英语选择题 there be 句型!急求

作者&投稿:笪胃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6-10 BCBAC
11-15 BBDAD


There ____C___ a lot of traffic at this time of day ,so you'd better_______more carefulA. has,be B. have,been C. is,be D.are,are2. There___A____ some water in the cupA. is B.am C. are D. be3. ___A___there enough good news in today's newspaper?A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was4. How many people ___B___in your familyA. do you have B. are there C. you had D.there are5. There __A_____ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of themA. is B. are C. has D. have6. How many teachers___B___there in your schoolB. is B. are C. have D. has7. There___A___an apple tree near the riverA. is B. am C. are D. be8. There__D____ a talk about American country music in our school tonightA. will have B. is going to have C. is going to has D. will be9.There __A____anything new in today's newspaperA. isn't B. aren't C. hasn't D. haven't10. There___C___sheep in the fieldA. is small B. are much C. are a few D. are a little11. There are ___D___in the field .They are eating grassA. a horse B. much horse C. many horse D. many horses12. There is no rice in the bag CA. is it B. isn't it C. is there D. isn't there13. There __D____many trees here two years agoA. was B. is C. are D. were14. __A____? There are fiveA.How many boxes on the table B. What are those C.What's thisD. How many boxes are there on the table15.___D___on the tableA. The pen is B. There is the pen C. Pen is D. There has a pen16. There _A_____a new bed and an old desk in the roomA. is B. are C. have D.has17. There ___B___an important meeting tomorrowA. will have B.will be C. is going to have D. is going to has18.__D____many trees here three years agoA. There is B. There was C. There are D. There were19. There ___D___thousands of works in that oneA. am B. have C. be D. are20. There ___D___a lot more people in this room than in that oneA. is B. am C. have D. Are

1 D (nulk 应该是: milk 牛奶 ,不可数,用于单数)
2 没有正确选项,因为HOW MANY +可数名词复数,如果A B 是复数就对,不过根据句子 答案应该是B students 学生( 房间里有多少学生?)
3 D THERE BE 结构的一般将来时: There will be ; 或 There is going to be
4 C 同3
5 D
6 C 同3
7 B 同3
8 D SCHOOL 是单数
9 C 形容词修饰不定代词要后置。
10 C
11 A NEWS 不可数
12 B 就近原则 ( PENCIOL-BOX 是单数
13 B 就近原则( APPLE 是单数)
14 B

15 A
16 D ( LITTLE 几乎没有,表示否定)
17 A
18 C
19 B
20 B (根据IS THERE 可知)
21 A 否定句中用ANY
22 A
23 C
24 B ( 其它三个都是可数名词)


there not a call for you.

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开阳县15670245590: there be句型的用法 -
淳菁丹田: There be , 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”. There在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义. 1、概念:某地有某物 2、遵循就近原则(最靠近be动词的名词如果是单数或不可数名词,be动词用is;最靠...

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淳菁丹田:[答案] 比如说肯定句:there is an apple on the table否定句:there isn't an apple on the table.一般疑问句:Is there an apple on the table?回答:yes,there is./ No,there isn't特殊疑问句:what is there on the table...

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淳菁丹田: 你好, 为你解答,正确答案为:1 may 后面跟动词原形 is的原形是be 2 any用于否定,mail是单数,所以是isn't. 退一步讲,当mail是复数mails的时候,就变成aren't.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

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