英语作文,牛肉面的制作方法。 要用到像first,then,next,after than,这样的

作者&投稿:宠贸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

First wash and cut the beef into pieces, then heat it in the pot, blanch the bleeding water, skim the floating powder and take it out for standby. Then heat the pot with cold oil, saute ginger and garlic until fragrant, then stir fry the beef, a spoonful of bean paste, a little chili sauce and a large piece of rock sugar.
Add water without beef, boil over high heat and turn to medium heat for minutes. Then boil another pot of water to cook the noodles, take them out and spread them at the bottom of the bowl. Then pour the beef and soup on the noodles, cook two green vegetables, sprinkle some shredded green onions, and the beef noodles are finished.


The first will cook, tomato, red turnip sliced, onion cut into sections, garlic clap broken spare;
Boil a pot of water, cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand, will remove extrusion press cook until no blood out. Drain and set aside,
A pot of salad oil and incense in hot ginger garlic. Add the flank and stir constantly, gradually add hot bean sauce, soy sauce, make the flank coloring, peppery appear;
in the pan, add stock with slightly overshadowedall the flank shall prevail, and cut tomatoes, red white radish, octagon, Onions, rock sugar, halogen bag add to the soup, fire boil sludge except bubble, turn a small fire boil until the flank soft lousy ruwei namely for hungshau nyourou soup,
Will boil, add beef noodle soup, add chopped green onion, water-boiled vegetables, sour pickled cabbage, beef noodles. Serve.

  1. The first will cook, tomato, red turnip sliced, onion cut into sections, garlic clap broken spare;
2. Boil a pot of water, cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand, will remove extrusion press cook until no blood out. Drain and set aside,
3. A pot of salad oil and incense in hot ginger garlic. Add the flank and stir constantly, gradually add hot bean sauce, soy sauce, make the flank coloring, peppery appear;
4 in the pan, add stock with slightly overshadowedall the flank shall prevail, and cut tomatoes, red white radish, octagon, Onions, rock sugar, halogen bag add to the soup, fire boil sludge except bubble, turn a small fire boil until the flank soft lousy ruwei namely for hungshau nyourou soup,
5. Will boil, add beef noodle soup, add chopped green onion, water-boiled vegetables, sour pickled cabbage, beef noodles. Serve.



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1.The first will cook,tomato,red turnip sliced,onion cut into sections,garlic clap broken spare;2.Boil a pot of water,cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand,will remove extrusion press cook until no blood out.Drain and set aside,3.A pot of ...

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兰州牛肉面 要说兰州牛肉面,那在全国可是大名鼎鼎。面筋道,汤鲜美,谁吃了都叫好,就连那黄头发蓝眼睛的外国人都叫绝。今天,我不是要说哪家的牛肉面馆怎么着,我要说说这牛肉面馆里不知名的拉面人。拉面人把兰州汉子的特点全都表现出来了:他粗犷但不野蛮,精干而且热情。穿一身白衣,站在大锅前...

兰州牛肉面 要说兰州牛肉面,那在全国可是大名鼎鼎。面筋道,汤鲜美,谁吃了都叫好,就连那黄头发蓝眼睛的外国人都叫绝。今天,我不是要说哪家的牛肉面馆怎么着,我要说说这牛肉面馆里不知名的拉面人。拉面人把兰州汉子的特点全都表现出来了:他粗犷但不野蛮,精干而且热情。穿一身白衣,站在大锅前...

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费徐金抗:[答案] 1.The first will cook,tomato,red turnipsliced,onion cut into sections,garlic clap broken spare; 2.Boil a pot of water,cook the ... 转小火煮至牛腩软烂入味即为红烧牛肉汤; 5.将面条煮熟,倒入牛肉汤,加上葱花、烫青菜、酸菜,牛肉面即可食用.

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费徐金抗: 主料牛肉200g 辅料面粉适量鼠尾草籽适量老汤适量鸡蛋适量盐适量辣椒适量 步骤 牛肉面的做法步骤11.鸡蛋中加入少许盐,搅拌均匀. 牛肉面的做法步骤22.加入面粉. 加入鼠尾草籽. 牛肉面的做法步骤33.将其搅拌均匀,成为絮状. 牛肉面的...

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费徐金抗: This is a recipe for beef noodles first cut up the beef ,then,boil the noodles next,put salt,sauce,beef on the noodles.finlly,mix them all up.再加工一下就好了,纯手写啊

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费徐金抗: 牛肉面做法如下: Beef noodles are as follows: 1、Prepare the ingredients:800 grams of brisket meat, 4 tablespoons of bean paste, 1 tomato, 1 slice of onion ginger garlic, 150 grams of rape, 1 handful of coriander, 1 handful of pepper, 4 ...

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费徐金抗: 方法一: 肉燥面的做法: 1. 红葱头(洋葱)洗净剥皮切粒,倒入烧热的油锅炸至焦黄; 2. 肉绞碎一同炒香后,加酱油及调味料拌匀入味; 3. 加少许水烧开,用慢火炖煮一个钟头; 4. 面、豆芽、虾煮熟捞起沥干,淋下肉燥卤汁即可.方法二: ...

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费徐金抗: 引用Do you like beef noodles?I like it and I can make it . First ,we should check your ingredient .We need noodles,beef,tomatoes,salt,a teaspoon and a bowl . Next ,boil the noodles .wash the tomatoes and cut it up .Cut up the beef . After that ,take ...

山阴县19417428080: 谁能帮我写一篇介绍如何做一个美味的牛肉面的英语作文(写得好加分,要初二水平的)参考词汇:first,next,then,finally,vegetabies,beef slices,relish,hot ... -
费徐金抗:[答案] Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef . Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl . Then mix them up. Finally pour them into the bowl.

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