
作者&投稿:微蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Out of the four seasons, spring is my favorite by far.

Spring is the flood of golden sunlight,spilling over the world like river water in spates. Spring is the subtle push of fresh grass from soil, the quiet unfurling of petals from a shy blossom. Spring is the morning greeting of a hundred trilling birds, roosting in the shade of revitalized trees. The impassionate grays of a frozen winter shatter like the collapse of an iceberg, and Spring pirouettes in with all the warm overtones and natural grace of a bubbly, carefree child.

Spring is the call of awakening, rubbing away lethargy like brushing dust off shelves. Parks and playgrounds echo with tinkling bell chimes of laughter. Zephyrs blow and kites soar in a brilliantly blue sky, flying away to chase after dreams. Office workers and students walk well-worn paths with a fresh spring in their steps; friends hook arms together and pause at wooden benches.

Spring is a time for newly sprung focus and hopes. As the season wanes and meadow flowers undergo their second metamorphosis, dandelion seeds swept up by the wind fly away like fairies sending off children’s wishes. Spring is a time of transition, glittering with the promise of brighter futures, done in a way so that its passing is not mourned,but rather held close to pulsating hearts like a precious memory as the Earth steadily spins on its axis.

Spring is the season of motivation. In the cyclical return of life on this ageless planet, I am a perpetually young soul, breathlessly eager to grow with the rest of the world. Its warmth, a comforting embrace; its stillness, pregnant with aspirations─and on the watercolor shores spun by the tidings of this season, I feel brave, empowered, and capable of accomplishing anything.

problems with the education system

With the development of the time and the society, china’s higher education system is becoming more and more flawless, and China has benefited much from this. But, we can’t deny, there are also many problems still exist in china’s higher education.
In china, the higher education over focus on the knowledge itself, but ignore to cultivate students’ abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society. Maybe this is because Chinese people reverence knowledge, love knowledge more than other things. This is not bad, but it must be under the precondition of not ignoring other things. We must admit, in the past ten years, with the development of china’s higher education system, this phenomenon has changed a lot, but this is still a very common problem in today’s higher education.
In my mind, the aim of university education should not confine its views in knowledge teaching, but it should help the students to increase their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society. That’s to say, it is training the good members of society.
In the article “The Aim of a University Education” the famous English educationist John Henry Newman expresses his opinion about the higher education: “it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste ……and refining the intercourse of private life.” “It prepare him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.” Here, John Henry Newman raises the abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society to more important position.
In the reality, after graduation the students will become the average members of the society. At that time, the importance of their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society will be all shown. No matter how much knowledge one owns, if he can’t adapt the society, and contribute to the society, he will be washed out by the society. It is a waste of education recourses.
In our life, we can see a lot of examples. Every year, we can hear news that many university students or the persons who have higher academic qualification kill themselves. They have accepted the high education and have a lot of knowledge, but their qualities and the sense of responsibility to the society may not reach the level which they should have. At the same time, many university campuses in China are so dirty that makes people feel they are not in the campus but in the street outside, and we can see many students throw rubbish to everywhere they want. This may indicate there is something wrong with students’ qualities.
There must be a lot of other problems exist in china’s higher education, for example, the high tuition fee, the improper system, the ruleless manage, and so on. But because china’s higher education is in the process of change from “elite education” to “popular education”, the cultivation of students’ abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society is becoming more and more important. This will affect china’s future society in a large extent. So we must do our best, and overcome all the difficulties to solve this problem firstly.

My Birthday
Yesterday was my birthday. I had a lot of fun with my family and friends.
I got up early to take a walk with my friends .Because I wanted to enjoy the first morning in my 16th year. During the walk I talked happily with my friends about the past year. All of us believed that I can do better in the following year.
In the evening, my family prepared delicious meal for me. Certainly, there was a big cake with candles on it. My father helped me light the candles and I made a sweet wish which was only known by me.

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