
作者&投稿:伯牙吾台肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A你对将来有什么计划吗? Have you got any plan abou future ?

B现在还没有想过。 I haven't thought about it yet

You can say it while you are thinking

First ,I want to finish my study.

And then ?

I plan to look for a job I like after going back my country

Have you got any idea about your futural job ?

I hope it is which I like ,and with a few days off

Why do you hope so ?
If SO,I can have more time to travel and to be with my family
Have you think about build up your own career ?
Yeah . However , it will be after I have worked for years.
Have any ideas on your futural personal life ?
I hope to have a warm and nice family.
Have any requirement on your wife ? Such as ,beautiful ?
Sure,I hope to have a wife who are gentle and beautiful
When to set up your family , you think ?
I think it will be after 30 years old
Successful career you want after your married, right?
Yeah ,I think so.
OK ,thank you.
You're welcome.

I plan to look for a job I like after going back my country

Have you got any idea about your futural job ?

I hope it is which I like ,and with a few days off

Why do you hope so ?

If SO,I can have more time to travel and to be with my family

Have you think about build up your own career ?

Yeah . However , it will be after I have worked for years.

Have any ideas on your futural personal life ?

I hope to have a warm and nice family.

Have any requirement on your wife ? Such as ,beautiful ?

Sure,I hope to have a wife who are gentle and beautiful

When to set up your family , you think ?

I think it will be after 30 years old

Successful career you want after your married, right?

Yeah ,I think so.

OK ,thank you.

You're welcome.

这些都是我自己翻译的 ,没有用翻译器~ 恩,也不知道能不能帮到你 ,我很用心呢 ~
希望能解决你的问题咯 :)

Home is the abbreviation of VOCALOID v.
VOCALOID Yamaha development of electronic music is made speech synthesis software. Input tone and lyrics, can the human voice synthesis as song had. In January 2007 VOCALOID2 out a new version.
Developers Yamaha
The latest stable release VOCALOID2
The operating system Windows 2000 / XP
Usable language English, Japanese
Types music software
The proxy: ice cream is dew pills
The proxy: onion
The proxy: roller oranges
The proxy: bananas
The proxy: octopus, tuna, whip

1.You won't yearn towards the niceness in your life unless you are sick.
2.The economic and technological exchange between China and the whole world is taking on a new phase.
3.The airliner is taking off when we hurried to the airport.
4.A septuagenarian lives in the mount,protecting the forest as well as the birds for decades on end,who is called the amateur environmentalist by people.
5.The whole world is watching attentively to China's ongoing big changes with great interests.


You would never miss the beautiful things until you have been ill.

That emerging is a new situation of cooperation between China and the other countries in the world.

Hardly had the Plane taken off, when we arrived the airport.

A 70 years old man, living in the mountain, is called an amamteur experts in environment protection by people for his protecting the forest and birds everyday in his decades of life.

The whole world are,with great interest, focusing on the significant change happening in China.

1,you will remember good things when you being sick.
2,there is new state on cooperate china and each all of nations in economic technology.
3, when we arrive at the airport, the airline almost take off.
4,there is 70 years old man live in mountain,take care of forest and animal several 10 years like one day, and people say him is amateur environmental experts
5, whole world all in are gazing at china with much interest which is huge change on occurring.

1only when you are sick, you will miss the good things of life.
2 China and the world economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with emerging new situation.
3, we get to the airport, the flight to take off.
4 mountains, there lived a 70-year-old old man. Forest bird protection in several decades, environmental experts known as the amateur.
5 The whole world is watching with great interest the tremendous changes taking place in China.

1.When you fall ill, you will only then think in the life the happy
2. the China is having the new ball game with various countries'

economical technological exchange cooperation.

When we rush to the airport, the flight must take off.
Mr. Shan Lizhu 70 year-old. The forest protection protects the bird decades seem like a day, is called the extra-curricular environmental protection expert by the people
5.The entire world in is gazing at China by the enormous interest the immense changes which occurs


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齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 汉语汉译英,越精彩越好,可意译 -
连政天晴: A year of work and wait for nothing, it is bath fire rebirth, is determined. Better die standing than live kneeling. Believe me, a year later, we goodbye!A year of hard work and waiting for nothing, is ashes, is unshaken. Would rather die standing than live on your knees. Believe me, after a year, we will meet!

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 英语翻译最好翻译成地道点的英语,词汇高级些的.不要用翻译软件翻译 .... -
连政天晴:[答案] never let the speed you succeed lower than the speed your parents getting old

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 英语高手进来吧!求英语高手帮我翻译,越华丽越好,越高级越好
连政天晴:汉语意思是: 1 越华丽越好 the more Ornate, the better 2 越高级越好 The more senior, the better 你的采纳 我的动力希望我能继续帮助你

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 完成句子,中译英(要带有最高级) -
连政天晴: 【I】他是我最喜欢的男演员.He is【my】【favourite】【actor】He is【my】【best-loved】【actor】He is【the】【actor】【I 】【like】【most】He is【the】【actor】【I 】【like...

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 英语高级翻译,句子越长越好,词汇越难越好 -
连政天晴: 当一个人做事坦荡时,他就会感到幸福,快乐As long as you are on the up and up to engage in everything, you are bound to live in the seventh heaven and over the rainbow.// on the up and up (做人做事)光明正大的in the seventh heaven 非常高兴的;在无上的幸福中over the rainbow [口语] 高兴极了

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 哪位大侠给把这个句子译成英语,意译就可以,但是要尽量文雅,句型单词越正式越高级越好. -
连政天晴: On the face of it,it's a simple issue.But in fact,it attach gert significace to the common terminal values of society with deep social background .纯手工哦

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 汉译英 我尊重你的看法 但是我们需要相互理解翻译的越复杂越好 但是前提是一定要正确哦 -
连政天晴:[答案] I show great respect to your perspectives,yet we need to understand each other mutually. 我尊重你的看法 但是我们需要相互理解.

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 翻译:有些话想说说不出口 越高级越高,谢谢 -
连政天晴: Some words were trying to come out but failed.

齐齐哈尔市19583318437: 英语翻译1.汉译英你越想它,感觉就越糟2.英译汉Soccer is like the world to me -
连政天晴:[答案] the more I think about it,the worse I feel.足球对我来说就像整个世界.

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