中文菜单英文译法 翻译

作者&投稿:公维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

菜单 Menu

Main Courses(主菜)

Ma Po tofu((麻婆豆腐)

Kung Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁)

Eggplant with Garlic Sauce(鱼香茄子)

Sweet and Sour Fish(糖醋鱼)

Fried Eggs with Tomatoes(西红柿炒鸡蛋)

Lettuce with Oyster Sauce(蚝油生菜)

Beef with Onions(牛肉炒洋葱)

Mixed Vegetables(素什锦)

Seafood Soup(海鲜汤)
山宴会料理 Yama Kaiseki Dinner /席开胃菜Appetizer
极品小菜Seasonal Dish
清汤Clear Soup
生鱼片Raw Fish
烧烤物Broiled Dish
煮物Stewed Dish
油炸物Fried Fish
醋拌物Vinegarish Dish
主食Rice or Noodle
涮牛肉火锅 Beef Shabushabu
煎牛肉火锅 Beef Sukiyake
鸡肉海鲜火锅 Yosenabe
什锦生鱼片(梅) Assorted Sashimi
Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Sea Urchin
什锦生鱼片(竹) Assorted Sashimi 二
Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Ark shell
什锦生鱼片 Assorted Sashimi 四
Tuna,Salmon,Yellow Tail,Cuttlefish,Sea Urchin
Tokusen moriawase special selection of sliced raw fish(Small)什锦生鱼片船(大)
Tokusen moriawase special selection of sliced raw fish(Big)金枪鱼 Tuna
三文鱼 Salmon
墨斗鱼 Cuttlefish
黄狮鱼 Yellow Tail
雪鱼籽 Cod roe with chili
醋腌青花鱼 Mackerel
金枪鱼腩 Tuna fatty meat
章鱼 Octopus
海胆 Sea Urchin
加吉鱼 Sea Bream
赤贝 Ark shell
北寄贝 Bei Ji Shell
扇贝 Scallop

油炸物 Fried Fishes
炸鸡肉 Fried Chicken
炸豆腐 Fried Tofu
炸虾排 Fried Shrimps
炸牡蛎 Breaded deep-fried oysters served with home-style sauce

醋拌小菜 Vinegarish Dish
醋拌章鱼 Vinegarish Octopus
醋拌什锦鱼贝类 Assorted Vinegarish Seafood
醋拌海蛰 Vinegarish Jelly Fish
醋拌裙带菜 Vinegarish Keip

烧烤类 Broiled Dishes
汁烤鸡排 Broiled chicken leg with teri yaki sance
烤多春鱼 Grilled Smelts
酱烤鳕鱼 Broiled Codfish
盐烤鲭花鱼 Broiled Mackerel
烤鳗鱼 Broiled River Eel
盐烤三文鱼 Grilled head of salmon
盐烤秋刀鱼 Grilled Sanma with Salt
烤鱿鱼 Broiled Cuttlefish
烤黄狮鱼 Grilled head of Yellowtail
烤三文鱼 Grilled head of salmon
烤茄子 Broiled egg plant with comdiments

精制小菜 Dishes to Compliment your Choice
煮什锦蔬菜 Stewed Assorted Seasonal Vegetables
煮加吉鱼头 Stewed Head of Red Snapper
肉豆腐 Simmered Tofu&Beef
冷豆腐 Fresh Soybean Cake
盐水毛豆 Boiled Green Soybeans
罗卜泥拌红鱼籽 Salmon Roe with Grated Radish
鳕鱼籽拌墨鱼 Cuttlefish with Codfish Roe
咸鱿鱼 Marinated Squid
日式沙拉 Japanese Style Salad
蒸鸡蛋羹 Steamed Egg Custard
金枪鱼纳豆 Tuna Sashimi with Fermented Soybeans
炒蔬菜 Stir Vegetable
烤雪鱼籽 Broiled Cod roe with Chill

天妇罗 Deep Fried Dishes
Assorted Deed Fried Items(Prawm ,Fish,Vegetable)
Deluxe Assorted Deed Fried Items(Prawm ,Fish,Vegetable)
什锦蔬菜天妇罗 Assorted Deed Fried Vegetables
炸大虾天妇罗(只) Prawn tempura

