求翻译一篇英文短文 速求谢谢~ Many years ago,when I was worki

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Many years ago when i was in high~


Taking part in charity is not just for grown- up people. Children can do it too! Melvin Sheppard, 14, an American student, has done charity work for eight years. He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.
Melvin studies at William Allen Middle School in Philadelphia. Recently, he collected $1,500 by himself and $487 from his classmates to donate to Cooper University Hospital.
Melvin was born nine weeks premature (早产) in Cooper University Hospital, weighing 2.6kg. His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he felt thankful to the hospital.
Melvin's classmates joined him as soon as they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Michael Berner, also held a class with them about helping others. “It wasn’t really about the money,” Berner said. “It was about the face that they were doing something good.”
“It is great, helping someone that I know,” said Jordan, Melvin's classmate. Melvin's neighbors also helped out.
Since Melvin was 8, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Gary E. Stahl, the head of Cooper's division of neonatology (新生儿科), went to Melvin's school to accept the money.
The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year. “When they leave, we call them graduates,” Stahl said, “We are pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family.”
【小题1】How old was Melvin when he started to do charity work?
【小题2】What caused Melvin to raise money for Cooper University Hospital?
【小题3】Did Melvin's teacher and classmates think his behavior was kind?
【小题4】 How many young patients get help every year?
【小题5】What can we learn from Melvin?


【小题1】He was six.
【小题2】Cooper saved his life, so he felt thankful to the hospital.
【小题3】Yes, they did. / Yes.
【小题4】About 500.
【小题5】We should help others.
答案解析: 试题分析:这篇文章通过讲述了Melvin的慈善行为,告诉我们不管是大人还是小孩都应该多做慈善,帮助他人。
【小题1】根据文章Melvin Sheppard, 14, an American student, has done charity work for eight years.可知,Melvin Sheppard在6岁的时候开始做慈善。故填He was six.
【小题2】根据文章His father told him how saved his life, so he felt thankful to the hospital.可知,Cooper救了他的生命,所以他很感恩医院。故Cooper saved his life, so he felt thankful
to the hospital
【小题3】根据文章Melvin's classmates joined him as soon as they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Michael Berner, also held a class with them about helping others.可知,Melvin的老师和学生认为他的行为是好的。故填Yes, they did. / Yes.
【小题4】根据文章The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year.可知,每年有大约500名年轻患者获得了帮助。故填About 500.
【小题5】从文章中Melvin的行为我们学到了:我们应该帮助他人。故填We should help others.

翻译:许多年之前,当我在医院作为一名自愿者的工作,我知道一个叫丽莎的小女孩。 这个穷的小女孩有很严重的疾病,并且死去了。医生都尽力了,但是真的无药可救。唯一救他的机会好像就是从她五岁的弟弟身上输血给她。小男孩之前也有同样的疾病,并且有了成熟的抗体来对抗疾病。医生告诉男孩他们打算怎么做,并且问他是否愿意把他的血给他的姐姐。我看见他迟疑了一阵子。他深呼吸,说:我愿意,如果能救姐姐的我都愿意。当输血时,小男孩静静地躺在姐姐旁边的床上。他看着姐姐,全程在微笑。当一切都完成,颜色回到他的妹妹的脸,他的笑容消失了,他看上去有点害怕。他抬头看着医生问,“我马上就要死了吗?“他太年轻了,不理解医生的话。他认为他会把所有的血给姐姐的,但是他同意了。


翻译: 许多年前,当我作为一个志愿者的工作(志 愿者)在医院,我认识了一个叫丽莎的小女 孩。这个可怜的小女孩有一个非常严重的疾 病和死亡。医生已经尽力了但没有药物真的 有效。拯救她的唯一机会似乎是血输液(输 血)从她五岁的弟弟。小男孩一样的病前有 成熟的抗体(抗体)来对抗疾病。医生告诉 我他们计划做的小男孩,问他是否愿意(愿 意的)给他的妹妹。我(迟疑)看到他犹豫 了一会儿。他深吸一口气,说,“是的,我若 能救丽莎做的。”当输血时,小男孩静静地躺 在姐姐旁边的床上。他看了看她微笑所有的 时间。当一切做颜色回到他的妹妹的脸,他 的笑容消失了,他看起来有点害怕。他看了 医生问,“我马上就要死了吗?“他太年轻理 解医生。他以为他会给他的妹妹,但他同意。


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