Quality: It's a fender, of course its good quality. Value: It is Expensive. But well worth it....

作者&投稿:常政 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A.environment B.necessarily C.allowed D.cheated E.international F.admitted G.hardly H.necessary J.excitement K.difficulty L.communication

A relative of mine once asked me:" Why should a Chinese take time to learn a language that is not hiso wn?" Obviously he has ___1____in learning a foreign language. He is not the only one who is mentally against English learnning. One reason, as I suspect, is the way English is taught. The emphasis on memorization is such that no ___2____is left in the process, only endless irritation. What students are presented in the classroon is not the language in real-world ___3____. A Chinese student with extremely high scores for American standardized tests was ___4____ into one of the most famous unversities. But his professors soon found out that he could___5____ understand the min the classroon. Suspecting tha the___6____in the tests, the school demanded he repeat them. Again, he passed with high scores. Not till then did they realise that the student had mastered the techniques for dealing with the tests, not___7____the skills of using the language.

Many people take TOFEL, IELTS, GRE, annual Band 4 and Band 6 exams not because they work in areas where English is a____8____tool,but because they have to do it for job promotion or enrolment in certain programmes.

Must English learnning be such a pain in the neck?

Create a(n)___9____ where learning English is natura land painless. Don't make it compulsory for people whose work or major does not require it. China will not become more___10___ by adding millions of people who can only say a simple"Hello."

第一空,是在动词has后缺宾语名词,虽然有四个名词,但只有difficulty,有句型have difficulty in doing,故选difficulty。然后在difficulty的K处用铅笔作个很小的记号,表示已用过了(以后都是这样,把用过的词作个很小的记号)。第二空,在no后面只可能用名词,在余下的三个名词中,从意思上判断只可能是joy,意思是在这个过程中没有设么快乐可言。第三空,是在复合形容词real-world(真实世界的)后,所以还是选名词,只有两个名词,二选一,那当然是communication(交流)。第四空,与介词搭配的应是动词,有了was,那应该是动词的过去分词,从意思上判断是“被录取”,故选admitted。第五空,是在could understand之间,那只能填副词,两选一,当然是hardly,意思是“几乎不能理解”。第六空,句子中缺动词谓语,二选一应该是cheated,意思是“在测试中作弊”。第七空,再把整句念了一遍,发现语法正确,不填词也通,那就可断定在这空格中只能填副词了,也只余下只有一个necessarily副词了,后半句的意思是“而并非一定是使用语言的技能了。”第八空,是在名词前,需要形容词,那只有nesessary意思是“英语是必要的工具”。第九空,在冠词后肯定是填名词,故选environment(环境),意思是“创造一个学英语很自然而又没有痛苦的环境”。第十孔,在系动词become后,通常接形容词,故选international,意思是“增加了数百万中国人会说简单的‘你好’,中国就并非会变得更加国际化。”


Today the weather was ____.I went to visit the lake with my family . We all ____ a great time there.
We got up early and set off(出发) by bus. The bus was not ____,
and the guide(导游) made us quite ____ all the way. She sang songs, told funny ____ and played games with us. ____ the driver was not so friendly.
The lake was ____ beautiful. We ____ a lot of pictures there. We had lunch in a restaurant ____ the lake. The food was delicious, but expensive.
We got back ____ about 5 o'clock, though we were tired, we felt quite excited.

A:Can I ______ you?
B:I'd like a T-shirt ______ my son.
A:What _____ do you want,pleas?
B:A _____ one.
A:OK.What about these yellow ______?
B:I don't like the color.Do you have any other ______?
A:What zbout thoes ones over there?
B:Well,this color ______ nice.How ______ is it?
A:Fifty yuan.
B:That's ______ expensive.
A:What about this one?It's ______ twenty yuan.
B:Oh.It's just right.I'll take it.

(thought,never,because,like,say,are,a lot,month,visit,so,talk,see)
A:What's the weather _____ in England at this time of a year?
B:It's cold.
A:I ______ it was very warm.England looks ______ beautiful in many photos.There ______ trees,grass and flowers everywhere.
B:That's true,The weather is very good in summer.It's ______ too hot.It's cool.
A:I heard it's often foggy.
B:Not now.But it rains ______.And it's pretty cold in February.It's the worst ______ of the year.
A:I see.When I ______ England,I won't go in Fabruary.By the way,do you often ______ about the weather?
B:Yes,quite true.
B:______ the weather keeps changing all the time.
答案:like,thought,so,are,never,a lot,month,visit,talk,Because.