天妇罗零点 Tempura A La Carte虾(本) Prawn(Two Pieces)
白身鱼(本)Line Fish(Two Pieces)
墨斗鱼(本) Cuttle Fish(Two Pieces)
扇贝(本) Scallpo (Two Pieces)
炸虾、墨斗鱼饼(个)Mixture of prawn and cuttlefish
炸什锦蔬菜饼(个) Mixture of Vegetables(One piece)
香菇 Deep Fried Black Mushroom
茄子 Deep Fried Eggplant
藕 Lotus
青椒 Spanish Paprika
胡萝卜 Carrot
玉葱 Onion
白薯 Sweet Potato
芦笋 Asparagus

寿司 Sushi
什锦寿司拼盘(梅) Standard Assorted Sushi
什锦寿司拼盘(竹) Deluxe Assorted Sushi
什锦寿司拼盘(松) Superior Assorted Sushi
生鱼片盖交饭 Sliced Raw over Sushi Rice Served In a Bowl

零点寿司 Sushi A La Carte金枪鱼 Tuna
黄狮鱼 Yellow tail
加吉鱼 Red Snapper
三文鱼 Salmon
墨鱼 Cuttlefish
章鱼 Octopus
烤鸡蛋 Egg
虾 Prawn
赤贝 Ark Shell
扇贝 Scallop
海胆 Sea Urchin
三文鱼籽 Salmon Roe
飞鱼籽 Flying Fish Roe
醋腌青花鱼 Mackerel
鳗鱼 Eel
金枪鱼腩Tuna Fatty meat

卷物 Roll Sushi
葫芦卷 Bocky Roll
黄瓜卷 Cucumber Roll
黄咸菜卷 Pickle Roll
梅肉紫菜卷 SuShi with Plum
金枪鱼卷 Tuna Roll
特制粗卷 Big Roll
加州卷 California Roll
加州手卷 California Roll(Hand Rolled)
纳豆卷 Fermented soy beans rolled in seaweed
葱卷三文鱼腩 Marinated salmon with green onion

主食 Rice And Soup
鳗鱼饭 Grilled Eel over Rice
炸猪排盖饭 Deep Fried Pork in Egg on Rice
天妇罗盖饭 Tempura Selection on Rice
烧牛肉盖饭 Fried Beef and Rice
Heat Rice in hot green tea with your choice of seaweed,plum or salmon
Rice soup with your choice of Egg or Vegetable
米饭套餐 Rice set(Includes Soup and pickles)
清汤 Clear Soup
酱汤 Miso Soup
米饭 Rice
煎饺子 Pan-broil Dumplins
Rice ball wrapped in dried seaweed with picked plums and broiled salmon served with miso soup and picked vegetables
咖喱鸡肉饭 咖喱牛肉饭

面类 Noodles
茶味荞麦面 Green tae flavored buckwheat noodle
Buckwheat Noodle or white noodle(cold)
Buckwheat Noodle or white noodle(warm)
Buckwheat noodle or white noodle with tempura in hot pot
酱油叉烧面 Roast pork Noodle
酱汤拉面 Miso Noodle
牛肉乌冬或荞麦面 Beef Udon Noodle
骨汤拉面 Pork soup noodle
排骨拉面 Pork Rib Noodle
蔬菜拉面 Mix Vegetable Noodle
激辣拉面 Hot Chili Noodle
日式凉面 Cold Noodle
Chilled Japanese Udon or Soba Noodle served with tempura

串烧鸡翅 Broiled Chicken nuts
日式比萨饼 Japanese Piza

铁板烧单品 Toppan Yaki Ala Carte
中国牛肉(特级) Chinese sirloin
大虾 Prawn
雪鱼 White Meat
三文鱼 Salmon
鱿鱼 Cuttlefish
鸡肉 Chicken
芦笋 Asparagus
金针菇 Asparagus
香菇 Black Mushroon
洋葱 Union
白薯 Sweet potato
茄子 Eggplant
青椒 Green bell pepper
铁板牛肉炒饭 Sirloin Fried Rice Toppan Yaki
铁板什锦炒饭 Assorted Fried Rice Toppan Yaki

