
作者&投稿:廖溥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮我把这段英语用中文翻译过来!!!!谢喽 !!!!!!!!!!~





The strategy for cultivating of primary students’ awareness of mathematical applications

Mathematics is important to cultivate and improve primary students' cultural and scentific quality as a basic subject for them. Thus we should pay attention to math application teaching. And attach great importance on developing students’ awareness of mathematical applications. The article here has study the cultivating of students’ awareness of mathematical applications through discussing in the contact between students’ mathematic learning and the actual life, leading students to abstract mathematical problem from those concrete situations and to solve practical problems applying their mathematical knowledge.



I ask you to do my partner in life and my one true love.
I will cherish our friendship and love you, whether today, tomorrow, and forever.
I'll trust you and respect you,
I will laugh with you and cry with you.
I'll loyalty in love with you.
Whatever the future is good or bad, the worst.through the difficult, I will accompany you spent together.
No matter ready for what kind of life, I would always guard here.
If anything, there is death parts you from me.


I ask you to do my partner in life and my one true love.
I will cherish our friendship and love you, whether today, tomorrow, and forever.
I'll trust you and respect you,
I will laugh with you and cry with you.
I'll loyalty in love with you.
Whatever the future is good or bad, the worst.through the difficult, I will accompany you spent together.
No matter ready for what kind of life, I would always guard here.
If anything, there is death parts you from me.

简单 要采纳嘛~

I invite you to be my partner in life and my one true love.
I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow and forever.
I will trust you, respect you,
I will laugh with you, cry with you.
I will love you faithfully,
Whether good or bad the future is difficult and the easy, and I will accompany you through.
No matter what kind of preparation for life, I will always be here.
If anything, will have you in my God.

发鸟~~ 菈ˋ钩 滴 就是偶。


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察隅县17182427910: 求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.翻译成中文(在线等).谢谢!hey bebe`i am at school right now!Miss you sooooooooo much!love you as always! -
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察隅县17182427910: 那位英语高手能帮我把中文译成英文这是一段A和B的对话,麻烦谁能帮我把它翻译成英文,感激不尽,绝对不要翻译器的,语法一定要正确,句意不非得一... -
畅锦丹香:[答案] A:I did not expect to see you here ,how`s your work going ? B: thank you ,it`s fine ,and how about you ? A:I got some trouble ... B:better ,sorry anyway.does not give you birthday wishes at the first time. A: No worries , forget it . 我翻译的比较口语化.不过我...

察隅县17182427910: 请英语高手帮忙翻译将这段中文翻译成英文,(不要用翻译器哦)谢谢! -
畅锦丹香: Please actively participate in this meaningful and significant dinner party, which is devoted to send our heart-felt blessing and gratefulness to one of our nice workmate, who is about to leave, for her contribution and efforts on the work with us; on the ...

察隅县17182427910: 高手帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,大概意思差不多就行.急呀 -
畅锦丹香: More and more people emerge the big city, some questions then along with it production. For instance traffic congestion, municipal pollution, even presents the criminality. I hoped that everybody in a friendly way is together in a city, lets our big family be more beautiful

察隅县17182427910: 请高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文,很急,谢谢拉! -
畅锦丹香: 我的结束就是一无所有 一片空白 每个人都是瞎子 我想要一条新的路 开始美丽的生活 我曾经在该死的女同性恋里的世界疯狂 我再也不要这样... 过去已经愚蠢够了 我不打算继续自我伤害 来自我家里的所有爱可以足够支持我继续我的道路 其他的在...

察隅县17182427910: 谁能帮我把这段英语翻译成中文
畅锦丹香: 翻译如下: 你这个白痴,白痴,神经病,狂犬病!没有教养,如果你不听我的话,就滚吧!

察隅县17182427910: 请英语高手帮我把这段话翻译一下,这段话是某人在我空间里面的留言,请高手把我翻译一下!In fact, I have no matter what I hope you have a good, to tell you ... -
畅锦丹香:[答案] 事实上,我不介意告诉你真像,我承认,我真的没有勇气去解释,我能做的就只有这些.我是一个有没想的人,我知道也许你没有时间等我,或许,是属于别人的,但是我但是我答应你这是一定会做的,让我祝愿你有好的生活吧. 他写的很怪,有很多...

察隅县17182427910: 请帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,高手请帮忙,谢谢.
畅锦丹香: Many schools are now in the Ministry of Education assessment of undergraduate education, excellent and quality is currently the subject of much debate - many people and organizations are looking for new ways to promote excellence in our ...

察隅县17182427910: 急求帮忙: 请高手帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!!
畅锦丹香: His computer and telephone will be instralled by IT headquarter according to stated process and program. It will take at least 8 working days as I told you before. However, I have hurried them up for many times, and they also told me that they...

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