今天,汤姆迟到了。 老师问:“你为什么每天都迟到?” 汤姆答:“这也不能怪我啊,我每天骑车要到学校

作者&投稿:索晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


那都是历战和历战王装备 你得打了对应的怪才有

Today, Tom was coming late.
The teacher asks :" why are you late every day "?
Tom answers :" this can not also blame me, I ride the carevery day to go to the school metropolis see a brand, write front school above, the vehicle is all right slowly .

There is a school in front of you .please drive slowly .

Today, Tom for being late. The teacher asked: "why are you late for school every day?" Tom said: "this can't blame me, I have to go to school by bike every day will see a sign, it writes" school ahead, vehicles slow! "

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大狐子诺百:[答案] Hello,everyone!I'm going to tell you a joke today. One day when Tom was going to school on foot, he found a sign board on ... “学校,慢行”.于是汤姆就慢慢腾腾地走,结果迟到了.老师问他迟到的原因,汤姆回 答说,“那块标识牌上说,要我走慢...

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大狐子诺百: Tom was always late to school. One day, his aunt, also was his teacher, asked him, "why were you always late?" "every time when I went to the corner, i saw the sign which said 'school slowdown!'"Tom answered.后面一个问题没看懂...

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大狐子诺百: 1:布道开始了,汤姆在下面玩耍他的一只黑甲虫,一只大狗进了讲堂,它和甲虫打了起来,后来一屁股坐在地上,甲虫蛰了它一下,大狗惨叫一声,在过道里乱跑,又跳到主人怀里寻求帮助,主人一把抓住它,扔到了窗外,教堂内一阵哄笑,...

大庆市18259175138: 老师想查明汤姆为什么上学迟到.翻译成英语.要有find out的词组 -
大狐子诺百:[答案] The teache wanted to find out why Tom was late for school. The teacher wanted to find out the reason why Tom was late for school.

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大狐子诺百: Today, I tell a joke to you. The teacher ask: why are you late for school every morning? Tom asked: every time I come to the corner, a sign says, "school-go slow".

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