
作者&投稿:欧蝶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、《When You Are Old》《当你老了》

When you are old and gray and full ofsleep


And nodding by the fire, take downthis book,


And slowly read, and dream of the softlook your eyes hado


And of their shadows deep?


How many loved your moments of gladgrace,


And loved your beauty with love falseor true;


But one man loved the pilgrim soul inyou,


And loved the sorrows of your changingface;


And bending down beside the glowing bars,


Murmur, a littlesadly, how love fled,


And paced upon the mountains overhead


And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.


2、《these things can never die》《这些美好不会消逝》

--Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯

The pure, the bright, the beautiful


That stirred our hearts in youth,


The impulses to wordless prayer,


The dreams of love and truth.



Windflowers, windflowers


My father told me not to go near them


He said he feared them always


And he told me that they carriedhim away


Windflowers, beautiful windflowers


I couldn'twait to touch them


To smell them I held them closely


And now l cannot break away


Their sweet bouquet disappears


Like the vapor in the desert


So take a warning, son


Windflowers, ancient windflowers


Their beauty capture every young dreamer


Who lingers near them


But ancientwindflowers, I love you


My Good Life In my good life, I want to eat some more food. I want to go to the moon. On the moon, we will have supper. From the moon, we will go to the sun by a rocket. In the world I want to go to my grandma and grandpa’s house. I play with my brother....

求一篇适合小学生6年级朗诵的英文诗歌。。内容不要有一点爱情的,朗诵诗 ...
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求适合朗诵的英文诗,有名一点,不用太长。注明作者谢谢... 求适合朗诵的英文诗,有名一点,不用太长。注明作者谢谢 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?田康胜bK 2009-02-28 · TA获得超过5422个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:781 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:975万 我...

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The Goodness of Life Though there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful. Though life’s goodness can at times be overshadowed, it is never outweighed.For every single act that is senselessly destructive, there are thousands more small, ...

适合初中生朗诵的英文版的诗、短文 2分钟左右能朗诵完
一长一短 Mother Machree 慈母颂 There’s a spot in my heart 在我心中有那么一隅,which no colleen may own; 任何少女也不能占据。There’s a depth in my soul 它埋在我灵魂的深处,never sounded or known; 我从不声张从不表露。There’s a place in my memory 在我的记忆里,my life...

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文学是一种语言艺术,诗歌又历来被视作文学的最高形式。学习英语诗歌不但有助于开阔视野,陶冶性情,而且对于英语学习有很大帮助。我精心收集了经典简单的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!经典简单的英文诗歌篇1 I Carry Your Heart with Me 我将你的心带上 I carry your heart with me 我将你的心带上 ...

优秀英文诗歌朗诵篇一 Whoever Loved That Loved Not At First Sight? by Christopher Marlowe It lies not in our power to love or hate,For will in us is overruled by fate.When two are stripped, long ere the course begin,We wish that one should love, the other win;And one ...

新建县13926637029: 请推荐一篇适合朗诵的,有激情,有意义的英文诗歌 -
惠古兰释: --Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯The pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,That stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的,The impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的,The ...

新建县13926637029: 问一下适合朗诵的英文诗歌有哪些? -
惠古兰释: 我认为最好的就是《世上最遥远的距离》啦我口语就是背的这个你自己看看吧《世界上最遥远的距离》-----泰戈尔The furthest distance in the world世界上最遥远的距离,Is not between life and death不是生与死But when I stand in front of ...

新建县13926637029: 求适合朗诵的英文诗歌带翻译 -
惠古兰释: Find the court cards One by one; Raise it, roof it, Now it's done; Shake the table! That's the fun.

新建县13926637029: 我要参加英语诗歌朗诵,谁能推荐几首适合朗诵的诗 -
惠古兰释: These things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝.再别康桥 徐志摩 Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the ...

新建县13926637029: 有没有什么适合朗诵的英文小诗? -
惠古兰释: 推荐这首,后面有中文意思:)~ There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his lusty Spring,when fancy clear Takes in all beauty with an easy span:he has his Summer,when luxuriously Spring's honeyed cud of youthful thought he loves to ...

新建县13926637029: 适合用英式英语朗诵的诗歌 -
惠古兰释: Mother Machree 慈母颂 There's a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There's a depth in my soul never sounded or known; 在我心中有那么一隅, 任何少女也不能占据. 它埋在我灵魂的深处, 我从不声张从不表露. There's a ...

新建县13926637029: 有哪些英文诗歌适于朗诵?简短优美,英汉对照,不要太难,1至2分钟左右如果有圣诞有关就更好了 -
惠古兰释:[答案] Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1923) --Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop ...

新建县13926637029: 哪首英文诗适合朗诵,在线等挺急的. -
惠古兰释: 致云雀 —— by Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱 Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. 你好啊,欢乐的精灵! 你似乎从不是飞禽, 从天堂或天堂的邻近, ...

新建县13926637029: 请为我推荐一首适合朗诵的英文诗我马上要参加北京市英语技能大赛决赛,但是目前还没有决定在才艺展示环节要朗诵的诗.请各位帮我推荐一些较为柔和但是... -
惠古兰释:[答案] I wandered lonely as a cloud 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 William Wordsworth That floats on high o'er vales and hills, 在山丘和谷地上飘荡, When all at once I saw a crowd, 忽然间我看见一群 A host, of golden daffodils; 金色的水仙花迎春开放, ...

新建县13926637029: 请大家推荐适合朗诵的一些英文诗歌 -
惠古兰释: THE MOST DISTANCE 世界上最遥远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end. 而是我就站在你面前It is when I sit near you 你却不知道我爱你 that you don't understand I love you. 世界上最遥远...

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