], archaic: [ˈd̥anmɑːɡ̊]) is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe and the senior member of the Kingdom of Denmark. It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark borders both the Baltic and the North Sea. The country consists of a large peninsula, Jutland (Jylland) and many islands, most notably Zealand (Sjælland), Funen (Fyn), Vendsyssel-Thy, Lolland, Falster and Bornholm, as well as hundreds of minor islands often referred to as the Danish Archipelago. Denmark has long controlled the approach to the Baltic Sea; before the digging of the Kiel Canal water passage to the Baltic was possible only through the three channels known as the "Danish straits".

Denmark is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. Denmark has a state-level government and local governments in 98 municipalities. Denmark has been a member of the European Union since 1973, although it has not joined the Eurozone. Denmark is a founding member of NATO and the OECD.

Denmark, with a mixed market capitalist economy and a large welfare state,[4] ranks as having the world's highest level of income equality. Denmark has the best business climate in the world, according to the U.S. business magazine Forbes.[5] From 2006 to 2008, surveys[6] ranked Denmark as "the happiest place in the world," based on standards of health, welfare, and education. The 2009 Global Peace Index survey ranks Denmark as the second most peaceful country in the world, after New Zealand.[7] Denmark was ranked as the least corrupt country in the world in the 2008 Corruption Perceptions Index,[8] sharing a top position with Sweden and New Zealand.

The national language, Danish, is close to Swedish and Norwegian, with which it shares strong cultural and historical ties. 82.0% of the inhabitants of Denmark and 90.3% of the ethnic Danes are members of the Lutheran state church. As of 2009, 526,000 persons (9.5 % of the Danish population) were either immigrants or descendants of recent immigrants. Most of these (54%) have their origins in Scandinavia or elsewhere in Europe, while the remainder originate mainly from a wide range of Asian countries.

Denmark is a Scandinavian country, along with Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. Like its neighbours, Denmark is built on a history of fearsome Vikings who set sail and fought other countries all over the world. Today, Denmark is more civilised – a much quieter and friendlier place to live in!

So what do you know about Denmark? Well firstly it’s famous for pastries: delicious Danish pastries are eaten all over the world. Danish bacon’s pretty famous too – we eat a lot of it in with our great British fry-ups! What else? Lego of course! The Danes invented Lego, a favourite toy and hobby for both adults and children everywhere.

Denmark has also produced some very famous people – the football goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel is certainly a Great Dane! Probably the most famous Dane is Hans Christian Andersen. Have you heard of him? You will almost certainly have read some of his stories.

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Denmark - Introduction
Denmark lies between 54?and 58?of latitude north and 8?and 15?of longitude east. In addition to Denmark itself, the kingdom also includes the Faeroe Islands and Greenland.

Denmark consists of the peninsula of Jutland and c. 406 islands, of which c. 79 are inhabited (2002). Of these, the largest and most densely populated are Zealand on which the capital of Copenhagen is situated, Funen and the north Jutland island. The North Sea defines Denmark to the west, while the islands divide the Baltic from the Kattegat. The Danish islands are thus on the sea lane from the Baltic to the main oceans of the world and at the same time on the trade route from the Nordic countries to central Europe. Throughout the entire history of the country, this position has been influential on the circumstances governing developments in trade and on political and military strategy.

Administratively, the country is divided into 14 counties (amter) and 275 local authorities (kommuner), two of which (Copenhagen and Frederiksberg) are not included in the counties.

Towards the end of the 10th century, Denmark was united into a single kingdom. It has been an independent country ever since, and is thus one of the oldest states in Europe.

The form of government is a parliamentary democracy with a royal head of state. The system of production is capitalist (economic liberalism) with private ownership of businesses and production. The state and other public authorities, however, exercise a considerable regulatory control and provide comprehensive services for the citizens.

Denmark is a developed industrialised country. By international standards, the standard of living is high, and the differences between rich and poor are smaller than in many of the countries with which Denmark is traditionally compared.

Denmark is a member of the European Union. The proximity of Germany has traditionally orientated the country south in an economic and political sense, but close co-operation with Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland, with which Denmark enjoys a passport union, also ties Denmark to the North.