A:______ did I get up this morning?
B:You ______ up at 6:45.
A:What did I ______ before breakfast?
B:You went ______ a wark.You ______ a newspaper.
A:Yes,I remember.I ______ the morning paper at breakfast.What did I do after breakfast?Did I start ______ the piano?
B:No,you didn't,because Mr and Mrs Turner came to ______ you.
A:Oh,yes.They came to ______ goodbye to me.I played the piano at 9:15.I ______ playing at 10:40.

(though, be, something, fill, many, get, sports, try, hang, climb, call big, of, they, travel)
Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the 1___ festival in the Christian countries of the world. Christmas Day is particularly enjoyed by children, who get very excited because 2__ the presents they know they are going to receive. Small children believe that 3___ presents are brought by Father Christmas. Father Christmas is a kind old man who, the children are told, lives at the North Pole. He 4___ through the sky on a sledge(雪橇) which is pulled by deer and loaded with presents. Stopping on the roofs the houses, he enters by 5___ down the chimney(烟囱)。 When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve, they 6___ a stocking at the end of their beds. Their parents order them not 7_ to look at Father Christmas or he will not leave them _8_ . When they wake up, they find their stockings ____9__with presents. Children __10___ very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.
Christmas is a family celebration. As 11___ of the family as possible gather together to eat, play party games and, these days, watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.
Everyone 12__ two or three days off work for Christmas. In Britain the day after Christmas is __13 Boxing Day. This is a great day for ___14 , and many go out to watch football matches, etc. 15__ most people stay at home and have a lazy day.
答案:1. biggest, 2.of, 3. their, 4.travels, 5.climbing, 6.hang, 7.to try, 8.anything, 9.filled, 10.are, 11.many, 12.gets, 13.called, 14.sports, 15.though

(Slow, yet, group, many, go, mother, have, sing, make, kill, if, they, talk, be, hear,)
Whales live in the sea, but they1_________ fish. They are mammals. The baby whales drink milk from the 2________body. Every spring 3_________of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places to have their babies. Each mother whales 4_________to the same place every year. The mothers take very good care of 5_______. The whales 6_______ to each other with a high noise, it sounds like 7______. This “talking” can 8_________ for 9_________ than 300 kilometres.
10_____ people kill over a hundred whales a day. They kill them 11_____ many things. 12_______ them is a modern business. The whales dies very 13________ in great pain. More and more whales are killed by people , even the mothers and babies. 14___________ the things goes on like this, there will be no young whales to grow up and no mother whales to 15________ more babies.
答案:1. aren’t 2. mothers’ 3. groups 4. goes 5. their 6. talk 7. singing 8. be heard 9. more 10. Yet 11. to make 12 Killing 13. slowly 14. If 15. have

(late, one, hurt, ride, luck, die, take, be, they, when, visit, on, pass, name, drive)
People like to talk about “first”. They like to remember their first love or
1________first car. But not all firsts are happy 2__________. Few people enjoy the firsts that 3_____________ bad.
One of history’s bad but important firsts was the first car accident. Cars were still young 4____________it happened. It 5__________place in New York in May 1896. A man from Massachusetts was 6___________the city in his new car. At that time, bicycle 7_____________ were still trying to get used to the new set of wheels on the road. No one was sure who was at fault(过错). Any way, a bike and the car collided(相撞). The man on the bike was 8__________. The driver of the car had to stay in prison(监狱) and wait for the hospital report 9___________ the bike rider. It was 10___________that the bike rider was not killed.
Three years 11_______, another car accident took place. It was again in New York City. A man 12_________Henry Bliss got off a street car. He was hit by a 13___________car. Again no one was sure just how it happened or who was at fault. The 14 __________ of the car was put in prison. Poor Mr Bliss became the first person 15____________in a car accident.
1. their 2. ones 3. are 4. when 5. took 6. visiting 7. riders 8.hurt 9.on 10lucky 11.later 12.named 13.passing 14.driver 15 to die


