
作者&投稿:长孙柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like noodles.
I like eating noodles.

I like noodles.

你好,英文:I like to eat noodles

I like to eat noodles 望采纳,谢谢

I like eat 面条


我喜欢吃泡面 I like eating\/having instant noodles.I like eating instant needles.I like instant noodles I like eating instant noodles.

my name is zhao ziming, I'm 11 years old, I like playing football and basketball. l like eating noodles and drinking milk.

我喜欢吃法国炸薯条和一些朋友,但我不喜欢肉。I like to eat french-fries and some friends but I don't like meat.我妈妈喜欢吃冰淇淋。My mother likes eating ice cream.我喜欢吃面条。I like noodles.不同语境下有不同用法,但都可表示“喜欢吃”,类似的单词还有“love”,"enjoy"等等 ...

我喜欢吃好吃的用英语可表示为:I like to eat delicious food.示例:I like pasta salad. It's delicious.我喜欢吃凉拌面色拉,味道很好吃。eat可用作及物动词或不及物动词;用作及物动词时跟名词或代词作宾语。作“吃”解时其宾语可以为食物,也可为a meal, one's breakfast等词。

Do you like noodle for dinner?

what ,am ,very,have ,it 你正在干什么 我正在吃晚饭 哦,你是在吃米饭 是的,我很喜欢吃米饭,你呢 我不喜欢,我喜欢吃面条 我经常在晚饭后吃一根香蕉,我很喜欢吃香蕉 我也是 那来一根怎么样

My name is Deng Ai. I'm fond of dancing and singing. I like eating noodles and rice. I hope you like me.Miss Zhang, your hard work 望采纳,(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I ...

你好!如果不管汉语意思表达出来的实际交际价值,你给的句子翻译出来是——I like having meals.I enjoy having meals.I care for having meals.I am fond of having meals.I am crazy about having meals.

I don't like the noodles be boiled to much.

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 我很喜欢吃面条用英语怎么说 -
超佳东岳: I like noodles very much. OR Noodles are my favorate food. 没必要把“吃”翻译出来,个人意见!

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 我喜欢吃用英语怎么说? -
超佳东岳:[答案] I like eating

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 我喜欢吃( ). 用英文怎么说? -
超佳东岳: I like eat( )

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 我喜欢面.我喜欢糖果.怎么说用英语
超佳东岳: 你好, I like noodles and sweets.

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 我喜欢吃泡面,用英语怎么说? -
超佳东岳: I like to eat instant noodles./I like eating instant noodles.

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 但是,有时我也吃面,并且我很喜欢面 这段话运英语怎么说? -
超佳东岳: But, sometimes I eat noodles, and I like noodles very much

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 请问我喜欢吃的食物用英语怎么说. -
超佳东岳:[答案] my favorite food the food that I like to eat what my favorite food is that... It is + 食物名+ that is my favorite(强调句)

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 你喜欢吃面吗? - 要把这句翻译成英文,这个“吃”应该用哪个单词?eat还是 have? -
超佳东岳:[答案] 一般说do you like noodle?就行

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 英语翻译1.我想吃面条.2.他想吃什么?3.他喜欢牛肉西红柿面.4.你喜欢吃那种肉?我喜欢吃羊肉5.你想要多大碗的面条?我想要中碗的面条6.你想要吃些鱼肉... -
超佳东岳:[答案] I would like to have some noodles.What would he like to eat?He like to have beef tomato noodles.What kind of meat would you like?I would like the lamb.What size of bowl of noodles would you like?I wou...

松桃苗族自治县17278219890: 我正准备去吃面用英语怎么说 -
超佳东岳: I am ready for the noodles/ I am going to eat some noodles.我正准备去吃面 I don't eat any noodles either我也没有吃面 Here is one hundred yuan, no changing/you don't have to change.这里是一百元.不用找了. Lollipop棒棒堂 ps:我现在在美国念书,美国人说话很口语化,我们学得都太死了,他们很喜欢用no .....来表示不用/不能/没有什么东西,no find是肯定不对的,至少是no finding . 楼上的那,语序有点问题,说起来别扭

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