
作者&投稿:衷岸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
跪求 英语演讲稿(带翻译)!~

Protecting the Environment

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.
The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.


Today I want to introduce a famous basketball player to you. He is one of the best basketball players after Michael Jordan. Maybe he is the best. He has four final champitons of NBA. He has got MVP for all-star game, for season, and for playoff final match. Till now, he is always playing for the same team. The team is Los Angeles Lakers. Now you know who he is. Yes, the hero is Kobe Bryant.
After you know more about him, you will find he is not only a perfect player, but also a man of great honor. Thank you!
今天我想介绍一位篮球运动员给大家。他是乔丹之后最好的球员之一,或许是最好的没有之一。他夺得过4次NBA总冠军,当选过全明星赛、常规赛、季后赛总决赛的MVP。目前为止,他只为一支球队效力,那就是洛杉矶湖人。现在你们知道他是谁了吧。对,他就是科比布莱恩特。当你更多的了解他之后,你会发现他不仅是一个完美的球员,更是一个值得尊敬的人。 谢谢大家。


God give people the wisdom of the magic cube of symbol. The most common third-order rubik's cube, only need 30 times disrupted can achieve maximum of confusion, but if you want to restore it, besides using computer calculation, the fastest also want to 50 times. Each rubik's cube is only a kind of correct situation, but mistakes, but 4.3 x ^ 19 species 10.
But in recent years, China's numerous informal rubik's cube community are trying to change public opinion for rubik's cube. Rubik's cube is not only children toy, is also a kind of recreational way of relaxation and sport forms, plus more exciting and challenging racing, one-hand, blind twist rubik's cube etc play, more and more people are refocus the rubik's cube.
I think as long as serious do one thing, there will always be good result. My childhood home have a rubik's cube, but I've never had a play, a few months ago, I occasionally saw a rubik's cube competition, just want to learn, then contact with the next rubik's cube rubik's cube formula, I just know play six surface rubik's cube originally so simple, I usually also have no time, basically be the play at home and occasionally in the bus, I found this play is a good thing, and often you restore after a rubik's cube looked up, you will find a trunk people eyes were in your body:) slowly I also learn other rubik's cube skills and rubik's cube solution, more important, I met a lot of friends play rubik's cube, I found that many friends are playing rubik's cube of life rich fervor and very interesting people, and they gave me a lot of inspiration. I write this article reasons, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.
(below is some unnecessary some call what "sublimation" thing)
In my opinion, rubik's cube actually is not merely a kind of entertainment, but also a experience life, the way to experience.
If each rubik's cube condition for each person's life, some people have are perfect, some people seem very regular, like a rubik's cube of fancy, and some people look is cluttered, no aesthetic feeling and coherent whatsoever, but as rubik's cube reduction is same, no matter how messy, how difficult it is, there are always a few road, as reductive rubik's cube different algorithm is same, can gradually take life perfect.
As the speed reduction rubik's cube have fast or slow, some people may take a lifetime to restore their rubik's cube, while others are just a few seconds can put an orderly rubik's cube grasp the in hand, each find oneself satisfactory time is different, even someone cannot find, but as long as you grasped certain tips and method, everything will be solved.
As the blind twist is many demons PALS dream, can ease of life is also many people had always, but few would have thought of a life of ease behind and often arduous efforts and restrictive planning (as was blind to wring state of rubik's cube memory.
Many people are learned reduction after rubik's cube smug like try other aliens rubik's cube. Indeed, that is very handsome, but when they again picked up three order will find, hand speed has slowed, gimmick also become lazy, reduction of time required to also dramatically increased, it is like life many people in found life of a temporary refuge in comfort, after greed forgot with hard work, and finally nothing.
Small rubik's cube, in fact also contain a huge energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try the rubik's cube, you give rubik's cube is a unique opportunity to return you a rubik's cube world.
Remember a word: nothing in the world is to learn can't rubik's cube people so long as -- he has the patience -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- each hands can create the miracle

