
作者&投稿:储坚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in spare time或者in free time.

I usualy read books in my spare time.
I don't like to play basketball in free time.

be free是有空的意思。

leisure time

in my free time

free time

leisure time

spare time

暑假给了我更多的闲暇时间 英语怎么说
summer vacation gives me more free time summer vacation 暑假 more 更多 free time 闲暇时间 希望可以帮到你

他没有空闲时间因为他要为考试做准备。用英语表达 翻译如下:He has no spare time because he is going to prepare for the exam.重点词汇释义:没有:not have; there is not; not so ...as; be without; absence 空闲时间:floor time; free time; unattended stand-by time; Idle 因为...

在某人空闲的时间 用英语怎么说?
in someone's free time

我喜欢在空闲时间画画用英语怎么说用Enjoy doing sth?
高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!我喜欢在空闲时间画画。用英语表达:I enjoy painting in my free time.painting 也可换成 drawing pictures,都可以表示画画。in my free time也可以用 in my spare time 都可以表示 在空闲时间

owadays, a lot of recreational activities are available for people to release their stress of work or study. Recreational activities have aroused a hot debate in society. When it comes to recreational activities, people’s ideas are not cut from the same cloth.如今,很多娱乐的活动都...

在家学习--- study at home.做枯燥的工作--- do the boring work.干重活--- do a lot of labour.一周三长假--- have a three-day holiday every week.空闲时间--- spare time 或 free time 变暖--- become warmer 通过电子邮件的方式--- by sending e-mail 我不确信的英语短语--- ...

在某人的业余时间英文:In one's spare time。业余时间是指:闲暇时间,亦称业余时间、“自由时间”。指人们除劳动外用于消费产品和自由活动的时间。美国经济学家凡勃伦于1899年创用。他认为闲暇是指不生产的消费时间。人们在闲暇时间中进行生活消费,参与社会活动和娱乐休息,这是从事劳动后身心调剂的过程...

我们没有足够的空闲时间。We don't have enough free time.We don't have enough leisure time.

He often chats with his friends in his spare \/ free time.

in your spare time更准确些 也可以说when you are free

新蔡县13841078752: 空闲时间 用英语说 4个空 先答先采 -
权婕通窍:[答案] free time

新蔡县13841078752: 空闲的时间的用英语怎么回答?谢谢,好的话多给分! -
权婕通窍: leisure time

新蔡县13841078752: 用英语怎么说“在空闲时间”是用“in free time'还是“at free time”? -
权婕通窍:[答案] in spare time或者in free time. 如 I usualy read books in my spare time. 在空闲时间,我经常看书. I don't like to play basketball in free time. 空闲时间,我不喜欢打篮球. be free是有空的意思.

新蔡县13841078752: "空闲的时间" 英文翻译 -
权婕通窍: leisure time

新蔡县13841078752: 在某人空余的时间用英语怎么说英语的 -
权婕通窍:[答案] 不对,要用:in his spare time 或 in her spare time.不能用at.

新蔡县13841078752: "在空闲时间"的英文翻译 -
权婕通窍: in free timein spare time

新蔡县13841078752: 空余时间 怎么用英语表达? 越多越好 谢谢大家 -
权婕通窍: casual time free time希望我的回答能对你有帮助 如果还有问题,可以问我,^_^

新蔡县13841078752: 在空闲时间用英语怎样说 -
权婕通窍: In my spare time

新蔡县13841078752: 在我空闲的时间里的英语翻译 -
权婕通窍: In one's free time(在某人的空闲时间)以此类推••••(one's改为my)

新蔡县13841078752: 在某人空闲的时光 用英语怎么说? -
权婕通窍:[答案] in xxx's free time 或者spare time 或者when xxx is free

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