
作者&投稿:郴刘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


希望能帮助你 望采纳

One can just imagine the happiness it must have brought little Myles,and that being called a“good boy”meant the world to him

它带给小迈尔斯的快乐是超乎想像的, 只要说他是" 乖孩子 " 他就歓天喜地.

Object-oriented computer industry is the focus of concern, it is the 1990s, the mainstream of software development methods. Traditional software development methods with poor software reuse. and the development of software maintainability of the software can not meet user needs and many other issues. Object-oriented solutions to the deficiencies in this area, object-oriented development is a way of thinking. is a system of analysis, design and programming of the integrated approach. The concept and application of object-oriented programming and software development beyond the expansion to a very wide scope. If the database system, interactive interface, application architecture, application platforms, distributed systems, network management architecture, CAD technology. artificial intelligence and other fields. Object-oriented thinking has been involved in various aspects of software development. For example, Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA, Object Oriented Analysis) Object-Oriented Design (OOD, Object Oriented Design). and we often talk about object-oriented programming (OOP. Object Oriented Programming). In this paper the characteristics of the object-oriented method is extremely simple, OOP in VB game development through the application of object-oriented to the application in the computer field for interpretation references.

关键字:Object-oriented, object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, object-oriented programming category, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation,


Object-oriented is the current computer care key point, it isthe 90's software method of exploitation mainstream. The traditionalsoftware method of exploitation has software which the softwareentrusting with heavy responsibility difference, the softwaremaintainability is bad as well as develops not to be able to satisfythe user to need and so on the various question. The object-orientedmethod has solved this aspect deficiency, the object-orienteddevelopment is one thinking mode, is one kind carries on the analysis,the design and the programming complete method to the system. The object-oriented concept and the application had surmounted theprogramming and the software development, expands to the very widescope. If the database is systematic, the interactive contact surface,the application structure, applies the platform, the distributionalsystem, domain and so on network management structure, CAD technology,artificial intelligence. The object-oriented thought already involvedeach aspect which developed to software. Like, the object-orientedanalysis (OOA, Object Oriented Analysis), the object-oriented design(OOD, Object Oriented Design), as well as we frequently saidobject-oriented programming realization (OOP, Object OrientedProgramming). The present paper opposite carries on the simple introduction to theobject method extremely characteristic, oppositely develops throughthe object-oriented thought at the VB game the utilization to carry onthe elaboration to the object in computer domain applicationsituation.

Be geared to the needs of marriage partner is current computer boundary regard priority , it is the nineties software exploitation method main current. The tradition software there is existing software many-sided problem such as putting nature difference , the software in an important position but defending nature difference as well as the software developing out can not satisfy the consumer need in exploitation method.This aspect defects be geared to the needs of marriage partner method has been resolved, be geared to the needs of marriage partner exploitation is one kind of mode of thinking , is one kind of the method carrying out analysis , design and programming on system entirely. The be geared to the needs of marriage partner concept and application already have exceeded preparing a software developing , expand to very broad range.If Database , interactive are dyadic, the interface, applies structure , applies fields such as platform , distributed system , network administration structure , CAD technology , artificial intelligence. Be geared to the needs of marriage partner thought already deals with each development software aspect.Analyse (OOA , Object Oriented Analysis) if, be geared to the needs of marriage partner, be geared to the needs of marriage partner design (OOD, Object Oriented Design), and the be geared to the needs of marriage partner programming that we often say come true (OOP , Object Oriented Programming).
Come the characteristic to carry out a thesis on be geared to the needs of marriage partner extremely to be geared to the needs of marriage partner method in the condition applying in computer field expounding applying carrying out simple introduction , hitting the target by the fact that be geared to the needs of marriage partner thought develops in VB game.
Key words: Much state of be
geared to the needs of
marriage partner be geared
to the needs of marriage
partner analysis be geared
to the needs of marriage
partner design be geared to
the needs of marriage
partner programming kind
succession nature packages

computer 卡母皮有特

计算机用英语怎么说 计算机翻译成英文

计算机的英语computer,读音是英 [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)];美 [kəmˈpjuːtər] 。n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机 [ 复数 computers ]短语 Computer Virus [计] 计算机病毒 ; 电脑病毒 ; 计较机病毒 ; 盘算机病毒 analog computer 模拟计算机 ; 模拟...