饮料和酒水 Beverages
贺茂鹤 KMOTSURU (.l瓶) ;(ml/壶)
大关 OOZEKI (.l/瓶) ;(ml/壶)
白雪 SHIRAYUKI (.l/瓶) ;(ml/壶)
白鹤 HAKUTSURA (.l/瓶) ;(ml/壶)
菊正宗 KIKU-MASAMUNE(.l/瓶) ;(ml/壶)
松竹梅 SHOCHIKBUAI (.l/瓶) ;(ml/壶)
依智子 IICHIKO (ml/瓶)
玄海 GENKAI (ml/瓶 )
芝华士 Chivas Regal (ml/瓶)
朝日 Asahi (ml/瓶)
麒麟 Kirin (ml/瓶)
青岛(小) Qingdao(Small)
燕京 YanJing 瓶
日本绿茶 SEN CHA 壶
可乐 Coke 听
雪碧 Sprite 听
橙汁 Orange Juice 听
咖啡 Coffee
蓝涧 LanJian

食彩亭日本料理(兰) /位一品料理煮毛豆Boiled Green Soybeans
冷豆腐Fresh Soybean Cake
醋拌海蛰 Vinegarish Jelly Fish
叉烧肉 Poast Pork
金枪鱼纳豆 墨鱼纳豆 蛋黄纳豆 墨鱼胆太子
Tuna Sashimi with fenmented soybeans
醋拌裙带菜 黄瓜沾酱 海鲜沙拉 醋拌鱼贝类生鱼片金枪鱼(限三片/位) Tuna
三文鱼 Salmon
加吉鱼 Red
鲈鱼 Mackerel
章鱼 Perch
寿司墨鱼 黄狮鱼 三文鱼 飞鱼籽 虾Cuttlefish,Yellowtail,Salmon,Flying fish Roe,Prawn
加吉鱼 鲈鱼 醋腌青花鱼 章鱼 鸡蛋 鳗鱼
Red snapper,Perch,Mackerel,Octopus,Egg,Eel
卷物葫芦卷 黄瓜卷 黄咸菜卷 金枪鱼卷 纳豆卷Bock Roll,Cucumber Roll,Tuna Roll,Fermented
三文鱼卷 特制粗卷 金枪鱼手卷 三文鱼手卷
Big Roll,Tuna Roll(hand Roll),Sake Roll(Hand Rolled)
鳗鱼手卷Eel Roll
烤物青花鱼 秋刀鱼 多春鱼 鱿鱼 鸡翅Mackerel,Broiled Mackerel,Gilled smelts Broiled,Chicken wing
明太子鸡翅 鱼饼 平鱼 三文鱼头 鳗鱼
Fish Pie,Flatfish,Head of salmon,Eel
黄狮鱼头 牛舌串 鸡心串 鸡肉串 三文鱼皮Head of Yellowtail,Cow tone,Chicken heart,chicken bbq
炸物蔬菜天妇罗 炸鱿鱼须 炸河虾 炸鸡块 炸土豆饼Fried Vegetable,Fried Shrimps,Fried Chicken
大虾天妇罗 炸猪排 炸虾排 炸墨鱼须 石鲽鱼Deep Fried Pork,Fried Flatfish
煮物土豆煮牛肉 煮南瓜 炒什锦蔬菜 炒牛肉Simmered potato with beef,Stewed assorted seasonal vegetable
猪肉生姜烧 泡菜炒牛肉 韭菜炒鱿鱼 日式鸡蛋羹铁板、锅物铁板金针菇 铁板洋葱 铁板茄子 铁板香菇 铁板鱿鱼铁板牛舌 鱼骨豆腐砂锅 涮牛肉火锅主食荞麦面(冷、热) 乌冬面(冷、热)
Buckwheat Noodle(warm、cold),White Noodle(warm、cold)
中华冷拉面 骨汤拉面 味噌拉面 烧牛肉盖饭Cold noodle,pork soup noodle,Miso noodle
鳗鱼饭 咖喱鸡肉饭 咖喱牛肉饭 酱汤Girlled Eel over rice,Chicken curry rice,Beef curry rice,Miso soup
酒水燕京纯生 金装燕京 可乐 雪碧 矿泉水Yanjingchunsheng,Coke,Sprite,Mineral water

