
作者&投稿:锺沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用英文介绍一位你最喜欢的明星 简短一些 40或60个字左右 要有中文翻译~

My favourite star is Leslie Cheung。He is a really kind person,he was used to helping others and he was always polite。Athough he is a gay,but he never give up his friend Tong。They fell in love with each other when Leslie was 26,and that time ,Tong is only 24. They live with each other for 20 years。when Leslie was gone .Tong still stay in the house that he lived with Leslie.I'm sure he love Leslie very much.And I believe that they can keep their love for ever.
我最喜欢的明星是张国荣,他是一个很好的人,他经常默默帮助别人,并且为人很礼貌。虽然他是一个gay ,但是他从来不放弃自己挚爱的朋友唐先生。26岁的张国荣和24岁的唐先生相爱,并且相互依存生活了20年。当张国荣去世了,唐先生依然住在那个他们曾经住过的房子。我确定他很爱张国荣,并且我相信他们会永远坚守他们的爱情。

 I Like MusicI believe everybody has their own hobby. Different people have different hobbies. For me, my hobby is music. I like music very much. It is magical for me. It gives me the sense of happiness. It can make me happy when I am sad. I will listen to music every day. I listen to it on my way home and school, before fall asleep in bed and eat. Sometimes I will try to sing songs.

Michael Jackson,musician,dancer,philanthropist,humanist,pacifist,founder of charity。


Michael Jackson has a persistent,meticulous spirit of dedication,a desire for peace and love of humanity,no ethnic boundaries,only the thinking of all mankind。



1984年,Michael Jackson凭借代表作品《Thriller》以及收录其中的《Beat It》在第26届格莱美获得包括“年度最佳摇滚男歌手”、“年度最佳流行男歌手”“年度最佳唱片”等在内的八项大奖,成为“年度格莱美获得奖项最多的个人”。

截止至2000年,Michael Jackson通过现金捐助、静默拍卖等形式支持过全球共计39个慈善机构,他为非洲赈灾所创作的歌曲《we are the world》至今传唱,是“支持慈善机构最多的艺人”。

Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany – April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey) was a theoretical physicist. He was the formulator of the special and general theories of relativity. In addition, he made significant contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics. While best known for the Theory of Relativity (and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2), he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905 (his \"wonderful year\" or \"miraculous year\") and \"for his services to Theoretical Physics\". For his many contributions, Einstein is widely regarded as one of the greatest physicists who ever lived.In popular culture, the name \"Einstein\" has become synonymous with great intelligence and genius
Robert Pattinson, the star of the Twlight film franchise, has been named one of the most powerful celebrities in the world after appearing on the Forbes list for the first time.

The 24-year-old, who plays the vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga films, has earned an estimated £11 million in the last year alone.

Pattinson has been ranked 50th on the Celebrity 100 Power List, while his US girlfriend and co-star Kristen Stewart is at 66 with £7.95 million


1.路易·奥古斯特·布朗基:1805年2月1日生于距尼斯约五十公里的小县城普格德尼(阿尔卑斯山——滨海省)。法国早期工人运动活动家,革命家,空想社会主义者,巴黎公社的传奇人物,巴黎公社议会主席。在《藉星永恒(L'eternité par les astres)》(1871)中设想多元的平行世界,构成一种不可思议的永恒。

1.So call hero,bandit or criminal,are only interpretations from different angles.所谓英雄、匪徒或罪犯,只是站在不同的角度.2.A hero is known in the time of misfortune.时势造英雄.3.No man is a hero to his valet.在最贴身的人眼中,谁也充不了伟人.4.A hero only appears once the tiger is ...


姓名:布鲁斯·戴维森 性别:男 英文名:Bruce Davison 出生年:1946年 生日:6月28日 星座:巨蟹座 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 职业:演员 身高:185cm 姓名:河智苑 组合成员:性别:女 原名:全海琳 英文名:Jeon Hae Rim 出生年:1979年 生日:6月28日 星座:巨蟹座 国籍:韩国 地域:亚洲 职业:...