魔方 上帝赐予人们的智慧的象征。最平常的三阶魔方,仅仅需要30次的打乱就可以达到混乱的最大值了,但是如果要还原它,除了用电脑计算,人最快也要50次。每个魔方都只有一种正确的情况,而错误的情况,却有4.3×10^19种。
记住一句话:世界上没有学不会魔方的人 只要——他有耐心 ————————————————— 每一双手都能创造奇迹
Cube God gives wisdom symbol. The most common Cube, just need to disruption of 30 can achieve the maximum chaos, but if you want to restore it, in addition to computer calculation, were the earliest of 50 times. Each cube is only one correct situation, and the error condition, there are 4.3 × 10 ^ 19 species.
But in recent years, many of China's Cube community is working to change the informal public view for the cube. Cube is not just child's toy, but also a way to relax and sports competition in the form, along with more stimulation and challenge of racing, with one hand, tighten the cube so blind play, more and more people are again concerned about the cube.
I think as long to do their thing, there will always be a good experience. I grew up at home there is a cube, but I've never had to play out side, a few months ago, I occasionally see a Cube game, only to learn the next Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Cube and then exposed to the formula, I know to play the six sides Rubik's Cube that so simple, I usually have no time, mainly playing at home, occasionally playing on the bus, I found this is a very good thing, often you finish a Rubik's Cube looked up and restore, you will find a person's trunk eyes are on your body:) I have slowly learned to other skills and Rubik Cube Solution, but more importantly, I know a lot of play with Rubik's friend, I found many friends to play the cube and are very passionate about life Interestingly, they gave me a lot of inspiration. The reason I write this, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.
(Here is What some of these unnecessary "sublimation" thing)
In my opinion, it is not only a fun way of Rubik's Cube, it is an experience of life, experience life that way.
If the circumstances of each cube representing each person's life, some people have is perfect, and some people seem very regularly, like Rubik's Cube in the fancy, while others look is messy, mm No beauty and well-organized at all, but to restore the same as the Rubik's Cube, no matter how messy, how difficult, there are always couple of choices, just as various algorithms to restore the cube, as life can be gradually improved.
To restore the cube of the speed as fast or slow, and some people may take a lifetime to restore their own cube, and some people just ten seconds can be ordered into a cube in his hands, each person find their own satisfied with the time is different, and even some people can not find, but once you get some tips and methods, everything will work out.
Blind screw, as the dream of many faithful magic, you can ease off a full life is a lot of people hope, but few people think there is often a life of ease behind the hard work and demanding program (just as in the blind screw the state of the memory cube).
Many people learned to restore the cube after complacent Shaped like to try another cube. Indeed, that is handsome, but when they pick it up again when that order, hand speed had slowed down, the way has become very poor, reducing the time required to increase substantially, just as many people in life found a life in a temporary safe haven after the corruption in the comfortable and forget the hard work and efforts, and finally nothing.
Small cube, in fact, also contains enormous energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try to cube, cube you give a chance to give you a cube world.
Remember that word: There is no cube who can not learn - he hands each patient can be miracles -----------------

. Each rubik's cube is only a kind of correct situation, but mistakes, but 4.3 x ^ 19 species 10.
But in recent years, China's numerous informal rubik's cube community are trying to change public opinion for rubik's cube. Rubik's cube is not only children toy, is also a kind of recreational way of relaxation and sport forms, plus more exciting and challenging racing, one-hand, blind etc play, more and more people are refocus the rubik's cube.
I think as long as serious do one thing, there will always be good result. My childhood home have a rubik's cube, but I've never had a play, a few months ago, I occasionally saw a rubik's cube competition, just want to learn, then contact with the next rubik's cube rubik's cube formula, I just know play six surface rubik's cube originally so simple, I usually also have no time, basically be the play at home and occasionally in the bus, I found this play is a good thing, and often you restore after a rubik's cube looked up, you will find a trunk people eyes were in your body:) slowly I also learn other rubik's cube skills and rubik's cube solution, more important, I met a lot of friends play rubik's cube, I found that many friends are playing rubik's cube of life rich fervor and very interesting people, and they gave me a lot of inspiration. I write this article reasons, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.
(below is some unnecessary some call what "sublimation" thing)
In my opinion, rubik's cube actually is not merely a kind of entertainment, but also a experience life, the way to experience.
If each rubik's cube condition for each person's life, some people have are perfect, some people seem very regular, like a rubik's cube of fancy, and some people look is cluttered, no aesthetic feeling and coherent whatsoever, but as rubik's cube reduction is same, no matter how messy, how difficult it is, there are always a few road, as reductive rubik's cube different algorithm is same, can gradually take life perfect.
As the speed reduction rubik's cube have fast or slow, some people may take a lifetime to restore their rubik's cube, while others are just a few seconds can put an orderly rubik's cube grasp the in hand, each find oneself satisfactory time is different, even someone cannot find, but as long as you grasped certain tips and method, everything will be solved.
As the blind twist is many demons PALS dream, can ease of life is also many people had always, but few would have thought of a life of ease behind and often arduous efforts and restrictive planning (as was blind to wring state of rubik's cube memory.
Many people are learned reduction after rubik's cube smug like try other aliens rubik's cube. Indeed, that is very handsome, but when they again picked up three order will find, hand speed has slowed, gimmick also become lazy, reduction of time required to also dramatically increased, it is like life many people in found life of a temporary refuge in comfort, after greed forgot with hard work, and finally nothing.
Small rubik's cube, in fact also contain a huge energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try the rubik's cube, you give rubik's cube is a unique opportunity to return you a rubik's cube world.
Remember a word: nothing in the world is to learn can't rubik's cube people so long as -- he has the patience -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- each hands can create the miracle