在英语中,电脑的通用名称为“computer”,发音为\/k_m_pju_t_r\/,其中,“com”发\/k_m\/的音,“pu”发\/pju_\/的音,“ter”发\/t_r\/的音。如果需要描述电脑的种类或品牌,还需要根据具体的名称进行发音。例如,“Macbook”发\/m_k b_k\/的音,“ThinkPad”发\/θ__k p_d\/的音,等等。

英语翻译 常用文具的英语怎么说
纸张:paper 橡皮:eraser 小刀:knife 日记:diary 贴纸:stickies 尺子:ruler 墨水:ink 计算器:calculator 胶水:glue 订书器:stapler 图钉:drawing pin 计算尺slide rule 圆珠笔 ball point pen 自来水笔(fountain) pen 光笔highlighter 头笔permanent marker 水性笔roller ball pen 白板笔whiteboard ...

电脑的英语表达为:computer 一、音标: 英 [kəm'pjuːtə(r)]     美 [kəm'pjuːtər]二、意思:电脑,计算机,电子计算机 计算器,计量器 计算者,计算员 三、词语搭配:operate a computer 使用计算机 program a computer 编制计算机程序 turn off a...


Computer (computer) is the original meaning of "calculator", that is to say, human invention of the computer will initially aim is to help tackle complex digital computing. While the concept of this artificial calculator, the earliest can be traced back to the 17th century French ...

读音:英 [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] ;美 [kəmˈpjuːtər]n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机 短语 personal computer 个人电脑 ; 个人计算机 ; 人计算机 ; 人电脑 Computer Virus [计] 计算机病毒 ; 电脑病毒 ; 计较机病毒 ; 盘算机病毒 Computer ...

计算机组人员值勤期和飞行时间 英文翻译 Computer crew's duty period and flight time

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机英语(邱仲潘著书籍) - 搜狗百科
储刷安塞: computer English translation 计算机 英语 翻译

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机英语里翻译成什么合适 -
储刷安塞: 计算机俗称电脑(computer) 如果是计算器的话(calculator)

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机用英语怎么说啊 -
储刷安塞: computer对吧

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机英语 翻译!
储刷安塞: 为了让数据包通过网络能从一个资源传送到目的地,让所有网络设备用相同的语言或协议是很重要的.一个协议就是一系列的规定, 让网络的通讯更有效率.比如,一个飞行员在飞行时,一定要遵守特殊的规定,以便于和其他的飞行员能够及时的沟通和良好的空中交通管制.一个数据通信的协议就是一套规章或一个协定,这个协定决定了数据的传输格式. 大三学了 计算机专业英语,希望对你有帮助!

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机英语翻译 the instructions are numbers of the binary system,in a special format that is unique -
储刷安塞:[答案] 这个程序是把二进制系统中的数字用一种独一无二的特殊格式(排列组合而成).

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机英语与一般英语有什么区别 -
储刷安塞: 计算机英文其实要简单一点,学习计算机的时候最好使用英文教材,因为大部分中文教材都是翻译过来的,在理解方面会有差异.用英文教材直接学习刚开始的不懂没有关系,就硬着头皮看,主要动手操作,多做练习就自然而然明白了,没有必要知道具体中文什么意思,因为编程也是用英文写. 如果实在想知道中文的解释,建议买一本英汉双解微软计算机辞典,解释的还比较确切.

岢岚县14789765723: 我不熟悉这种计算机英语翻译 -
储刷安塞:[答案] 答案是:I am not familiar with this kind of computer ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~

岢岚县14789765723: 英语翻译“计算机是人们现在主要的办公工具”如果这句话翻译成英文的话,“计算机”用复数形式还是单数形式(若单数可以,需不需要加冠词)? -
储刷安塞:[答案] 都可以 The computer,the+名词表示一类

岢岚县14789765723: 计算机英语翻译
储刷安塞: 下面是第二第三段: 重要的是要认识到,并不是所有的计算机都有的操作系统.在计算机控制微波炉在您的厨房,例如, does't需要perating system.It了一套相对简单的任务来执行,很简单的输入和输出的方法(键盘和LCD屏幕) ,以及简单...

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