
作者&投稿:桐晴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Land Rover, also known as 路虎<!-- in Hong Kong, is a renowned automobile brand. Initially, before its official entry to China, it was commonly referred to as Rangerover<!--. However, a trademark issue arose when Land Rover (Rangerover<!--) planned to launch in the market, as the name was already registered by a domestic car company. Consequently, the brand had to register Landrover<!-- in China. Owning a British heritage, Land Rover is currently under the ownership of the Indian Tata Company.

Range Rover<!--, a flagship model of Land Rover, is an esteemed off-road vehicle. In China, it translates to 路虎<!--. Its popularity stems from its exceptional off-road capabilities and luxurious interior design. The car boasts a sleek and stylish exterior, complemented by a comfortable and premium cabin, making it a top choice for many consumers.

The Rover卫士<!--, another iconic model, stands out for its unique design and formidable off-road performance. Its popularity in China is a testament to its superior capabilities and luxurious features.

The 发现者Discovery<!--, a practical SUV, showcases a spacious and comfortable interior, perfect for family use. Its robust design and combination of off-road prowess and luxury内饰 have made it a favorite in the Chinese market.

Similarly, the 神行者<!--, a luxurious SUV, boasts a distinctive design and ample interior space, catering to family needs. Its strong performance and premium features have garnered widespread appreciation in China.

In summary, Land Rover's popularity in China is attributed to its superior off-road performance and luxurious interiors. With a diverse range of models catering to different customer preferences, the brand's localization has made its cars more affordable, making it an attractive option for Chinese consumers seeking a premium off-road vehicle.

呼中区19338613792: 路虎汽车标志是怎样的 -
真齐乳康: Landrover,主要有神行者、极光、发现、揽胜几个系列.神行者和极光相对便宜,发现和揽胜相对更贵.

呼中区19338613792: 紧急!设 f(b)= b lna - a lnb (b>a>e) ,那 f `(b)等于什么?已知a,b 为实数,且a>b>e ,其中e 为自然对数的底,求证a^b>b^a -
真齐乳康:[答案] f(b)=blna -alnb,则b是自变量,a是常数. f'(b)=lna -a/b 注:如果要证 blna>alnb,(b>a>e),可化为 (lna)/a >ln(b)/b 令g(x)=(lnx)/x,x>e,则g'(x)=(1-lnx)/x²g(b).

呼中区19338613792: 二年级第2期数学智慧小博士:☆☆―○=☆○ ☆=〔 〕 ○=〔 〕是怎么算出来答案的呢? -
真齐乳康:[答案] ☆=22 ○=1 小朋友自己试一试哦

呼中区19338613792: Mr Carter,Mr Butler,Mr Drover and Mr Hunter are employed as a carter,a butler,a drover and a hunter.None of them has the name of his profession.They made ... -
真齐乳康:[答案] 分析,假设1 真 则 carter-hunter butler-hunter hunter-butler 那么 drover-drover ,错误2 真 则 drover-carter butler-hunter hunter-butler 那么 carter-drover 对3 真 则 hunter-hunter 错误4 真 则 carter-hunte...

呼中区19338613792: 一般对数函数的高阶(n阶)求导公式是什么? -
真齐乳康: y=loga(x) y'=1/(xlna) y"=-1/(x^2 lna) .... y^(n)=(-1)^(n-1)*(n-1)!/[x^n lna]

呼中区19338613792: e^(1/lna)可以化简成什么 -
真齐乳康:[答案] 高中教材有这个公式 对于本题 e^(1/lna)= e^(-lna)=e^(-log(e)a)=e^[(log(e)(a^-1)]=e^[(log(e)(1/a)] 这个时候就符合a^log(a)b=b 所以 e^(1/lna)= e^(-lna)=e^(-log(e)a)=e^[(log(e)(a^-1)]=e^[(log(e)(1/a)]=1/a...

呼中区19338613792: 数学和英语完全等于听天书咋办啊、、网瘾很大.每天10个小时电脑. -
真齐乳康:[答案] 额.我不自觉

呼中区19338613792: 问一个高数求导的问题?a^ - x的导数是什么?我觉得应该是 (a^ - x)lna,但是书上是 ( - a^ - x)lna.请问我错在哪里啊 为什么前面要多个符号呢? -
真齐乳康:[答案] 书上对 这是复合导数求导数 (a^-x)'=(a^-x)lna*(-x)'=(-a^-x)lna

呼中区19338613792: (lna)的x次方的原函数是多少 -
真齐乳康: ∫(lna)^xdx =(lna)^x/ln(lna)+C

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