食彩亭日本料理(兰) /位一品料理煮毛豆 冷豆腐 醋拌海蛰
Boiled Green Soybeans,Fresh Soybean Cake,Vinegarish Jelly Fish
韩国泡菜 叉烧肉 日式瓜条 蔬菜沙拉
Pickles,Poast Pork,Cucumber,Vegetable
金枪鱼纳豆 墨鱼纳豆 蛋黄纳豆 墨鱼胆太子
Tuna Sashimi with fenmented soybeans
醋拌裙带菜 黄瓜沾酱 海鲜沙拉 醋拌鱼贝类生鱼片★ 金枪鱼(不限量) 墨鱼 黄狮鱼 三文鱼
加吉鱼 醋腌青花鱼 鲈鱼 章鱼 北极贝Red,snapper,Mackerel,Perch,Octopus
★ 海胆(人) 赤贝
Sea Urchin,Ark shell
寿司★ 金枪鱼 黄狮鱼 三文鱼 飞鱼籽 虾Tuna,Yellowtail,Salmon,Flying fish Roe,Prawn
加吉鱼 鲈鱼 醋腌青花鱼 章鱼 鸡蛋 鳗鱼 ★赤贝 墨鱼Red snapper,Perch,Mackerel,Octopus,Egg,Eel,Ark shell,Cuttlefish
卷物葫芦卷 黄瓜卷 黄咸菜卷 金枪鱼卷 纳豆卷Bock Roll,Cucumber Roll,Tuna Roll,Fermented
三文鱼卷 特制粗卷 金枪鱼手卷 三文鱼手卷
Big Roll,Tuna Roll(hand Roll),Sake Roll(Hand Rolled)
鳗鱼手卷 ★加州卷Eel Roll
烤物青花鱼 秋刀鱼 多春鱼 鱿鱼 鸡翅Mackerel,Broiled Mackerel,Gilled smelts Broiled,Chicken wing
明太子鸡翅 鱼饼 平鱼 三文鱼头 鳗鱼
Fish Pie,Flatfish,Head of salmon,Eel
黄狮鱼头 牛舌串 鸡心串 鸡肉串 三文鱼皮Head of Yellowtail,Cow tone,Chicken heart,chicken bbq
★明太子 ★银雪鱼炸物蔬菜天妇罗 炸鱿鱼须 炸河虾 炸鸡块 炸土豆饼Fried Vegetable,Fried Shrimps,Fried Chicken
大虾天妇罗 炸猪排 炸虾排 炸墨鱼须 石鲽鱼Deep Fried Pork,Fried Flatfish
煮物土豆煮牛肉 煮南瓜 炒什锦蔬菜 炒牛肉Simmered potato with beef,Stewed assorted seasonal vegetable
猪肉生姜烧 泡菜炒牛肉 韭菜炒鱿鱼 日式鸡蛋羹 ★牡蛎铁板、锅物★铁板牛肉 ★铁板海螺 ★铁板墨鱼 ★铁板白身鱼铁板金针菇 铁板洋葱 铁板茄子 铁板香菇 铁板鱿鱼铁板牛舌 鱼骨豆腐砂锅 涮牛肉火锅主食荞麦面(冷、热) 乌冬面(冷、热)
Buckwheat Noodle(warm、cold),White Noodle(warm、cold)
中华冷拉面 骨汤拉面 味噌拉面 烧牛肉盖饭Cold noodle,pork soup noodle,Miso noodle
鳗鱼饭 咖喱鸡肉饭 咖喱牛肉饭 酱汤Girlled Eel over rice,Chicken curry rice,Beef curry rice,Miso soup
酒水燕京纯生 金装燕京 可乐 雪碧 矿泉水Yanjingchunsheng,Coke,Sprite,Mineral water