Mr. Anderson:Could you tell me which company the steam pressing machines are from?
Mr. Wang:Of course, they are from our company. I’m an exhibitor from the company
Mr. Anderson:Would you mind showing me the catalogues.
Mr. Wang:Sure, here it is.
Mr. Anderson:Thank you very much. Oh, it is a fine binding and layout.
Mr. Wang:Thank you for your compliment. And the product is still finer.
Mr. Anderson:Oh, this kind of models is rather attractive, a quality product of a trading company.
Mr. Wang:Do you intent to purchase any of them? Frankly to say, our products are perfect to meet any sewing workshops and textile mills. I suggest that you not miss this opperyunity, beause we are going to sell them at a preferential price during the exhibition.
Mr. Anderson: That’s a good idea. I’d like to order a number of them.

2. Mr. Simpson is interested in Chinese cotton piece goods. He is having a talk with Mr. Zhang, enquiring for this article. He is not quite satisfied with our designs and asks us to produce patterns provided by him. We agree to make him an offer provided he increases the quantity for each design to 1,000 yards. As to payment terms, we succeed in persuading him to accept our usual practice.
Mr. Simpson: I am told that Chinese cotton piece goods is in high quality but low-price. Could I have a look at your merchandise on hand?
Mr. Zhang: Of course. Here is the album for all of our products. I’d like to listen to your opinion with respectful attention.
Mr. Simpson: Well. The colors are excellent except that the designs don’t meet what I expect to. Mould mind producing patterns provided by me?
Mr. Zhang: Certainly. We always develop our articles according to the demand by our clients. What kinds of design do you prefer?
Mr. Simpson: If you didn’t mind my requiring, I want to increase the quantity for each design to 1,000 yards.
Mr. Zhang: No problem. We’d like to do anything you order us to do. But for your payment terms, we hope you to accept our usual practice.
Mr. Simpson: May I have a elivery against Payment?
Mr. Zhang: Oh, no. That’s what we are able to do for your requirement.
Mr. Simpson: Ok, business done. Thank you very much.
Mr. Zhang: The same to you.

3. Mr. Clive, a businessman from England, is in negotiation with you about a certain business. Everything has been going on quite well except the problem of payment. He insists on D/P terms. As his order is big enough, you finally agree to 50% by L/C and the rest by D/P sight. Make clear to him the process and procedures of such terms of payment.
You: Would you mind begining to talk about our business right away?
Mr. Clive: All right. Let’s begin.
You: It is a success that everything has been going on quite well. Now let’s begin with the issue of payment.
Mr. Clive: I think I should pay for it on D/P terms according to the usual practice. Besides, you will get a large sum from me.
You: I don’t think so. We have to pay quite a few charges for you advancing, you know. We should follow the international custom and usage and you must pay most of it ahead of schedule.,
Mr. Clive: But my order is too big to pay for in a short time. I believe you should agree that I pay 50% by L/C and the rest by D/P sight.
You: We have to do so. Now let us go on to make clear the process and procedures of such terms of payment.
Mr. Clive: Ok, let’s gon on.

4. Having settled the questions of price, quantity and payment regarding the transaction of ladies’ pajamas, now you come to the last question of packing. 1) First you might introduce the usual ways of packing for garment. 2) Ask for suggestions about packing of ladies’ pajamas. 3) Mr. Fitch insists on using wooden case for the pajamas. The only reason is that the cartons are not strong enough to stand a long sea voyage. 4) You should tell him your experience in packing and give the substantial reasons why you use the cartons instead. 5) At last Mr. Fitch agrees with what you say.
You: We have settled the questions of price, quantity and payment regarding the transaction of ladies’ pajamas, and next Let’s go on to the last question about packing. According to the usual ways of packing for garments in the world, most of companies are accustomed to packing them in carton case. What’s you opinion about it?
Mr. Fitch: But it will be a long way to ship them. However, the cartons are not strong enough to stand a long sea voyage. My suggestion is that a wooden case be suitable for the pajamas.
You: frankly yo say, the cartons made in our country is thick and solid enough to bear the journey. Besides, all of our goods are packed in cartons to transport abroad be sea, but none of them have been damaged at all. If you insist on using wooden cases, you have to pay more charge for them
Mr. Fitch: Now that you guarantee that they will stand the voyage, I agree to your proposal.
You: Thank you for your cooperation.

