哪位高手能帮我翻译下我的论文的摘要啊 翻译成英文 小弟在此先谢谢了

作者&投稿:校钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Axial flow pumpunstablezone existsnot only affect thereliable operation of thepump units,but also reduce theoperating range ofaxial flow pumpefficientarea.Based on themaster's thesis"axial flow pumpof non"improve the mechanical properties andstabilitycondition flowmechanism,the main use of ICEM-CFD,CFX software,combined with the excelworksheet,modifyingthemodelhas been built,and then tomesh,is calculatedfor differentconditions,using CFXafter treatmentwaspump performance parametersand thevelocity,pressurecontours,import the data into the exceldraw thecharacteristic curve of pump.The resultsshow that:(1)the small flow rate condition,theimportand baffle,pump headincreased significantly;(2)theimportand baffle,axial flow pumpunstable region(saddle area)rangesignificantly reduced;(3)the entranceand baffleis smalland efficiencyofaxial floweffectpump;(4)with the increase of flow rate,inlet flow field,pressure fieldis more uniform.Keywords:baffle,unstable region,after CFXtreatment,flow field,pressure field

中小企业的融资问题是近些年的研究热点,很不错的选题。但是,我想提出一点小小的语言提炼建议:“其中提出了找寻企业自身缺憾,从自身出发努力改进现状,为企业创造良好的融资环境” 这句话似乎不太符合逻辑,企业找出自身缺憾并努力改进,这个很重要,但融资环境不是企业自己能创造的,而是政府的职责。而且,你上句还提到了政府,所以,建议你加上政府的efforts, 改好后再重新翻译那一句。
Nowadays, small medium enterprise(SMEs) have become an important new force of national economic development. However, financing obstacles encountered by SMEs during their development are huge stumbling blocks that restrict their development. In recent years, in order to boost SMEs' development, the government has launched a series of policies and introduced a variety of measures to expand the financing channel of SMEs. Nevertheless, these initiatives can not match with the SMEs' present condition very well. This article begins with an analysis of the reasons of financing obstacles faced by SMEs. Then, the author suggests that solutions of financing obstacles can be found from SMEs themselves, banks and the government. For the SMEs, the author proposes that they need to find out their own shortslabs and improve the current situation with their own efforts to creat a favorable financing environment.Beside, the financial community should pay more attention to SMEs, help and support the SMEs to cope with their financial obstacles. Ony with joint efforts from all parties involved can SMEs achieve a significant development.

summary:Unique teaching style of mechanical and electrical products, first class was deeply attracted me, makes me in many ideas and concepts in the understanding of a major change, reflection and redesign self, The story tells lectures, learn and understand the concept, advanced technology and many relevant information, previously unheard, Some thoughts on teaching content of mechanical and electrical products, the teacher of this new technology, and his students with examples of introduction, so that the subject in my professional life interest, feeling more, On another level realized in the university, how to use limited time to learn more knowledge of later development advantage, "Is an engineer of engineering drawing, let me face" deeply realized that a teacher for science and technology, rigorous and responsibility, Thus, a belief in you to the teacher.

Abstract: The unique style of teaching style, "Introduction to Mechanical and Electrical Products" first class on the deeply attractive to me, make me a lot of ideas and concepts in the understanding of significant changes have taken place, began to self-reflection and re-planning; about stories before and after lectures, to learn advanced technology concepts and their understanding of many of the professional-related information, previously unheard of; Some sentiment on teaching content: teacher Electrical and new products and technology exposition, and his students brought their own issues examples of introduction, so I enlightened interest in the profession, lots of experience; to another level, realizing that in college, how to use the limited time to learn more conducive to the development of their knowledge of the future; an "engineering drawings is an engineer's face, "so I have realized a strict division of science and technology and strict liability; to this belief arises spontaneously, special subject teachers to participate in group.

Giving lectures of a unique style has attracted me right away deeply on graceful manner, "electromechanical product introduction " first time class , has made me significant having happened on much idea and conceptual make of change, begin to rethink oneself profoundly and to plan again; The story giving an account of the front and back attending a lecture's , the advanced technology idea learning to arrive at, know the lot of information with self special field relevance

11、检验盖章--inspection seal

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I am just a forgotten clown.


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