生鱼片套餐 Sashimi set
寿司套餐 Sushi set
天妇罗套餐 Tempura set
炸猪排套餐 Deep fried pork set
炸虾排套餐 Deep fried prawn set
鳗鱼盖饭套餐 Broiled river eel
咖喱猪排饭套餐 Deep fried pork shop over steamed rice with curry sauce teishioku
烤鱼套餐(秋刀鱼、三文鱼、青花鱼任选一种) Grilled fish set(saury fish ,salmon,mackerel)
烤银雪鱼套餐 Grilled Codfish set
姜汁炒猪肉套餐 Brtani kushogagaki teishoku
鸡素烧套餐 Mini sukiyaki set
天妇罗荞麦面或乌冬面定食 Tempura buckwheat noodle or white noodle
咖喱饭套餐 Steamed rice with curry flavored
铁板牛肉套餐 Grilled cubed beef steak set
铁板海鲜套餐 Seafood steak set
铁板鸡肉套餐 Chicken steak set
鸡蛋鳗鱼盖饭套餐 Unugi tamakodon set the same sa above but in a bowl
三文鱼红鱼子寿司饭 Salmon roe with salmon on rice
虾仁蔬菜天妇罗盖饭 Shrimp with vegetables tempura sprinkled with soy-seasoned broth
天妇罗盖浇饭套餐 Tempura selection on rice set
烧牛肉盖饭套餐 Fried beef and rice set
炸猪排盖饭套餐 Deep fried pork in egg on rice set
寿司、天妇罗盖饭、荞麦面套餐 Soba,sushi and tempura selection on rice
精制日式餐盒 Special lunch box

The foreign guests banquet menu
Before the meal of French bread with butter
Fine eight Jiangnan beauty dish
Braised Cuttlefish Roe Soup classic velvet
The French Kaman Potter cheese baked deep-sea cod
Baked New Zealand lamb chops
Shrimp Mapo Tofu with fresh mushroom soup
Table dishes: Coral mandarin fish, Hong Kong Style foie gras friedmushroom, fresh shrimp, the ancient dragon well (Ganoderma lucidumRoasted Duck hall piece)
Jiangnan Spring hand roll
Huagangguanyu (or the palace cheese)
Chrysanthemum fairy Palace Mizhen mushroom soup
Red River State Zhongxian
Mushroom beef Texas jade.
Lotus is a product Chinese Cabbage in Soup
Table dishes: Jiangnan crisp beans chives burst shrimp, double flavorSquirrel Fish (tomato, lemon juice), fresh mushroom tofu, oyster sauce jadeancient method of Ganoderma lucidum Roasted Duck (Tang tablets)
Palace eight pieces (pea, Kidney Bean Rolls, Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing, Fried Chop Rice Cake, berganottin crisp, crisp, Ruyi, unsolicited white chicken cake)
Skilled with small wonton
Huagangguanyu (or the palace cheese)
The Yunnan wild mushroom Vince tofu soup
Jiangnan wine fresh bamboo steaming east of large yellow croaker
Rome gold Texas beef with tomato
Tan Fu Tremella with vegetables
On the Western Cuisine: melon gold shrimp, tofu, Kung Pao landscape mirror box crispy cod, ancient method of Ganoderma lucidum Roasted Duck (Tangtablets)
Chrysanthemum melon aroma rice pudding
Huagangguanyu (or the palace cheese)
Nanguo fruit fight

