
作者&投稿:马侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、We have to shop around before deciding which church to join in.我们在决定加入哪个教会之前得调查研究一番。

2、I'm gonna join a package tour to banth Canada.我要去参加一个旅行团去banth加拿大。

3、Drag up a chair and join the conversation.把椅子拉过来,加入我们的谈话。

4、Join online translator directories.加入网上译者录。

5、And every few summers, we'd join the caravan.每隔几个夏天,我也会加入他们。

6、That inspired him to join a management training program.不过这也促使他参加了管理培训班。

7、Please join me in welcoming Secretary -former Secretary Henry Kissinger.请和我一起欢迎国务卿、前国务卿亨利·基辛格。

8、She tried to join the two pieces together.她设法把两块拼在一起。

9、He sent his son to join the army as soon as he reached eighteen.他儿子一满18岁, 他就送他参军了。

10、Organizers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march.组织者预计多达30万的抗议者参加这次游行。

11、We welcome guests from far and near to join us in the 2008 Olympics.我们欢迎五湖四海的朋友与我们一同参与2008年奥运会。

12、Hello, friend. Come to join in on the festivities?你好,朋友。来加入我们的狂欢吗?

13、someone who enlists workers to join a union.支持工人们联合起来的人。

14、It is a pity that he cannot join us in the travel.很遗憾,他不能参加我们的旅行了。

15、they hoped to join the NATO community.他们希望加入北约共同体。

英语造句 跪求!!!
Mum is in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房里。Mun is out for walking.妈妈出去散步了。Put the cup inside of the fridge.把杯子放进冰箱里。Put the cup outside of the fridge.把杯子从冰箱里拿出来。I'm on the way home.我在回家的路上。It's over 10 pm.现在超过晚上10点了。Put the dish...

I go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening.It's half past seven in the moring.I go to school at eight o'clock in the moring.

1. Our class begins at 3 o'clock.我们的课三点开始2.This wine was bought in 1980.这瓶葡萄酒是1980年买的。3. I shopped from 8 am to 6 pm yesterday.昨天我逛街从早上8点到下午6点。4.It's take two years' time to finish this project.这个工程耗时两年完成。5.Let's go for...

1. many people do not even have an opportunity to go to school.2. he has experience in teaching english.3. please get your homework done by next monday.he will get it done during the weekend.4. it is important to keep yourself healthy ...

by his cloth.不要以貌取人 programme:That programmes is very interesting .那个节目很有趣 day:What day is it today?今天是几号 middle:I sat in the middle row.我坐在中间那一排。end:I don't believe the year of 2010 is the end of the world.我不相信2010年是世界末日 ...

ring in one's ears造句
就我个人来说,我更希望在新年前夕和爱娃·布劳恩在一起,不过青菜萝卜各有所爱。l t stretches from the leaf base to the vascular ring in the stem axis.它由叶子基部的维管束延伸至茎轴的维管束。Above all, it analyze the sealing mechanism of o sealing ring in static and dynamic devices...

in exchange of造句 in exchange ofの例文 "in exchange of"是什...
It's difficult to see in exchange of in a sentence. 用 in exchange of 造句挺难的 Ka yong and his friend mak ying hong plan to rob chu lao ta the boss of mak ying hong of his *** uggled gold but fail . wai chu is caught by chu lao ta as hostage . ding kwok ...

以be buried in造句
你好,很高兴为您解答\\(^o^)\/~祝你学业有成 My mother is always buried in reading novels.我的妈妈总在埋头读小说

instroduce I can't instroduce me to stranger freely。(我不能自如的向陌生人介绍我自己)The shop assistant instroduce the thing's use.(售货员介绍了这件东西的用途)Gina introduce her new friend to me。(吉娜把她的新朋友介绍给了我)祝学习进步,O(∩_∩)O~~望采纳。

in school和at school的区别
at school和in school的区别只有一点,就是介词不同所表示的意思不同:1、in school表示在学校里面学习,强调主语的身份为学生,如:We study English in school.(我们在学校学英语)。2、at school表示在学校这个地点,如:My son was at school yesterday.(我儿子昨天在学校)。

双滦区19352656017: join造句字 -
况谭安络: please join us 请加入我们. Can you see the join in the coat? 你能看到衣服上的接缝吗? He joined us in the discussion yesterday. 他昨天参加了我们的讨论.

双滦区19352656017: join造句字写好请拧翻译 -
况谭安络:[答案] please join us 请加入我们. Can you see the join in the coat? 你能看到衣服上的接缝吗? He joined us in the discussion yesterday. 他昨天参加了我们的讨论.

双滦区19352656017: 用join造句,2个短点 -
况谭安络: I'II join them now.Do you join them?够短了吧

双滦区19352656017: join造句 宾从或定语从句 -
况谭安络:[答案] 宾语从句:I don't think joining the party is a good thing for every one. 我不认为入党对于每个人来说都是好事. 定语从句:He is my brother who has joined the party for five years. 入党五年的是我哥哥.

双滦区19352656017: 用join写个句子? -
况谭安络: would you like to join us in playing soccer ? ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

双滦区19352656017: 用造句 -
况谭安络: 1. We join in playing basketball. 我们参加打篮球. 2. We join in the team of red. 我们加入红队.

双滦区19352656017: 用join in造句,短一点的,要注明意思~不要用什么将来,过去时态,只用现在时态 -
况谭安络:[答案] I join them in the party.我加入他们的聚会. They joined the this company in 2011.他们在2011年进入公司(工作). We all joined in the dancing.我们都在一起跳舞. 格式是 join + 活动

双滦区19352656017: 用 join in 怎么 造句 -
况谭安络: Join in with us and take the risk. 来和我们一起冒这次风险吧.

双滦区19352656017: 关于join的短语有哪 -
况谭安络:[答案] join sb加入某人行列 join sth加入某个组织 join in sth参加某个活动 join sb. in sth/doing sth和某人一起作某事

双滦区19352656017: 用join in造句,短一点的,要注明意思~谢谢~ -
况谭安络: I join them in the party. 我加入他们的聚会. They joined the this company in 2011. 他们在2011年进入公司(工作). We all joined in the dancing. 我们都在一起跳舞. 格式是 join sb. in + 活动

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