The country has a coastline totalling c. 7,300 km in all and a 68-km-long frontier with Germany. It is a distinctly low-lying country, the highest point being only 173 metres above sea level, but the landscape is undulating and varied; only occasionally is it possible to find undisturbed nature, and the view everywhere shows signs of human activity. Only on the island of Bornholm do we find bedrock, and otherwise the land is characterised by fertile clayish or sandy moraine landscapes.

Denmark is poor in mineral deposits. However, chalk for the production of cement is found in considerable quantities, and more oil and gas is extracted from the North Sea than is needed for home consumption.

Most of the country, c. 65%, is under cultivation. 10% is covered by deciduous or coniferous forest, while meadow, heath, marshland, bogs, sandhills and lakes constitute c. 10%. Built-up areas and traffic areas make up the remaining c. 13%. The climate is temperate, and precipitation is sufficient to provide all the water needed.

The population stands at c. 5.37 million, and the population density is c. 125 per square kilometre. Foreign immigrants and their descendants amount to c. 395,000, 165,000 of whom come from Europe; in addition there is a small German minority in southern Jutland. The language is everywhere Danish, and the vast majority of the population has been baptised into the established protestant church. Denmark is therefore nationally and culturally very homogeneous.

85% of the population lives in towns. The greater Copenhagen region accounts for c. 1.08 million inhabitants. The second city is Århus (218,000 inhabitants). In addition the entire country is otherwise covered by a network of medium-sized towns.

Danish agriculture is highly developed, producing a considerable surplus of manufactured foods which are exported to other countries. Industrial production is very varied in relation to the size of the country. Among the commodities that have made Denmark known abroad are, in addition to agricultural produce, beer, medicines, furniture, shipping, wind turbines and products of the advanced metal industries.

Both agriculture and industry are highly effective. Agriculture and fisheries employ only 4%, and industry and construction 23% of the population. The remaining 73% are employed in the service sector, 35% in public and personal services and 38% in private business, including financial activities and the traditional shipping trade.

Denmark is well provided with traffic systems. The road network is good everywhere in the country; railways and air links provide quick transport, and the islands are connected by ferries and a large number of bridges. Kastrup near Copenhagen is the largest international airport in the country and is at the same time a crossroads for air traffic to and from the other Scandinavian countries.

Denmark has an open economy, and trade with the rest of the world is of great importance. Imports and exports of goods and services thus represent, respectively, c. 33% and 36% of the country's GDP (2000). Around 2/3 of foreign trade is with the other countries in the EU; the remainder is divided among a very large number of trading partners, of which Norway and the USA are the most important.

Bue Nielsen

1、豫麦34号,幼苗直立,叶色淡绿,根系较为发达。2、豫麦41号,株型紧凑,株高85厘米左右。3、郑丰3号,幼苗半直立,粗蛋白含量高。4、中麦9号,叶片肥厚且有腊质,茎秆粗壮坚韧。5、中优9507,茎杆粗壮,抗倒能力强。         &...

小麦营养价值及功效与作用 详细介绍

小麦是我们日常生活中常见的一种食材,小麦的营养价值是非常高的,而且可以烹调成很多的食品,我们平时所吃到的很多食物都是由小麦所制成的。虽然很多人非常喜欢吃小麦,但是对于小麦的选购与烹调并不是很了解,下面将为大家介绍关于小麦的选购与烹调及适宜人群。选购: 选购小麦一定要选择优质上等的,这样...


1、普通小麦品种,为弱冬性中晚熟品种。2、幼苗半匍匐,分蘖能力较强,生长较强。3、株高约73.7厘米,株型为半紧凑型,抗倒春寒能力一般。4、亩穗数42.2万左右,穗粒数36左右,千粒重51.3克左右。5、中抗条锈病,高感白粉病、赤霉病。6、两年区试平均亩产在545.8公斤左右。一、特征特性 1、...

小麦营养价值及功效与作用 详细介绍

高产800公斤的小麦品种是828晚熟小麦。小麦 介绍:1、小麦是小麦系植物的统称,是单子叶植物,是一种在世界各地广泛种植的禾本科植物,小麦的颖果是人类的主食之一,磨成面粉后可制作面包、馒头、饼干、面条等食物;发酵后可制成啤酒、酒精、白酒(如伏特加),或生质燃料。小麦富含淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪、...