<English translations for Chinese menus >

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中餐 Chinese Food

冷菜类 Cold Dishes

白菜心拌蜇头 :Marinated Jellyfish and Chinese Cabbage in Vinaigrette
白灵菇扣鸭掌 :Mushrooms with Duck Feet
拌豆腐丝 :Shredded Tofu with Sauce
白切鸡 :Boiled Chicken with Sauce
拌双耳 :Tossed Black and White Fungus
冰梅凉瓜 :Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce
冰镇芥兰 :Chinese Broccoli with Wasabi
朝鲜辣白菜 :Korean Cabbage in Chili Sauce
朝鲜泡菜 :Kimchi
陈皮兔肉 :Rabbit Meat with Tangerine Flavor
川北凉粉 :Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce
刺身凉瓜 :Bitter Melon with Wasabi
豆豉多春鱼 :Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce
夫妻肺片 :Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce
干拌牛舌 :Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce
干拌顺风 :Pig Ear in Chili Sauce
怪味牛腱 :Spiced Beef Shank
红心鸭卷 :Sliced Duck Rolls with Egg Yolk
姜汁皮蛋 :Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce
酱香猪蹄 :Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce
酱肘花 :Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce
金豆芥兰 :Chinese Broccoli with Soy Beans
韭黄螺片 :Sliced Sea Whelks with Hotbed Chives
老北京豆酱 :Traditional Beijing Bean Paste
老醋泡花生 :Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar
凉拌金针菇 :Golden Mushrooms and Mixed Vegetables
凉拌西芹云耳 :Celery with White Fungus
卤水大肠 :Marinated Pork Intestines
卤水豆腐 :Marinated Tofu
卤水鹅头 :Marinated Goose Heads
卤水鹅翼 :Marinated Goose Wings
卤水鹅掌 :Marinated Goose Feet
卤水鹅胗 :Marinated Goose Gizzard
卤水鸡蛋 :Marinated Eggs
卤水金钱肚 :Marinated Pork Tripe
卤水牛腱 :Marinated Beef Shank
卤水牛舌 :Marinated Ox Tongue
卤水拼盘 :Marinated Meat Combination
卤水鸭肉 :Marinated Duck Meat
萝卜干毛豆 :Dried Radish with Green Soybean
麻辣肚丝 :Shredded Pig Tripe in Chili Sauce
美味牛筋 :Beef Tendon
蜜汁叉烧 :Honey-Stewed BBQ Pork
明炉烧鸭 :Roast Duck
泡菜什锦 :Assorted Pickles
泡椒凤爪 :Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers
皮蛋豆腐 :Tofu with Preserved Eggs
乳猪拼盘 :Roast Suckling Pig
珊瑚笋尖 :Sweet and Sour Bamboo Shoots
爽口西芹 :Crispy Celery
四宝烤麸 :Marinated Bran Dough with Peanuts and Black Fungus
松仁香菇 :Black Mushrooms with Pine Nuts
蒜茸海带丝 :Sliced Kelp in Garlic Sauce
跳水木耳 :Black Fungus with Pickled Capsicum
拌海螺 :Whelks and Cucumber
五彩酱鹅肝 :Goose Liver with White Gourd
五香牛肉 :Spicy Roast Beef
五香熏干 :Spicy Smoked Dried Tofu
五香熏鱼 :Spicy Smoked Fish
五香云豆 :Spicy Kidney Beans
腌三文鱼 :Marinated Salmon
盐焗鸡 :Baked Chicken in Salt
盐水虾肉 :Poached Salted Shrimps Without Shell
糟香鹅掌 :Braised Goose Feet in Rice Wine Sauce
酿黄瓜条 :Pickled Cucumber Strips
米醋海蜇 :Jellyfish in Vinegar
卤猪舌 :Marinated Pig Tongue
三色中卷 :Squid Rolls Stuffed with Bean, Ham and Egg Yolk
蛋衣河鳗 :Egg Rolls Stuffed with Eel
盐水鹅肉 :Goose Slices in Salted Spicy Sauce
冰心苦瓜 :Bitter Melon Salad
五味九孔 :Fresh Abalone in Spicy Sauce
明虾荔枝沙拉 :Shrimps and Litchi Salad
五味牛腱 :Spicy Beef Shank
