在某方面薄弱 用英语翻译

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在某方面薄弱 用英语翻译~

be weak in sth

答案是:they look the same in some ways

in some ways 在某些方面 look the same 看起来一样

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Be weak in或be not good at或be poor at sth/doing sth

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be weak in sth/doing sth

She is weak in character. 她性格懦弱.
She is weak in grammar. 她语法很差.

be poor at sth/doing sth

He is poor at spelling. 他不善于拼写.

not good at sth/doing sth
I am not good at drawing. 我不善于画画.

I hope these things can help you.

be weak in sth.

be poor at sth/doing sth
be weak in sth/doing sth
not good at sth/doing sth

向阳区19694172990: 在某方面薄弱 用英语翻译 -
别冉雅邦:[答案] 在某方面薄弱 Be weak in或be not good at或be poor at sth/doing sth

向阳区19694172990: 在某方面薄弱 用英语翻译 -
别冉雅邦: 在某方面薄弱 Be weak in或be not good at或be poor at sth/doing sth欢迎采纳 希望帮到你

向阳区19694172990: “在某方面薄弱”英语怎么说 -
别冉雅邦: be weak in sth

向阳区19694172990: 英语翻译【在...方面很薄弱】 -
别冉雅邦: be poor at...例如:在数学方面很薄弱,be poor at maths

向阳区19694172990: 英语在线翻译在某方面有问题 -
别冉雅邦: In some way 词典结果 have some problems with have problems with sth Problems in some aspects

向阳区19694172990: 请问以下几个英文短语该怎么翻译?急!!! -
别冉雅邦: 1.their backs 他们的背部 2.because of his illness 由于他的疾病3.wake up early 醒得早4.be weak in 在某方面薄弱5.what you say 你所说的东西6.wha...

向阳区19694172990: weak in的中文翻译
别冉雅邦: 在某个方面薄弱

向阳区19694172990: Jim在英语方面薄弱.怎样翻译 -
别冉雅邦:[答案] Jim is weak in English.

向阳区19694172990: 我想请教你一些有关学习英语的技巧、因为我在英语方面很薄弱.用英语翻译?? -
别冉雅邦: I'd like to ask you about English learning skills , because I was weak in English.

向阳区19694172990: “我的体育很薄弱”翻译成英语 -
别冉雅邦: I am weak in sports .I can"t do well in the PE lessons .

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