小麦是世界上总产量第二的粮食作物,仅次于玉米。国际上,小麦主要用作人类食物,尤其以面包、通心粉和比萨饼的形式食用。我国小麦主要用于食用,制粉消费中约75%的小麦形成面粉。 小麦介绍 小麦是世界上总产量第二的粮食作物,仅次于玉米,而稻米则排名第三,播种面积小麦依旧是粮食作物中最大的,世...

适宜种植地区:江苏省沿淮麦区及淮北麦区。播种时间:在10月20日及11月5日播种为宜。密度:每亩地保留18-22万株基本苗,若土壤肥力较差,可以适当增加基本苗的保留数量。小麦介绍 小麦是小麦属植物的统称,代表种为普通小麦,是禾本科植物,是一种在世界各地广泛种植的谷类作物,小麦的颖果是人类的主...


东源县19628191946: 丹麦(北欧五国之一) - 搜狗百科
蓝馨息百: 丹麦王国(丹麦语:Kongeriget Danmark,旧译为“嗹(lián)国”、“嗹马”),简称丹麦,为北欧五国之一,是一个君主立宪制国家,拥有两个自治领地,一个是法罗群岛,另外一个是格陵兰岛.丹麦本土则包括日德兰半岛、菲因岛、西兰岛及附近岛屿,北部隔北海和波罗的海与瑞典和挪威相望,南部与德国接壤,首都兼第一大城市是哥本哈根.

东源县19628191946: 丹麦的地理概况如何?
蓝馨息百: 正式名称:丹麦王国(TheKingdom ofDenmark)面积:43096平方千米(不包括格陵 兰和法罗群岛)人口 :545 万(2006 年)民族:丹麦人约占93. 2%;外国移 民约...

东源县19628191946: 丹麦在哪里???
蓝馨息百: 丹麦王国(丹麦文:Kongeriget Danmark)是斯堪的纳维亚组成国家之一,位于欧洲北部日德兰半岛上及附近岛屿.南部就是德国,北部濒临大西洋、北海与波罗的海.瑞典和挪威分别位于丹麦以北及西北方向,与丹麦隔海相望.

东源县19628191946: 丹麦有什么样的介绍?
蓝馨息百: 坐落于长堤公园的美人鱼铜像,是丹麦的象征.小美人鱼为了爱坚忍、牺牲的故事流传至今,感动了来自世界各地的伴侣.远望这个人身鱼尾的美人鱼,她坐在一块巨大的花岗石上,恬静娴雅,悠闲自得;走近这座铜像,看到的却是一个神情忧郁、冥思苦想的少女.

东源县19628191946: 从位置、气候、地形、河流、植被简述丹麦自然地理特征. -
蓝馨息百:[答案] 位置:位于欧洲北部,日德兰半岛上.南同德国接壤,西濒北海,北与挪威、瑞典隔海相望东与俄罗斯隔海相望.海岸线长7314公里. 地形:地势低平,平均海拔约30米. 属温带海洋性气候.平均气温1月-2.4℃ ,8月14.6℃.年均降水量约860毫米. 植被:温...

东源县19628191946: 丹麦是属于欧洲的哪个国家 -
蓝馨息百: 丹麦是个独立的国家. 丹麦王国(丹麦语:Kongeriget Danmark,旧译为“嗹(lián)国”、“嗹马” ),简称“丹麦”,为北欧五国之一,是一个君主立宪制国家,拥有两个自治领地,法罗群岛和格陵兰.北部隔北海和波罗的海与瑞典和挪威相望,并与之合称为斯堪的纳维亚国家,南部与德国接壤,首都兼第一大城市是哥本哈根.

东源县19628191946: 简述丹麦自然地理特征 -
蓝馨息百: 自然地理特征:1,气候:是温带海洋性气候.2,植被:属于温带落叶阔叶林.3,地形:平原地形.4,地势:起伏小.

东源县19628191946: 介绍一下丹麦? 还有他们说哪国语言?社会治安好不好? -
蓝馨息百: 【面积】 4.31万 平方公里(不包括格陵兰和法罗群岛). 【人口】 541.1 万人( 2005 年 1 月),丹麦人约占 95 【首都】 哥本哈根(%,外国移民约占 5 %. 官方语言 为丹麦语,英语为通用语. 86.6 %的居民信奉基督教路德宗, 0.6 %的居...

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