拌八爪鱼 :Spicy Cuttlefish
鸡脚冻 :Chicken Feet Galantine
香葱酥鱼 :Crispy Crucian Carp in Scallion Oil
蒜汁鹅胗 :Goose Gizzard in Garlic Sauce
黄花素鸡 :Vegetarian Chicken with Day Lily
姜汁鲜鱿 :Fresh Squid in Ginger Sauce
桂花糯米藕 :Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice
卤鸭冷切 :Spicy Marinated Duck
松田青豆 :Songtian Green Beans
色拉九孔 :Abalone Salad
凉拌花螺 :Cold Sea Whelks with Dressing
素鸭 :Vegetarian Duck
酱鸭 :Duck Seasoned with Soy Sauce
麻辣牛筋 :Spicy Beef Tendon
醉鸡 :Liquor-Soaked Chicken
可乐芸豆 :French Beans in Coca-Cola
桂花山药 :Chinese Yam with Osmanthus Sauce
豆豉鲫鱼 :Crucian Carp with Black Bean Sauce
水晶鱼冻 :Fish Aspic
酱板鸭 :Spicy Salted Duck
烧椒皮蛋 :Preserved Eggs with Chili
酸辣瓜条 :Cucumber with Hot and Sour Sauce
五香大排 :Spicy Pork Ribs
三丝木耳 :Black Fungus with Cucumber and Vermicelle
酸辣蕨根粉 :Hot and Sour Fern Root Noodles
小黄瓜蘸酱 :Small Cucumber with Soybean Paste
拌苦菜 :Mixed Bitter Vegetables
蕨根粉拌蛰头 :Fern Root Noodles with Jellyfish
老醋黑木耳 :Black Fungus in Vinegar
清香苦菊 :Chrysanthemum with Sauce
琥珀核桃 :Honeyed Walnuts
杭州凤鹅 :Pickled Goose, Hangzhou Style
香吃茶树菇 :Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms
琥珀花生 :Honeyed Peanuts
葱油鹅肝 :Goose Liver with Scallion and Chili Oil
拌爽口海苔 :Sea Moss with Sauce
巧拌海茸 :Mixed Seaweed
蛋黄凉瓜 :Bitter Melon with Egg Yolk
龙眼风味肠 :Sausage Stuffed with Salty Egg
水晶萝卜 :Sliced Turnip with Sauce
腊八蒜茼蒿 :Crown Daisy with Sweet Garlic
香辣手撕茄子 :Eggplant with Chili Oil
酥鲫鱼 :Crispy Crucian Carp
水晶鸭舌 :Duck Tongue Aspic
卤水鸭舌 :Marinated Duck Tongue
香椿鸭胗 :Duck Gizzard with Chinese Toon
卤水鸭膀 :Marinated Duck Wings
香糟鸭卷 :Duck Rolls Marinated in Rice Wine
盐水鸭肝 :Duck Liver in Salted Spicy Sauce
水晶鹅肝 :Goose Liver Aspic
豉油乳鸽皇 :Braised Pigeon with Black Bean Sauce
酥海带 :Crispy Seaweed
脆虾白菜心 :Chinese Cabbage with Fried Shrimps
香椿豆腐 :Tofu with Chinese Toon
拌香椿苗 :Chinese Toon with Sauce
糖醋白菜墩 :Sweet and Sour Chinese Cabbage
姜汁蛰皮 :Jellyfish in Ginger Sauce
韭菜鲜桃仁 :Fresh Walnuts with Leek
花生太湖银鱼 :Taihu Silver Fish with Peanuts
生腌百合南瓜 :Marinated Lily Bulbs and Pumpkin
酱鸭翅 :Duck Wings Seasoned with Soy Sauce
萝卜苗 :Turnip Sprouts
八宝菠菜 :Spinach with Eight Delicacies
竹笋青豆 :Bamboo Shoots and Green Beans
凉拌苦瓜 :Bitter Melon in Sauce
芥末木耳 :Black Fungus with Mustard Sauce
炸花生米 :Fried Peanuts
小鱼花生 :Fried Silver Fish with Peanuts
德州扒鸡 :Braised Chicken, Dezhou Style
清蒸火腿鸡片 :Steamed Sliced Chicken with Ham
熏马哈鱼 :Smoked Salmon
家常皮冻 :Pork Skin Aspic
大拉皮 :Tossed Mung Clear Noodles in Sauce
蒜泥白肉 :Pork with Garlic Sauce
鱼露白肉 :Boiled Pork in Anchovy Sauce
酱猪肘 :Pork Hock Seasoned with Soy Sauce
酱牛肉 :Beef Seasoned with Soy Sauce
红油牛筋 :Beef Tendon in Chili Sauce
卤牛腩 :Marinated Beef Brisket in Spiced Sauce
泡椒鸭丝 :Shredded Duck with Pickled Peppers
拌茄泥 :Mashed Eggplant with Garlic
糖拌西红柿 :Tomato Slices with Sugar
糖蒜 :Sweet Garlic
腌雪里蕻 :Pickled Potherb Mustard
凉拌黄瓜 :Cucumber in Sauce

