
作者&投稿:謇维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

描述 高是tall 矮是stort 胖是fat 瘦是thin 如果你想表达又高又瘦的话那两个形容词中间加上and就可以了
eg:Lily is tall and thin
eg:Lily is fat and stort

eg:Lily is tall and thin
eg:Lily is fat and stort


she is a little fat is a little shorter than me,with long black hair,


Nancy学的科目比John多.Nancy has learned more subjects than John.你没有每天花多少时间练习跑步?How much time do you spend on running every day?南稀正在学习开车.Nancy is learning driving.电脑能帮助我们更多了解世界.Computer can help me learn more about the world.布莱克先生是个有幽默...

18) short 矮 eg. Bob is shorter than his younger brother. 鲍伯比他弟弟矮。 19) slim 苗条的 eg. A rigid diet will make you slimmer. 严格节食会使你身材苗条。 20) tall 高 eg.Joe is as tall as Lanny. 乔与阑尼一样高。 2008-02-12 16:38:22 补充: venturesome 喜欢冒险的...

要怎么形容一个人的外表呢?不要只会说高矮胖瘦,来跟着Lucy学各种形容人的英文用法吧。Bodies 身体部分 Height 多高: short\/tall of average height of medium height around 180cm very quite Type&Shape 身形: 正向的: 瘦: slender\/slim\/lean\/petite小只的\/slight\/lanky又高又瘦 微肉: ...

David is my friend, he is a little shorter than me

她的身材匀称极了,尤其是她那结实的马甲线。例句分析:abs是abdominal muscles的缩写,是“马甲线”的意思,也就是腹部肌肉。2、She is well-build.她的身材真棒。例句分析:well-build是一个复合形容词,既可以形容女生身材完美,也可以形容男士身材结实有力。总之就是身材好的意思。3、The young ...

A as a short man 是一个介词短语“作为一个矮个子男性”;D short as he is 则是一个使用了倒装语法的让步状语从句“尽管他很矮”,结合后句句意“他可以触碰到大门口高树的树枝”,当然答案D为正解。如果选择A,则后面句意应该是表达人个子矮时候正常的情况才对。比如:As a short man, ...

31、为你家庭付出一切,让家庭开心幸福没烦恼,你就是好爸爸。 32、只有莲花才能比得上你的圣洁,你有月亮才能比得上你的冰清。 33、你有时辰是不是是特孤傲?世界上这么精良的人就只有你一个! 34、那男子留着一头颓废的长发,长脸旁还有两个尖长的耳朵,活脱一股驴相。 35、他地耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈...

Some of them are very tall while some are very short.

安乡县15066646287: 用英文形容一个很矮比较胖的人 -
姜昆硫酸: 上and就可以了 eg:Lily is tall and thin Lily又高又瘦 eg:Lily is fat and stort Lily又胖又矮

安乡县15066646287: 他长的很胖,个子较矮的英语句子怎么写 -
姜昆硫酸:[答案] He is fat and short. 婉转一点: He is chunky/stocky.

安乡县15066646287: 描述人高矮胖瘦的英文单词比如又高又瘦slim… -
姜昆硫酸:[答案] 描述 高是tall 矮是stort 胖是fat 瘦是thin 如果你想表达又高又瘦的话那两个形容词中间加上and就可以了 eg:Lily is tall and thin Lily又高又瘦 eg:Lily is fat and stort Lily又胖又矮

安乡县15066646287: 又矮又胖的英文 -
姜昆硫酸: low and fat

安乡县15066646287: 英语形容人身高,体重年龄的单词 -
姜昆硫酸: 一、身高 Towering 人高马大 Tapering 又高又瘦 Lanky 瘦长的(贬义) Squat 矮胖的 Dwarfish 矮小的 二、体重Curvaceous 有曲线的(用于女性) Chiseled 轮廓分明的(用于男性) Rotund 浑圆的 Plump 圆胖的 Well-built 健美的 三、年龄 old ...

安乡县15066646287: 描写人的外貌特征的英语单词 头发啦五官啦 身型啦 -
姜昆硫酸: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般smartly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着...

安乡县15066646287: 用英语描述一个人的外貌~40个单词初中程度就得了 -
姜昆硫酸: Robert is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesn't look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isn't fat and he isn't thin. His ...

安乡县15066646287: 矮的胖的瘦的用英语怎么说 -
姜昆硫酸: 矮,short 胖,fat 瘦,thin

安乡县15066646287: 英文拿什么来形容妹子的身材 -
姜昆硫酸: 表达个子高,一般用tall 或 big;个子矮,一般用small,也可指个头小.说人家胖的时候,请谨慎使用fat! Fat带有贬义和不礼貌的色彩.我们可以用这几个词来形容人胖:chubby (胖嘟嘟的),多指小孩胖乎乎的很可爱,用这个词感觉萌萌哒;...

安乡县15066646287: 用英语怎么介绍我的朋友?他的情况如下:男孩,11岁,英国人,黄色头发,大鼻子,小嘴巴,小眼睛,个矮且胖,像她哥哥,喜欢黑色的小猫等.(50个词左右) -
姜昆硫酸: I have a friend, he is English. He is eleven years old this year. Has a yellow hair, has a pair of lovely small eyes, big nose and small mouth. He is short and fat, and looks like his brother. He likes small animals, and he is very friendly to the animals. But he likes black cats.

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