Cube God gives wisdom symbol. The most common Cube, just need to disruption of 30 can achieve the maximum chaos, but if you want to restore it, in addition to computer calculation, were the earliest of 50 times. Each cube is only one correct situation, and the error condition, there are 4.3 × 10 ^ 19 species.
But in recent years, many of China's Cube community is working to change the informal public view for the cube. Cube is not just child's toy, but also a way to relax and sports competition in the form, along with more stimulation and challenge of racing, with one hand, tighten the cube so blind play, more and more people are again concerned about the cube.
I think as long to do their thing, there will always be a good experience. I grew up at home there is a cube, but I've never had to play out side, a few months ago, I occasionally see a Cube game, only to learn the next Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Cube and then exposed to the formula, I know to play the six sides Rubik's Cube that so simple, I usually have no time, mainly playing at home, occasionally playing on the bus, I found this is a very good thing, often you finish a Rubik's Cube looked up and restore, you will find a person's trunk eyes are on your body:) I have slowly learned to other skills and Rubik Cube Solution, but more importantly,
I know a lot of friends to play cube, play cube I found that many of my friends are passionate about life and very interesting people, they gave me a lot of inspiration. The reason I write this, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.
(Here is What some of these unnecessary "sublimation" thing)
In my opinion, it is not only a fun way of Rubik's Cube, it is an experience of life, experience life that way.
If the circumstances of each cube representing each person's life, some people have is perfect, and some people seem very regularly, like Rubik's Cube in the fancy, while others look is messy, mm No beauty and well-organized at all, but to restore the same as the Rubik's Cube, no matter how messy, how difficult, there are always couple of choices, just as various algorithms to restore the cube, as life can be gradually improved.
To restore the cube as fast or slow speed, and some people may take a lifetime to restore their own cube, and some people just ten seconds can be ordered into a cube in his hands, each person find their own satisfied with the time is different, and even some people can not find, but once you get some tips and methods, everything will work out.
Blind screw, as the dream of many faithful magic, you can ease off a full life is a lot of people hope, but few people think there is often a life of ease behind the hard work and demanding program (just as in the blind screw the state of the memory cube).
Many people learned to restore the cube after complacent Shaped like to try another cube. Indeed, that is handsome, but when they pick it up again when that order, hand speed had slowed down, the way has become very poor, reducing the time required to increase substantially, just as many people in life found a life in a temporary safe haven after the corruption in the comfortable and forget the hard work and efforts, and finally nothing.
Small cube, in fact, also contains enormous energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try to cube, cube you give a chance to give you a cube world.
Remember that word: There is no cube who can not learn - -----------------he hands each patient can be miracles

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居淑森得: Today I want to introduce a famous basketball player to you. He is one of the best basketball players after Michael Jordan. Maybe he is the best. He has four final champitons of NBA. He has got MVP for all-star game, for season, and for playoff final ...

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