Menu in Chinese English translation

Chinese menu

襄阳区17811094982: 中文菜单翻译成英文 -
养茜紫苏: 西多士(West toast),马蹄糕(Water chestnut pudding),滑鸡粥(Smooth chicken porridge),白粥(White porridge),豆沙包(shot),腩汁猪肠糕(Pork ZhuChang juice),油菜(rape),玉米饼(burritos),雪菜肉丝汤米粉(...

襄阳区17811094982: 中文菜单 英文翻译是什么
养茜紫苏: 中文菜单 英文翻译是Menu in Chinese

襄阳区17811094982: 求中文菜单翻译成英文!! -
养茜紫苏: 听 (香橙味) (葡萄味) (芒果味) (草莓味) (喜庆米汁) 雪碧/可乐 雪碧/可乐(大) 汇源大橙汁 王老吉 旺仔牛奶 Sirloin steak Secret system of bovine meat Secret system of Ribs Secret system for beef Bacon Delicious pig gristle Great ...

襄阳区17811094982: 中文菜单英文译法这句话怎样翻译成英文
养茜紫苏: Chinese menu in English translation

襄阳区17811094982: 菜单用英文怎么说 -
养茜紫苏: menu [ 'menju: ] n. 菜单 menu1 ['menju:; mə'nju:] n. 1. 菜单;菜谱[亦作 menu card] 2. 菜;菜肴 3. 【计算机】菜单,选择单,项目选择单;(一系列可供选择的)程序 vt. [口语]编排程序(或节目): 例句: Let me menu the travel schedule for next week. 让我来编下周的旅行安排. 变形:

襄阳区17811094982: 国家新颁发的各种中国菜的英文译法 -
养茜紫苏: 中文菜单英文译法讨论稿(节选) 1夫妻肺片 Pork Lungsin Chili Sauce 2 红烧狮子头 Stewed Pork BallinBrown Sauce 3 回锅肉片 Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper andChili 4 酱猪手 Braised Pig Feetin BrownSauce 5 京酱肉丝 Sautéed ...

襄阳区17811094982: 菜单用英文来写怎么写? -
养茜紫苏: 菜单条:menubar、菜单:menu、菜单项:menubar 关于鱼店的菜单: 1. 糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce 2. 糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce 3. 糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour sauce 4. 糖醋...

襄阳区17811094982: 菜单英文怎么拼写 -
养茜紫苏: menu

襄阳区17811094982: 请给我中文菜单英文怎么读 -
养茜紫苏: 请给我中文菜单 Please give me Chinese menu----------------------------- 希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

襄阳区17811094982: 菜单中译英菜单翻译要点,翻译过程中应该要注意些什么 -
养茜紫苏: 了解做菜的步骤过程,用什么烹煮方法,用什么材料.然后把意思表达清楚,不要只看中文字面意思来翻译而用错了词.也要注意中西文化差异导致同一个煮法方面器具上的不同而出现不同译法.有些比较诗情画意的菜名可以两译,先翻译名字,后面加上解释,说明这是什么菜.如果菜式已经有一个在西方比较普及的译名,那么应该直接使用,宫保鸡丁之类的都是用“宫保”的拼音译的.

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