5. Mr. Botha, an Italian importer, discusses with us about an offer on 5,000 sets of cooking utensils. Having bargained for some time, he accepts our revised price. After going over the payment and other general terms, the business is concluded.
Mr. Botha: What fine cooking utensil! What will you make an offer to me?
We: How many sets will you order?
Mr. Botha: I am an importer from Italy. It is not easy to have a negotiation with you face to face, for we have to tour over the world to find buiness chances. We are often busy with a lot of dealing. Therefore, I want to purchase a large number of the cooking utensils from you, taking my advantage of visiting in China this time.
We: If your offer is large enough, well offer a preferential price. Please let me know the concrete numbers.
Mr. Botha: How about 5,000 sets?
We: The more you offer, the more preferential. Well bid for XX dollars per set
Mr. Botha: Could you lower some?
We: All right, you can pay a XX for the revised price by L/C.
Mr. Botha:That’s ok.

我不知道,我刚得知Kurt Cobain设计的它,所以它很有吸引力。



它是昂贵的。但非常值得。在重新发出可能对你那些寻求更便宜的好。 buuut。我是个铁杆球迷涅盘所以原来是一个必须拥有的我。

我不知道我只是发现一个事实,即Kurt Cobain的desighned它的极端apealing。



贞丰县13056492897: it's skin蜗牛霜怎么样
包爬丁缓: 你是想用它实现什么功效呢?去皱?平细纹?补水?美白?还是祛痘?去痘疤?我用过几次,感觉还不错,我是痘痘肌,痘痘下去之后脸上有很多红色的印,每天晚上摸完水乳和祛痘的会在最后在有痘印和痘疤的地方涂一层,第二天起来红的地...

贞丰县13056492897: 小学英语考试单项选择题目,请复制题目后在括号里输入答案It's(      ).Put the coat on.A.cool         B.warm      C.cold 2.He speaks English but ... -
包爬丁缓:[答案] 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下: It's( C ).Put the coat on. A.cool B.warm C.cold 2.He speaks English but he isn't from England.Maybe he's From( A ) A.australia B.japanese C.chinese 3.( A ) the tap when you leave. A.teel B.speak C....

贞丰县13056492897: It's unreachable什么意思 -
包爬丁缓:[答案] It's unreachable. 应该是:这是不能达到的.

贞丰县13056492897: It's a great city - ___many kinds of beatuiful flowers应该填什么呢 -
包爬丁缓:[答案] with 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢 !

贞丰县13056492897: it'sskin跟悦诗风吟哪个好?能跟IOPE比么?明星?
包爬丁缓: 个人感觉都不能跟IOPE 比,IOPE比较中高端,那两个比较低端.但是it's skin和悦诗风吟还是有一些好产品的.明星产品(大多数我自己用过):IOPE:气垫粉,新款老款都用过,不太持久但是很服帖;BIO精华液,效果超级好!it's skin:12款精华效果还可以,价格很便宜;蜗牛霜就不推荐了,蜗牛霜到底怎么回事早就辟谣了,也就骗骗中国MM吧,别买!悦诗风吟:护肤普遍比彩妆好!绿茶、橄榄、9重还原(抗老),这些基本都用过,都不错.

贞丰县13056492897: 选出错误地方并改正.英语句子改错It's a easy game.Math sound very boring.Does your parents have a computer? -
包爬丁缓:[答案] It's an easy game.因为easy为元音发音开头,所以冠词用an Math sounds very boring因为主语math单数名词,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式. Do your parents have a computer?主语parents为复数,谓语动词用复数形式

贞丰县13056492897: it's not necessarily 这句话对吗,是不是应该换成it's not necessary -
包爬丁缓: 恩 necessary adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的(形容词可修饰动词,放在be动词后)

贞丰县13056492897: It's close to my house.用It's nea rmy house替换行吗? -
包爬丁缓:[答案] 只是含义比close 弱一些

贞丰县13056492897: it'sfun还是it'sfunny这么用都可以
包爬丁缓: 单词含义不同!首先要分清fun是名词而funny是形容词所以这两个句子也会有所不同it's fun可译为:有趣的事it's funny译为:这很有趣、滑稽或是可笑严格来说,两个句子不一样,不过两者也有相同之处,用的时候最好注意些

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