
作者&投稿:里克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A strange sense of intimacy do not know why always shocks me.
Perhaps the bar is really a feeling.
Suddenly feel that waiting is good.
When you do not miss a kind of mood.

I wish to see you smell everyday.
I don't want to see you with tears .
两句连在一起就是:I wish to see you smell everyday ,but not tears .


其实搭讪很好开头,比如hey,I think I saw you that day
或者Have we met before?我们以前见过么?

stick/rod/club,rope, billiard, cue.

By the way, you went there that day, didn't you?

stick stick rope billiard cue
呵呵 台球的球秆必须用cue.

1. stick
2. rod

1. stick
2. club

1. string
2. rope



我有一个问题想问一下。词汇解析:1、have a question 英文发音:[hæveˈkwestʃən]]中文释义:有个问题 例句:I have a question about the procedure.我有一个关于程序上的疑问。2、ask 英文发音:[ɑːsk]中文释义:v.问;询问;要求;请求;恳求(给予);征求 例句...

“请问” 在不同的场合可用不同的说法,如:please (客气地请求),excuse me (提问时礼貌地引起对方注意),I should like to ask (含义是我想问一下)。

I would like to inquire. 我想询问一个问题。Could you help me with a question? 你能帮我解答一个问题吗?Do you mind if I ask a question? 你介意我问一个问题吗?I'm curious about something. 我对某件事情感到好奇。I need some clarification. 我需要一些澄清。I'm not sure if I...

“我有几个问题想请教一下”用英语可以说:May I ask you some questions?单词解释:1、may 英 [meɪ] 美 [me]aux.可以; 也许; 会; 但愿 n.[May]五月; 山楂属植物; (五朔节装饰用的)绿枝花枝; (春天开花的)绣线菊属植物 过去式: might 过去分词: might 现在分词: mayi...

"我有一个问题想请教一下你"或"我有个问题想问一下你 的英语怎么说
英文为:I have a question for you.词汇解析:一、have 英 [həv;hæv] 美 [həv;hæv]1、vt. 有;让;拿;从事;允许 2、aux. 已经 二、question 英 ['kwestʃ(ə)n] 美 ['kwɛstʃən]1、n. 问题,疑问;询问;疑问句 ...

“ask”用英语说是“英 [ɑːsk]  美 [æsk] ,意思是“ 询问;请求;邀请”。下面我带大家来了解一下ask的其他详细内容,希望对您有所帮助:一、单词音标 单词发音:英 [ɑːsk]     美 [æsk]二、单词释义 v. 询问;请求;邀请;要求;开价;期待 三、词语...

I have another question to ask

1、want to 想 应该 发音:英 [wɒnt tu] 美 [wɑːnt tu]例:don't want to leave, but I can't go on.译:我不想离开,但我继续不下去了。固定用法:want to do sth 想做某事。want to do sth 是表示主动地去做某事,这是一个主谓宾结构的简单句。want to do的...

questions 英 ['kwestʃənz] 美 ['kwestʃənz]n. 疑问; 询问,疑问,问题; 问题( question的名词复数 ); 怀疑; 议题;v. 问(某人)问题( question的第三人称单数 ); 对(某事物)表示[感到]怀疑;[例句]The speaker explained these questions one by one..报告人对...

我想问一下 英语的日常用语都怎么说呢?
Hi! B 你好 Where are you going to do?A 你打算干什么?I am going to buy some writing tools. B我打算去商店买学习用品 oh,I also want to buy,let'go toghter! A 哦,我也打算去买些学习用品,我们一起去吧!all right B 好的 can I help you?C我能帮助你什么吗?yeah AB是的 I ...

彰武县15374626014: 英语我想问一下几句话怎么说1不用谢2我听不懂你说什么,但你说
徐路氢氯: 1, you bet/ yep/ no problem/you are welcome 2,I don't understand what are you talking talking, but tell me where do you wanna go, I will show you, ok? 3,you can't use 10 Chinese-Yuan bills to buy tickets here, please go there and get a change of two 5 Chinese-Yuan bills, ok?

彰武县15374626014: 我想问一下用英语说的是怎么说的 -
徐路氢氯: 是他打我了 It's him who hitted me.我被他给打了 I'm hitted by him.你为什么要打我 Why would you hit me?我不想打架 I don't want to fight.

彰武县15374626014: 我想问一下 的英语怎么说 -
徐路氢氯: 你好,英语可说为:I want to ask one question. 满意速速速采纳,谢谢合作!

彰武县15374626014: 我想问一下用英语说 表达的几个句子家如我想说?(早上上班的人很多)应该怎么说呢,还有这个应该用什么句型啊,那说(今天早上上班的人比平时多)... -
徐路氢氯:[答案] 早上上班的人很多 Lots of people go to work in the morning.今天早上上班的人比平时多 There are much more people go to work this morning than usual.早上上班的人很多 There are many people to go to work in...

彰武县15374626014: 我想问一下几句英语的意思,第一句:you may only be a person in this word 第二句:but for someone第三句:you are the word! -
徐路氢氯:[答案] 对于这个世界,你可能只是一个人.而对于某人,你确实整个世界. 哈哈```!那个某人可不是一般人哦```lovers

彰武县15374626014: 我想问一下这几句用英语怎么翻译.谢谢.1.好好照顾自己,不然我会担心的!2.为什么你们那的女孩地位低下,我们这男女平等.3.你能把你的密码给我吗?
徐路氢氯:海玲,不要太谦虚哦~ 下面是我翻的,第一句听起来很亲切:)1. Take good care of yourself, otherwise I'll be worried about you! 2. Why are girls inferior in your region? Here the males and females have equal rights. 3. Can you give me your password? 当然翻译的方式也不是唯一的.以上说法我认为很贴切了.

彰武县15374626014: 我想问几句英语..
徐路氢氯: The life and death permits

彰武县15374626014: 请教我几句英语日常短句顺便说一下,我是个学生
徐路氢氯: 1 Wait for me . 等等我. 2 What did you say? 你说什么? 3 What do you think? ... 我仔细考虑一下. 33 I'll treat you to diner. 我想请你吃晚饭. 34 I'll walk you to the ...

彰武县15374626014: 想问几句英文的日常用语1、如果人家问我Do you speak English?我回答:会一点点-------这个怎么翻译2、您要到哪里?3、不客气除了用You're welcome说,... -
徐路氢氯:[答案] 1.just a little 2.where are you going? 3.that 's all right ./ it 's my pleasure./ my pleasure 4.you can take a taxi and get off in xxx.

彰武县15374626014: 请教几句话用英文怎么表述 -
徐路氢氯: 你可以说 I have two questions to consult you. (其实直接用ask you也不会不礼貌) Can I be promoted to be an permanent employee before the end of the probationary period? And is the salary of a permanent employee and a probationary employee the same? 有问题可以问我哦

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