You can't break any school rule还是rules?

作者&投稿:尾崔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
以 rules at school 写一篇英语作文并且翻译~

Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middle school student we can't arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom. When you have nay questions in class, please put up your hands. We have to eat and drink in the dining room We have to clean our classroom every day. Don't leave school if you are not allowed(允许) . I wish you can obey (遵守)these rules. Thanks !
Recently,a debate about obeying school rules has been sparked. Firstly,school rules play an important role in helping students to behave well.As society develops,more and more teenagers like to follow the fashion,they dye hair,and dresses themselves in a strange way.So obviously,obeying school rules will be a good way to help out.And what's more, as we think we are matural enough to manage things independently,we ,of course,should treat it our duty to obey it.
I have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can't eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully. Because I have to learn many things from the teacher.I can't listen to music in class,and I have to keep every rule.I have to be quiet in classes.
In Chinese classes,I can't drink water and in English classes I have to do some reading.Oh,I can't stand these rules,but nobody can broken them.
After class,I can't fight with my classmate,and I can't run in the hallways.Oh,no!I can't talk loudly in the dining hall ,either.
I can't take the wet umbrellas to the school library.I can't be late for school.I must wear a school uniform.I have to clean the classroom after school.
What can I do?
Oh,I can't stand these rules.I don't like them at all!

will be punished.

英语中规则rule这个单词是可数名词。学校里的规则school rules很显然应该用复数形式。You can't break any school rules.意思是: 你不能破坏学校的任何规矩。

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