明星1 每一位如星般散发着光芒的伟人,都是历经人生中无数困窘,在冷嘲热讽中,逐渐将生命发扬光大,捉住梦想的踪影。我心目中的偶像,是不畏艰苦,承受无数摧残,仍然是夜里耀眼的星。我的偶像,是现今家喻户晓的歌手--周杰伦。在求学阶段,他曾被老师们误会为一位有学习障碍的学生;然而,他也靠...

废话 当然是前者 因为崇敬和喜欢是不同的 后者只能喜欢 而前者只能崇敬 至于那几百字 你还是自己搜吧~


所以说,“崇拜明星”并不是一件十恶不赦之事,只是看当事人如何正确地对待,不去过度地沉迷于其中罢了。 请给我 关于崇拜的伟人的作文 望着这个题目,一下子,我有些茫然。长这么大,我崇拜的人太多了,如:女英雄刘胡兰,代父从军的花木兰,伟大领袖 *** ……但是最崇拜的,哎!思绪不停地在脑中翻滚,我不停地回...


生日在6月26日的明星伟人有 夏尔·梅西耶 夏尔·梅西耶(又译梅西尔、梅西叶,1730年6月26日-1817年4月12日)法国天文学家。他的成就在于给星云,星团和星系编上了号码,并制作了著名的“梅西耶星团星云列表”。2.威廉·汤姆森 威廉·汤姆森(William Thomson),第一代开尔文男爵(1st Baron Kelvin)...

武鸣县18378205974: 用英语介绍 一位伟人 不用太多字 比如介绍亚历山大 或者苏格拉底
藏秒昆明: Socrates life with lofty ideals, he is our example! Facing death, he had no fear! This spirit is worth learning! 这是回答!希望采纳! 谢谢!!

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藏秒昆明: Madame Curie 居里夫人 Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. She worked very hard and ...

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藏秒昆明:[答案] These are contemporary `` ` 任长霞百姓心中一座丰碑人物简介:河南省登封市公安局局长,在执行任务中殉职的女警官她是中原大地上的又一个女英雄. Ren Changxia a monument to the hearts of the people profiles: Dengfeng City, Henan Province ...

武鸣县18378205974: 用英文描述一位历史伟人不用太长 一个小短文即可 最好是著名的历史伟人 我周一就需要 -
藏秒昆明:[答案] Qin Shi Huang (Chinese:秦始皇; pinyin:Qín Shǐhuáng; Wade-Giles:Ch'in Shih-huang) (259 BCE – 210 BCE),personal name Ying Zheng (Chinese:嬴政; pinyin:Yíng Zhèng),was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BCE to 221 BCE during ...

武鸣县18378205974: 英语作文写一篇短文介绍你最喜欢的名人(不少于60词)明天就要越快越好 越快就有加分 -
藏秒昆明: there are many famous people in China. but i like LeiFeng best. because he is very helpful.he is glad to help anyone. when someone can not solve the problem, Leifeng will go to help him. when one has no pens to write homework, he will give him his...

武鸣县18378205974: 急求关于名人或者明星的英文小短文,小学的,拜托 -
藏秒昆明: Thomas Edison lost his first job.For the next five years he went around the country from job to job.At last Edison went to New York.He had little money.He could not buy enough food to eat.He had no place to sleep. For many days Edison looked for ...

武鸣县18378205974: 介绍一位名人的英语作文 40字左右 带翻译 -
藏秒昆明: Martin Luther King, Jr. is a black churchman who lived in the 1900s. Negroes were thought to be bad at that time. Born in 1929, Martin Luther King had a dream to change his fortune. He gave lots of speeches about the right of negroes as well as ...

武鸣县18378205974: 一段名人英文简介关于明星或者名人的 英语 120字左右 高一学生的水平 这是一个开放式作文 -
藏秒昆明:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven ( Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770.12.16 - 1827.03.26 ), male, a German composer, pianist, conductor. One representative of Vienna classical music. He has composed 9 Symphonies, the fir...

武鸣县18378205974: 写关于名人的英语作文 100字左右 -
藏秒昆明: Thomas Edison was born in 1847, and died in 1931. When he was a child, he was always trying out new ideas. When he was five years old, one day his father saw him sitting on some eggs. He asked his father,"Hens are able to have chicks. Why ...

武鸣县18378205974: 名人介绍的英语文章 -
藏秒昆明: Thomas Alva Edison"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many ...

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